U.K January 2010 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    oooo, not good!

    how bout just the simple stuff like hot water with lemon and honey?

    heard thats supposed to be good
  2. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    echinacea wirks wonders on a sore throat so it should help bring back some of your voice ... its a natural herb too so not risky or anything.. hot water and lemon works just make sure you dont burn your throat.
  3. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Thanks for tips i will be drinking as much as possible...I have until wednesday so fingers crossed!!
  4. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    dont speak until then
  5. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Whatever you do, don't opt for the strepsil type things until the last moment. They numb your throat so you can make it worse without realising. If it's still painful come the performance, feel free to have them then, numb yourself so you can sing, but be prepared to be worse the next day. I've survived choir tours with sour throats doing that. :D
  6. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Geezzzzzzzz seems like an age since I last post here! So here I am again! For those of you that don't know me I'm Tori, 20 and from Northampton and its going to be my second attempt at applying shortly. Since last app season I've been busting my ass holding down a 9 - 5 office job, a part-time bar job and am soon to be pulling shifts at subway (a friend's the manager of the local branch), starting to see why I've not been online recently? :p

    How's everyone else been doing?
  7. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Hi Black Cat,

    Im Laura and Im 23 years old from Rayleigh, Essex!

    Whoa! Sounds like you have been a busy bee.

    I have been ok recently. Im currently looking for new job. At the mo Im a Data Entry Clerk in Hammersmith which is 9-6!

    If I do apply for CRP, it will be the third time. First time I passed the phone interview and had a f2f but got no further then 2nd time i did not even get to the phone interview stage. :(
  8. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    P.S. Black Cat sounds like you have a good chance with all your working at pub and Subway :D
  9. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Well with any luck, there will be more of us lot to get through this next time round! Was so gutted when I didn't get it last time (was on holiday) and even more nervous this time round as when we would be due to hear about whether we get phone interviews is very close to my 21st! So could make for a very interesting birthday!

    Lol I really hope so as the combination of office job & pub is killing me! Let alone throwing Subway into the mix shortly!!!

    I just keep telling myself that it'll all be worth it if I get the job. Turst me, working till close & cleaning up (usually get out about 1am/2am during the week and being up for work the next day at 7, just to start it all again is not fun!!!!
  10. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Ouch! Sounds like you have a long day there. I thought I had it bad as Im up at 6 to commute to London Mon-Fri work 9-6 then get home about 8.

    I really hope that a lot more of us get through too. ;D
  11. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Lol sounds like long days all round! But with any luck, it'll all pay off sooner or later :)
    I keep trying to forget about all this (tried to put the idea of it behind me and move on with ''normal'' life, but it keeps dominating every thought), so thought I'd give it at least one more go, roll on January!
  12. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    hi tori nice to meet you i am natalie im from littlehampton .. have we met before ;) :D
  13. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Natalie? Name sounds familiar? Maybe we could have met at WDW Derby? Anyway nice to meet you :p:p:p
    Collin & I are looking forward to Fridayyyyyyy! Gonna be ace!! Sorry for not replying to you on FB, work have blocked it and haven't actually been at home for anything other then sleeping or eating recently!!
  14. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Theres no harm in applying again I say. Have to be in it to win it!! ;D

    Roll on January I say too! :D
  15. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    Oh yeh WDW derby now tht was a awesome hoilday ... yehh i no i cant wait its guna be a goood weekend .. wooo .. ah lame ur work sucks lol we can finish our video this weekend im sure theres plenty of scummy locations round this area haha
  16. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Hey Everyone

    I'm Lucy from surrey second time applying too. All i think is the more you work now the greater the chance of getting through it will all be worth it one day. And even if we don't get throguh think of all the mazing work exsperience you will have on your CV lol. ;D
  17. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    i have one job and cant get another one :( i wanna do like one day a week in a restaurant or summat
  18. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    and im just lazy and cant be doing with more than one job lolll.
    still need to look into a restaurant job one day a week or sumthing.

    and if we dont get thru again, i just say we all bombard the headquarters when the next interview are and beg for a place lol
  19. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    u are lazy booo to youuu :D
  20. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    I actually heard about someone who thought it was unfair he did not get a phone interview....when he rung up yummy jobs asking what he did wrong they decided they would give him a chance and gave him a phone interview and i think he ended up getting thorugh all the stages!!!

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