U.K August 2009 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. I see u have found my 'Melissa collection' on facebook Gary! lol

    That girl is mental.
  2. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    haha, i couldnt help but find it

    but you had a awesome time ;) lol
  3. I got nothing out of that!
  4. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    I'm currently drinking and converting people to disney! Loving student nights! £5.99 wine for the win xxx
  5. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    £5.99 wine on student night?

    It's only £5 for a cheap bottle of wine in town her on a normal night haha,
    i was out on £1 a drink night last night, :)

    i know what ya mean, i go out and tell everyone bout disney, they start dissing it, then i get sooo defence over disney haha
  6. Xeneelk641

    Xeneelk641 New Member

    Hello! Im Kyle, 18 & really tempted to apply, but confusled over do you have to be in university to do this?
  7. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    hey kyle, no you don't have to be in university, you just have to have the relevent work experience (retail or food) so you can work in merchandise or food and beverage!
  8. Xeneelk641

    Xeneelk641 New Member

    Oooo ok! Thanks!! :D
  9. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    welcome to he gang Kyle.

    Pascha has already answered your question, so i wish you good look in your progres if you decide to apply :)
  10. Xeneelk641

    Xeneelk641 New Member

    Thanks =D I've been wanting to apply since i first found it but now finally over 18 :D
  11. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    i wish i had found out about this when i was 18, i only found out about in a few weeks after the last applications at the start of this year and im 22 now :(
  12. Xeneelk641

    Xeneelk641 New Member

    Its exciting!! =D haha

    Im slightly obsessed with disney :D
  13. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    thats another name to add to the list then :D
  14. Xeneelk641

    Xeneelk641 New Member

    :) Is applying in august for this autumn or next year? ???
  15. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    next year, between february and june i think? or something like that.
  16. Xeneelk641

    Xeneelk641 New Member

    Ahhh i see! Thanks ;D
  17. Yea if u applied in august and were successful in getting to the interviews, which would probably take place late october early november. Then if you got through you would get a start date from feb-June!

    Welcome Kyle!
  18. neevyweevy

    neevyweevy New Member

    Do you think that people who've done a disney program before have a better, equal or worse chance of getting through? I always wonder whether they think that those people who've done one have had the chance so they want to give different people the chance or whether they think that people who've done it are obviously able to cope with everything!!
    I know a lot of people do get the chance to do lots of programs, but it just seems like a lot of the people who were wait listed have done a program before!
    I'm kind of just wondering out loud but what do you guys think??

    Niamh :-\
  19. clover

    clover New Member

    hey evryone, im back have not spoken on here for a while so thought i better get to know all you guys ready for the august applications.

    my name is clover im 25 years old and am on the waitlist from the april interviews but am reapplying in august.

    Hi Jim, better news about christinas dad isnt it.....am meeting her for lunch on tuesday. have you started your new job yet??? xxx
  20. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    i think ive introduced myself on here many many times but theres more newer people so i had better do it again,
    im pascha, 18 and im probably hopefully maybe applying in august! (depends on college situation)


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