U.K August 2009 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    lol awwww, although thats how all of us are feeling Emma, you do need to try switch off a lil for your exam's. I mean, although Disney will be aweeeesoomeeeee, its only for 1 year.

    but yea i know what you mean though, its all i can think about!
    i keep checking this forum near enough every hour to check on any updates lol
  2. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    I think my covering letter/motivation is nearly done. I think I've managed to pin down enthusiasm without desperation. If I don't get an interview this time there's nothing more I can do to convince them :(
  3. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Never say never!
    I'm sure you'll get an interview :) and it all depends on who else applies!!!

    Don't stop believing!
  4. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    Don't get me wrong, I'm hopeful and optimistic that I'll get an interview. All I was saying is I've given the best I've got this time. IN my mind I'm there :D
  5. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    has anyone heard any more about a possible summer recruitment session?

  6. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Afraid not :( Keep checking YJ daily encase anything might turn up, I think I might die with excitement if they did! Failing that, only about 45-ish days till applications open!
  7. Helix

    Helix New Member

    Summer Recruitment? Is this just for normal jobs over in WDW for the summer? A little confused as I've never heard of it before, only knew about the College Program (which i can't do graduated too long ago), the Graduate College Program (which I just finished Oct08-Apr09) and then the Cultural Representative Program.
  8. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Ther was a romour going about that YJ might be accepting people for the CRP before august, so there has been alot lot of speculation to wether they will or not.
    in my honest opinion i doubt they will, but its worth to keep checking just in case :D
  9. u mean accepting applications? Urgh! I want them to make it august at the earliest, cos im on the wait list and im applying again. I want as long on the wait list as possible just in case
  10. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I had my last exam today!!! Yay :D So I can now start improving my CL and CV. But I think I'm going to Uni now so it might be another 4yrs til I can do the program....but I can do the ICP instead!!
  11. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    Aint nothing wrong with waiting until after uni. Just be warned you will start obsessing waaaay before you finish uni. Case in point I finished uni last month, I've had my account here since April 08 and I've been decided on applying for CRP since christmas of my first year (aka 2005) I feel like a crazy person.
  12. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    yea accepting applicants, thanks Jim ;)

    and Divine is soooo true, i missed out on jans applicants and just waiting until august has sent me mad, so no idea how you feel :( lol
  13. i cant believe its only 44 days i have left of being on wait list b4 i apply again!

    It just means when u finish uni u will be legal aswell!
  14. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    well when you apply again you will have been on the wait list for over 100 days then! thats like 14 weeks, i know it doesn't seem that long but i bet its been dragging for ya! oh well, at least you have had more of a oppertunity beeing waitlisted before you apply again then if you got straight rejected
  15. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Aww Im so sorry Jim that you are still on the waiting lists. Must be soooooo annoying!

    Do you think that you will re-apply in August?

    I know that I will defo try again and see what happens! ;D
  16. I already decided that i was re-applying the day after i got wait listed. Im one of those folk who doesn't leave it up to fate. I need to do everything that is available to me. SO! Re-apply time!
  17. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member


    Im sooo re-applying too.

    Fingers crossed for this time around! ;D
  18. cant believe its only a month away!!!
  19. Helix

    Helix New Member

    To the people who are reapplying... ie, been put on the waiting list, what was it like the first time round?
    The phone interview? The face-to-face? What should people who are applying for the CRP first time expect.... and also, will you guys/girls have a better chance of being successful this time around.
  20. You hand in ur application, then if you're successful you will get an email telling u so, then you will arrange a phone interview. Then if you're again successful you will be invited to a f2f interview in london.

    There is a past discussion on here talking about the different questions they will ask u!

    And as far as if i am more likely to get in this time around, i dont think being on the wait list gives u any guarantees. All I personally hope is that they see how determined i am and that i am trying to better myself for the chance.

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