U.K August 2009 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    Potato potato. That saying doesn't really work online does it! ;). So you are the opposite side to me. I was joking btw, hardcore partying all night, everynight!
  2. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Ahahahahaa woop!
    wtf is potato potato??? you nutter!!!
  3. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    Its a bit like tomato tomato (pronounced tom-ate-o, tom-art-o). And no it doesn't really work online!
  4. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Oh yeah i know that, i didn't know that's what you meant though! I thought you were just randomly saying potato potato hahaha!
  5. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    Yeh that's what I meant! It doesn't work, does it. I would have explained but I'm typing on my iPod which takes ages. You will learn that I'm pretty random, that'll learn ya! I thought bananas grew out of the ground. I get a discount at TGI's, half if up to four peeps,though hopefully there will be more.
  6. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    LMAOOOOOOOO bananas grow alongside potatos you know!
    Mmm TGI Fridays is the best. I'm celebrating my 18th at TGI Kingston next month :D
  7. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    Potatoes don't grow in Jamaica! Haha. And I'm the random one! It's not the best when you work in one, believe me!
  8. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Why?! Don't you like it?
    When I booked the table they asked is it for a special occasion and I said that it is my 18th, I hope they don't sing to me because i've heard that sometimes they'll make the whole restaurant be quiet so they can sing happy birthday in front of everyone while the birthday boy/girl is standing on a chair! Arghh cringeee
  9. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    I like it. Just sometimes it does your head in. They are trying to be like Disney, with theories, even one called the Disney theory ie customers are guests and it is a show etc but it just doesn't work. Not like at Disney, anyway. The birthday song, ahhh.
    I don't know what I've been told!
    Pascha here is getting old.
    I don't know what needs to be said.
    Pascha's face is going red.
    Good news is we sing for free.
    Bad news is we sing off key.
    Happy (happy) birthday (birthday)
    Happy birthday to YOU!

    U got no idea how long it took to type that on my iPod! Haha.don't forget your birthday hat!
  10. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Omg that actually made me laugh my arse off, it's off floating around my kitchen
  11. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    LOL. Now imagine singing that at least ten times a night.
  12. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Wow, sounds incredible.
    you lucky sod :D
  13. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    The pay is good with tips. That's what keeps me going. Btw what role are you applying for?
  14. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    I haven't decided yet, however I think I would prefer Merch. I honestly don't mind though! As i've been at college full time I couldn't be bothered to get a job on top, but I'm in the process of "leaving" (yes, dropping out) so I will try to find a job in retail or food or whatever, and I guess that whichever one I get, that'll have to be my first choice!
  15. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    How comes? What were you doing? I know what you mean, I absolutely hate college, though I haven't said that in my CV for Yummy. It's just so boring. I do Law, Chemisty and Biology and the only one I remotely like is Law, and even then thats a stretch. But I get study leave in May and I'm completely done by mid-june, so I'm just clinging on to this really to keep me going. Do you have any idea what you're doing until then?
  16. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Well I was in the process of applying for door in Kingston fridays waaay before I first spoke to you (dont worry im not stalking!) and then when i re did it i went online and i had a look at some of the blogs, then i remembered you work in basildon so i had a look at that one and there you were! Your very own amazing blog :D
  17. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    Ahaha. Door is great, be sure to funk up your outfit. I got the red and white stripey tie and braces. I look fricking well cool! ;) But on door you don't earn any tips, which is a bum, although it's a much easier job.
    For some reason, it wouldn't let me upload pics to the blog, but they are all on my pictures on Facebook. I was the Zombie Geek. That face stuff, four days it took to come off! Using brillo pads. On the upside, my face was smoother than Mickey's bottom.
  18. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    I've honestly never felt mickey's bottom so i'm not too sure if that's smooth or not! :p
    Haha brillo pads. yeah i saw those pics, you looked like a right wacko... wouldn't wanna approach you in a dark alley! Zombie geek lol!
  19. goldstone91

    goldstone91 New Member

    Well, it looks smooth lol. Hey, I might take those to the f2f if I get in. I'll be like 'Look, I did this for minimum wage. What do you think I will do if I get to go to America" Lol. It might pay off. Right? Haha
  20. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Haha, you would think so! Hopefully anyway ;)
    What's the score with the door job then?
    And do you dress up often? That's so much fun!! ;D

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