Last November time they held interviews in London, Edinburgh and Dublin I think, however in March there were 2 dates in London so who knows hehe. Wherever it is have fun and enjoy's an exciting day! xKx
well i got an email saying i was through to the 'phone interviews,and i had to email back with dates that i will be available to speak to them - mine is on Wednesday 27th September at 11am!! wahoooooo!!!! very exited!!!! ;D oooohhh,thats interesting about the interviews being in Edinburgh ..... maybe il get mine there (if i get through the phone interview that is!! fingers crossed!!) would be fun to go to London but it would mean me taking at least 2 days of work,and then paying for flights down from Inverness,staying in a hotel etc etc etc - ive never been to London before!!!!!!! we shall wait and see!!!!!
Lora - can you give me some inside info on what your 'phone interview was like?? how long was it between that and them telling you that you had got in to the F2F??? Maybe if i get thru (fingers and toes crossed!!) we will have our F2F at the same time?! x
phone interviews are ok as long as your nice and smile while ur talking and take time to learn about where u are because they ask. But as long as you want to get it and you are willing to go through t you will be fine a lot of people out here are v passionate about it all so if u have that attitud u will be fine!!
:'( I applied on 6th August and I've still only had the acknowledgement. I can't stand all this waiting. Anyone else been waiting this long? I know they said 8-10 weeks, but from this thread it doesn't seem like everyone else is waiting so long. Btw, get a copy of Disney Mania 3 or 4, it's really funny but surprisingly cool if you like Disney music. Richard
I sent mine at a similar time and also got the response, but mine said 'several weeks' - I'm a little worried I've not even got through to a telephone interview seen as it seems everyone else is getting them already :-\
I had to resend my application in the end as a few weeks in I didn't even get the standard response, so I sent again in August and immediately got that response. No idea what happened there! I've got a telephone interview next week. Sometime between Tuesday and Friday, it's not been narrowed down quite yet so we'll see what time I end up with. I'm actually looking forward to it. I never have a problem smiling when talking about Disney to people!
I'm now waiting to hear whether i'm through to face to face in November. They said they'll let me know some time in October so fingers crossed that it's soon. This waiting is driving me mad! Is anyone else waiting to hear whether they're through to face to face? Good luck evry1!!! Rach x
You had your telephone interview then? (How was it??) Ive got mine this sat and i wondered how long they take to tell you after that?
when i had mine they told me over the phone that they wanted me for the F 2 F interviews,and they sent me an email to confirm that aswell that afternoon,so i guess they will tell you the same way,dont see why not!!! good luck for saturday,its really nothing to worry about! what program have you applied to do?? xx
I had the same thing. Got my phone interview a few days ago and was told on the phone I was invited to the F2F section. I got the email with the info and replied to it. November 9th in Glasgow!
hi, im new here! ive got my interview in glasgow on the 9th of november too! i applied in march, had my phone interview in july, its been a long wait!
think thats 4 of us for glasgow so far then!!!!!! yikes,im a bit nervous i have to say!!!!!!!! where are we all coming from??? im miles away - north west highlands!!!! about 70miles from Inverness!!!! i am the original red-neck hillbillie!!!!
im really nervous too,i really want to go! im from stirling so i dont have to far to travel!! im glad the interviews arent in london, saves me lots of money (on travel and the amount i would spend shopping!) should i be worried that i havent had the rest of the interview details from yummy? im scared that my email didnt get there!
I got through to face to face!!!!!!!!!!I'm a bit worried tho because Michele called to see if i had got the invitation through email but haven't as yet. Is anyone on here going to the london interviews on November 8th? Would be really good if any one was travelling from the midlands as i just know i'm going to get lost! Rach x
hey fiona, i assume you mean your worried that they havent got your confirmation of attendance to the F2F??? i would email them again and let them know that you will be going and say that you already emailed them but havent recieved the list of what to bring!!!!!! i got the email the day after my phone interview. all you have to take is: 3 photo copies of the photo page of your passport your actual passport (or other photo ID) 1 copy of your birth certificate your actual birth certificate a bank/credit card statement (to confirm your home address) up to date copy of your CV and a black ink pen to fill out all the paper work!!!! and thats it!!!!!!! the email is just that list and directions to the college,start times etc but i would send them another email just to be sure they know your attending!!!!! If you get in,when would you be planning on heading out to Florida??? If it all goes ok for me i hope to head out late Feb/early March 2007!!!!!! see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!! (SO EXITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!) XX Kerry XX
Rach i know what you mean about getting lost in London - im so stressed about it if we have to travel to the embassy there to sort out our visas etc - i will end up in the totaly wrong place or get the wrong flight down or something!!!!!!!!! but i guess it will all be good practise for the journey to Orlando!!!!!!! You think they would put all of us UK people on the same flight out?? or at least have us all arrive there in the same week??? im worried that il arrive there and be the "new girl" both in my house and in the job!!!! EEEKKKK!!!! X Kerry X