U.K January 2010 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

    That's what we're here for!

    I saw someone pic's on youtube the other day from their year at WDW, and they were amazing! He looked like he had soo much fun outta work over there and some crazy nights out, I was like OMG! I wanna be there soooo bad!!! I want the first of Jan to be like tomorrow so I can get the whole process started! I don't want to have to wait for another 6 weeks just to send it in!! Argh!
  2. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    AHHHHH CHristmas is my favourite part of the year EVER!!!! and a Disney christmas pretty much has me jumpping up and down in my seat lol!!! I'd love to singing in the candle lit choir would be so cool.....quite happy today tough because i recieved my last university offer ALL 5 NOW THANK GOD!!!!
  3. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

    That's cool! 8) What are you going there to study? Are you going to defer a year if you get into the CRP or are you wanting to do the ICP?
  4. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Waiting 6 weeks is easy! When i first found out about this last year i missed out on the january applications by a number of days! So then had to wait 6 months to apply, to not even get a phone interview :( and then had to wait another 6 months for this jan apps coming up. So up to yet i have been waiting a year and stil not had a phone interview :(
  5. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Don't worrie Gary if you don't get at least a phone interview this time i will ring them up and tell them to give you a chance lol!!!!

    oh and Kimthecoolone i applied in Aughust hoping to get on didn't so going to try again if i do get on i will deffer a year can't to ICP until actually enrolled in uni whihc sucks oh and hoping to go to Surrey to study Tourim Manegment i want to work for Merlin not as good as Disney but getting there lol!!!
  6. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

    OMG, you've been waiting for over a year...that's crazy! That would drive me insane having to wait that long! That is dedication for you! :) I'm positive you'll get a phone interview, really emphasis your enthusiasm, dedication and will to get this job in your covering letter and they'll have to at least give you a phone interview to see if you really mean it. You've got the advantage of having been through this before and you know now that something wasn't quite right with your CV. You don't know exactly what it was but you have time to make some changes. So just really go through your CV to make it 'shine' and say 'hire me peeps'!

    And to 03goodl, who is Merlin?? ???
  7. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    I always wonder what they look for in a CV..its anyones guess really. I didnt think my CV was all that great but ended up with a phone interview then an acual interview to being on the waiting list.. But Im applying again because I cant leave until August 2010 earliest now! :p
  8. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    And to 03goodl, who is Merlin?? ???


    Oh sorry ;D!!! They used to be called the tussauds group they own thorpe park, chessington, legoland, london dungons, london eye ect basically they own all the big tourist attraction within the UK!!!!
  9. Kimthecoolone

    Kimthecoolone New Member

    Ahh that's Merlin! I thought you wanted to actually work for a wizard, LOL!! ;D

    Yeah, it is so difficult to try and guess what they're looking for in a CV. A lot of it is guess work! I can't leave till Mid September 2010, but looking at how long the whole process takes, earliest I would leave (if successful!) would be at least September anyway!
  10. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    The January applications are for people who want to leave frm August 2010 till Jan 2011 I think
  11. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    well im am seriously dedicated :) i dont care if it takes years (well i do but i mean i wont give in if it does lol)

    not long nowww :D
  12. elspeth91

    elspeth91 New Member

    Hey! i have a question, what kind of work experience are they looking for? like how many jobs do they want you to have had?
  13. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    I think number of years is more important that number of jobs. For example, if you've worked in the catering industry for 3 years, but have had 14 jobs, that only goes to show that you can't hold a job down. They won't want you for that. BUT, if you've worked in the catering industry for 3 years and had 2 jobs, they'll like that. Assuming you've learnt the right things whilst doing those 2 jobs.

    Of course, I picked 3 years as a random number there. It all depends on just how much your CV shines really. Having watched previous applicants go through I've seen some with 10 months work experience fail, some with even less relevant work experience get through, and all sorts of crazy situations.
    You have to remember that your CV will be compared to roughly 5 CVs that get read either side of you in the pile. So although you may be better than someone else, they may have been read between some really useless people, while you may have been read between some amazingly good people.

    Er, onto maybe answering the question...
    Kind of work experience?! Well, there are two types of positions for UK applicants to WDW. Merchandise (selling stuff in shops) and Food & Beverage (either the Chippy, or the Rose and Crown). Experience in either area is what they're looking for, although they will train you if you don't have the experience, but they like you enough. So generally, experience with customer interaction. Or people interaction, working well with others. And being a great person. And having a love of Disney. Hard things to get into a CV, but this is what it takes.

    Biggest reminder of all: I hate to say it but, don't get your hopes up. You will be one of well over 1000 people applying for roughly 50 places. It's a horribly horribly hard task to pick the right people, and I do not envy the recruiters of that.

    I, along with quite a few others, will be applying for a 2nd time, and I know for a fact that my CV will need some major work for me to have a standing chance. Tip to everyone out there... make your CV shine brighter than a diamond. And one last thing... Good luck! :D
  14. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    hey, when i got refused last time they said they need people with more food and beverage work, or sales work :/ i dont htink the amount of jobs is as big of a issue, but i dunno

    Heck iv heard of people who have never had any F&B or merch experience! so who knows

    sorry to be no help at all lol
  15. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    It's all luck i work at McDoanlds (food& bev) and even have work exsperiense at Legoland in the attractions department but heyho!!! I think age and life exspereince might come in to factor a bit too i think i'm too young they probaly preffer people over 21 but i'm just guessing!!
  16. elspeth91

    elspeth91 New Member

    Thanks for the advice :)

    but also about how many words should your cover letter be?

  17. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    A CV should never be any longer than 2 pages.
    A Cover letter should never go over 1 page. It should only really be a few short paragraphs. Everything you need should really be in your CV.
  18. Lyle09

    Lyle09 New Member

    Last time I applied I didnt include a cover letter and got through to the interview :eek:
  19. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    WoW you must have AMAZING work exspereince!!!! well done though!!! ;D
  20. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Or a really well worded CV.

    For a job application like this, I personally feel that the CV should be written specifically for it, and if that's the case, then pretty much everything you need should be in the CV, and as such I see no reason for a cover letter. Then again, maybe I'm just being far too logical in a world where logic doesn't hold.

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