U.K August 2009 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member


    Was just wondering, are they going to contact your referees before interviews etc? It's just while the bar where I work wouldnt mind (quite casual), the office where I work would screw if they thought I was looking around!!!!
  2. Nick

    Nick New Member

    Hi guys! I'm gonna apply this August, first time for me! Hopefully will give me something more interesting to to after uni is done!

    As you might have guessed i'm Nick and from Nottinghamshire, anyone else close?
  3. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    They don't appear to check references. They didn't for me on past programs!
  4. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Hiya, I'm Tori and I'm from Northampton. Not that close I know, but spend a hell of a lot of time visiting friends who are at uni in Beeston & Clifton :D
  5. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Hey Nick, im also from Notts, what part of Notts are you in? im up in the more northen part in Worksop
  6. Nick

    Nick New Member

    Wow, pretty close! I live near Ollerton so about 10 minutes from you! Have you applied before or is this your first time?
  7. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    ah wow, cool :)
    got some friends in Ollerton!
    nah this is my first time too, i only just found out about this program a few weeks after the applicants at the start of this year closed so missed out on them :(
  8. Nick

    Nick New Member

    I found out about actually not too long ago when one of my uni friends went back to do the ICP for the second time and was bored and started looking into it all. Have you sent off your CV and stuff yet or are you waiting? Are you working/studying/whatever?
  9. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Ahhh i see,
    nah i havnt sent in my CV yet but have it all prepered and waiting to be sent off some time soon :)

    He obv enjoyed the ICP then?
    I was going to look into that after i have done the CRP as iv heard some people say you dont need to be at uni or whatever, but others say you need to :s not sure

    I work for my dad as a mechanic at the moment, but my dream job and my heart has and will always lie at working in Disney :D

    How about you?
  10. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    After being on the waitinglist for like ever i am gunna reapply in august too!! grrr...i was there this tim last year depressing...if any of you are interested i started a youtube vlog thing :) shud check it out :D im a geek yes i know! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ufyzwb4C10 hehe
  11. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    haha cool, and also kinda crazy vid!

    I wanna start a vlog up as well soon to record my progress :)
  12. Nick

    Nick New Member

    Yeh I have updated my CV and gonna send it off in a week or two I think. If applications open on the 1st August, do they start looking through them then or do they wait and then do it?

    Yeh he loves it and I know some other people that are out there at the minute who are having a blast. I have no idea if you had to be at uni or not, may be worth emailing and asking.

    I'm at uni in Wales studying German and Banking but have spent the last year living in Germany and have a month or so left, then start my final year in september.
  13. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    yeah id love to do loads wen im out there just showing what im up to and stuff...but hey waitlisted still!!!
  14. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    i now see the edit todd, so il edit mine ;) lol

    and to nick, they open applicants in august to review us all then, but if you send your cv in before that they should have it on file to review it when they start reviewing, if that makes sense? haha
  15. Helix

    Helix New Member

    Does anyone know, or have an idea when interviews could be.... the reason I'm asking is, I want to plan a trip back to WDW for my birthday September 17th, and get my $75 gift card for being born on that day. But I don't want to plan everything and then find out that the interviews (phone or otherwise) are taking place when I'm out of the country as that would kill me.
  16. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Yea same here, i havn't yet had a proper holiday yet, and normally have mind at around september time, so prob wont be taking any this year jsut to be safe lol
  17. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Phone interviews could be held in September, could be worth an email to Yummy.
  18. So many new folk! I am tempted to get to know u, but last time i made friends with all my fellow interviewees and they got places and im wait listed. So i dont wanna get attached to a new set!!

    Screw it, Im jim
  19. Helix

    Helix New Member

    :D Nice to meet you Jim, I'm Jonathan.

    Everyone else thanks for replies, think I will email Yummyjobs just to ask... anyone have an email address, the guy I sent all the questions to last year as left (i think he was just an intern) Robert Hoving. It was hilarious when he came through my turnstile and i remembered him. His face was priceless.
  20. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

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