U.K August 2009 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Well, i have recently FINALLY finished my CV and cover letter to be ready to send of when applicants open! it will need a little tweaking before it goes but the basics are done :) lol
    i can relax now. haha
  2. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    Speaking of CVs and cover letters and all that jazz .... little question for those people re-applying in August who applied and were unsucsessful in January - how much are you planning on changing your cv/application this time? Little bit of tweaking or totally starting from scratch?
  3. Well the CV part im going to obviously keep the same, except from the new job.

    But the cover letter im probably going to write in things that i have done to improve my application, and basically show how im not gonna give up etc but in a polite way!

    But i got through and i guess i am successful a little as i am on wait list, so i might ask folk who got through how their interviews went. Im a little bit confused as to how i go from here u know? Cos I thought i did well. Im like URGH!!!
  4. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    Come on JJ - we all know the only reason you havn't got the call yet is 'cos they're waiting for something extra special to come up for you! ;)
  5. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I'm just tweaking my cover letter because my CV is pretty much the same, unless I get a full time position where I work now- then of course I will add that.

    On my cover letter I think I will mention more about my experience and just tweak the section about why I want to work there.
    I've got my a level exams at the moment so I'm revising for them, and then after they finish I'm going on holiday to Florida so I think I'm gonna wait till I come back to tweak my CV/cover letter- as it means I can fully focus on it.
  6. Helix

    Helix New Member

    Is everyone apply by sending the CV into them directly via email? Or applying through the website and setting everything up there?

    Just that I set it up through the website, however last time (for graduate program) I done it all via email.
  7. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    Started on my "motivation" section today. Nearly done, just neads refining over the next couple of months while I learn new stuff at work and think of new ways to express "omg please please please I will love you forever, well I'll love you forever anyway but this will stop me crying for the rest of my life" into slightly more eloquent terms ;)
  8. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    haha i love it Divine :D think thats what we are all thinking at the minute. just hurry up and get me thereeeeee!!!
  9. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    I don't think I could sum up my motivation any better! I literally do not know where to start with it.
    I was just thinking of going with the "disney is such a well known reputable company" blah blah blah. Whats everyone else putting?
  10. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    I have no clueeeeee what i'm gonna write, I don't wanna sound too formal but then again I don't want them to be put off by my enthusiasm. I may end up pouring my heart out to them about why I love Disney. :-X
  11. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I redoing my whole CV and Cover Letter again........mine was rubbish.

    When everyone applied last time did they all fill in the Moviation section..I didn't and just said "PLease refer to Cover Letter" or just I just post my whole cover letter in that section.........hmm I can't remember
  12. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    In the motivation section I just summarized in a few lines the main reasons why I want to participate in the program- then I used my cover letter to elaborate
  13. clover

    clover New Member

    hi everyone, i am planning to reapply in august after being put on the wait list in april. Really gutted because after coming back from my hols in florida 2 weeks ago i do not know wot to do with my life now!! really wanted the job!!!
    when i applied before i didnt have a cover letter so can someone please tell me what has to be written in it????!!! thank you!! x
  14. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    woop, its my birthday :) for my birthday wish, i wish......... who belives in birthday wishes? PAH

    star light, star bright, first star i see tonight, i wish i may, i wish i might. have the wish i wish tonight :)

    thats more like it

    not telling you what im wishing for thought, alllthough, im pretty sure you can guess ;)
  15. D-A-N

    D-A-N New Member

    Ok, so now I'm gonna be singing the *Wiiiiisssshhheeeeeeessssssssssss* song in my head all afternoon - so thanks for that!! hehe

    Happy Birthday though :)
  16. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    You must have done well if you didn't have a cover letter! You put in what position you applying for, why you want to do it, what makes you suited towards it etc...
  17. CLOVER!

    We are applying together this august if we aren't successful! We shall be there for one another like no-one ever has! LOL!!!

    Nah come on man, we need to re-apply!! Dont stop believing! HOLD ONTO THAT FEEEELING
  18. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Hey guys.
    Can i ask when you all are submitting your CV's if you havn't done so already?
    and are you submitting it through the yummyjobs website?

    Also, when submitting my CV on the YJ website, how do i attach my cover letter to my CV?

    Thanks all :D
  19. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I'm going to submit mine on August 1st, some people have already submitted there's, adn some of them are then going to re-sent it on August 1st to make sure YJ have it........It's up to you what you decide to do

    I think the best way to submit it is through the YJ website

    Cover Letters -- I'm putting mine on the same document as my CV (either above or below my CV on a seperate page), some people sent YJ a email with there Cover Letter attached....again totally up to you, on what you decide to do.
  20. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    ARRR!!!....When are my exams over, so I can start re-writing my CV and CL.

    I can't wait anymore I just want to go to Disney already, I have no focus for any of my exams. :(

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