Toronto Interviews - Oct 26th

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by jackattack, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Less than that now for the guys and dolls on the 26th - lucky 13 days away! :D

    Hmm... and now for some reason that instantly makes me think about the tower of terror because that has 13 floors... :D Disney on the brain, allz the time! :D
  2. Sesosana

    Sesosana New Member

    oooooooo Tower of Terror
    The very mention sends shivers down my spine ;D
  3. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Just over a week to go! See you all real soon!
  4. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    i know im so excited i leave in the 24th one more week
  5. I'll be in town on Friday! Can't wait to meet everyone!
  6. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    I've got a question for you guys! Does anyone have a girlfriend or boyfriend they will be leaving behind??
  7. Sesosana

    Sesosana New Member

    just over one week!

    and not really, the girl who I like is being really supportive, so I don't feel like i would be leaving her behind
  8. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    nope no boy friend for me
  9. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    No boyfriend for me either!
  10. Robyn8

    Robyn8 New Member

    Hey guys!!

    So after going over some things , I realized that doing the CRp right now isn't going to work! But I plan on reapplying later on when the time suits!!

    I wish EVERYONE the best of luck! And I want to hear about your adventure over the next year or so!! :)

    Good Luck and Have FUN FUN FUN!!!!

  11. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    No boyfriend for me...I'm keeping my options open...and my mom says I'm not allowed to have a bf until I'm finished my last semester of university lol. I'm hoping Mickey and Minnie have it out so that perhaps Mickey is single when we go to DISNEY!! lol
  12. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    lol thats awsome
  13. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Well I am off to Ontario VERY early tomorrow morning guys...and I am BEYOND excited for Monday! See you all there :)
  14. Sesosana

    Sesosana New Member

    Haha, that is awesome. My mother's friend has a connection at the Royal York Hotel downtown Toronto, so I'm staying the night before the interviews pretty much just around the corner, not three blocks away. Good Luck to everyone!
  15. Hey everyone! Just finished my interview! Once everybody else finishes theirs, I'd love to hear about how they went. I was pretty much too nervous to go up and talk to people. :p But I hope everyone had a good time!
  16. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    I think my interview went as well as I could have hoped for. The waiting game begins...
  17. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Hey everyone!!! Hope everyone's interviews went well. It was nice to meet some of you and put a face to a name! Only a couple of weeks until we find out!
  18. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Hey all! Just wanted to pop up for a quick hello and send out lots of pixie dust good luck wishes! Sorry I didn't get the chance to meet you all - hopefully we'll get another chance for that! And no worries Kathleen, we don't bite ;) j/k! I think it goes without saying that we all had a case of the nerves - so much so I was actually doing the Hoedown Throwdown to take my mind off of things momentarily :D Whatever works, right?

    So now we wait - or more like, now I try to maintain a level of composure so I don't totally go off my rocker! I'll probably limit how often I check these boards or go on some kind of limited internet strike so I don't totally spaz out when people start hearing back :D I'm capable of working myself up into quite a crazy state just from being in my own head after all! haha

    I'm not inclined to think it'll be that long that everybody has to wait... they finished this round of interviews yesterday, so the deliberation has probably already begun...

    <cue that "Final Countdown" song by Europe!>

    Good luck to all!!!!!! ;D Hope you all had fun!! And if you were visiting from out of town - hope you had a chance to explore either Montreal or Toronto!

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