U.K January 2010 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

  2. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

    Woop Woop McDonald's is where IT's at! LOL! We're so cool, that we can cook a Big Mac! It's a skill, really!

    So I should apply on the 1st of Jan at 9am? If I applied like the next day I will be fine?
  3. Mallz

    Mallz New Member

    You run the apprenticeship programme, how big is your store?

    One of our first assitants runs the programme, we're the busiest store in the North East :/

    got our FOR tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, i'm on till all day which will be ok though

    totally branched off the conversation here haha

    and whoop, we CAN make big macs.

    Loads of people were still applying in August like for 2 weeks i think.
  4. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Well i'm starting it went on a training course last week and am going to start the programme in about 2 weeks. We are a 2 story store not that big but by station so very busy.....would u believe i've not been trained in the kitchen yet they don't want to move me off tills hahaha i passed my SOC by just watching them in the kitchen lol!!! And i'm going to apply on the 1st of January two!!!....Can't Wait ;D
  5. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    When I applied for the August round, I sent my application in in March (on a bit of a whim, I didn't realise there were specific recruiting times). I just got an email saying they wouldn't be reviewing new applications til August.

    When August came around I got an email out of the blue for my phone interview, so I don't think it matters how early you apply, they'll still get to you. Think they just stick it on a pile and don't read it till applications open hehe.
  6. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    I suspect they like having some before applications open. They probably do read them a little early, or at least do the preliminary scan to see if it's worth reading them. Just think how many applications they'd have to go through, and then imagine trying to read them all in just under 2 weeks?! It'd be crazy!!
  7. XSusieX

    XSusieX New Member

    Hi :)

    I was just wondering about the Summer International Programme and what this was like?Also I was hoping to travel afterwards if I was lucky enough to get picked, is this possible? :)

    Thanks for any help :D Im from the UK.
  8. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    The summer program, or the ICP, is only open to university students. You also have to be heading back to uni afterwards. So travelling after that program isn't an option, partly due to those reasons and partly due to the fact that your visa is only valid for the time you work on this program.
    If, however, you choose to try for the CRP (Cultural Representative Program), it's open to anyone, and is for 12 months. You do get a 13th month (30 days) after the end of your visa to travel anywhere in America.
  9. grooveyem

    grooveyem New Member

    Sorry VikkiLillyBee, but my friend did the ICP and she wasn't going back to uni. You have to either be in uni or have graduated in the last 2 years I think. And she did get 30 days on her visa to travel (jealous much :p).

    There is a whole discussion board for the ICP like, I'm sure they'd all be able to tell you a lot more than us, Susie :).
  10. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    I thought one of the conditions of the ICP was that you had at least another term left. The program for those that've graduated in the last 2 years was the J1 academic, which they've currently discontinued.
  11. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    It used to be a condition, but now you can go the summer you graduate. You also get 30 days to travel in the USA after - if you go into Canada you have to come back in on a Visa Waiver. If you get termed or leave your job, you have to be out of the country in 24 hours (if you can't you have to talk to various scary people I think!)

    Hope this helps Susie :)
  12. kazmanatee

    kazmanatee New Member

    Just had a catch up on what I've missed!! Seems alot of people are starting to sort out C.Vs? I had the same today, was trying to get it into some sort of order... think we all just need to make sure we highlight the best parts but not make it too long... I've been helping with interviewee selections at my current workplace, and anyones cv that is over 2 pages they aren't even bothering with.....

    Seems we all have a different mix of work experience - am getting so excited now though!!! I reckon that I wont get through first time though, cause it seems to be more common to be accepted second time around?
  13. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

  14. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    OMG!!!! DECEMBER!!!!.....Who opened their advent calenders this morning ;D
  15. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    i diddddddddddddd :D i got a cwisttmas treee :D hehe
  16. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    christmas cracker for me it tasted gooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddd!!!!!
  17. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    lol they do dont they? they always taste nicer than normal chocolate hehe and plusss t acts as a countdown until applications :)
  18. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

    I always find the chocolate in advent calenders horrible! It's cheap, ming chocolate! Me no gusta :( But the are going to be quite good countdown calenders, with a Christmas feel! LOL!
  19. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    The chocolate is only bad if you buy a calander that is endorsed by somthing e.g. winnie the pooh or high school musical....if you buy one by a choclate company thorntons or cadbury it taste good ....I have a cadbury one!!!! ;D ;D ;D AHHHH I'm so excited!!!
  20. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    well i have a Disney/Pixar Toy Story one, and that tastes gurrrd :) lol

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