Toronto Interviews - Oct 26th

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by jackattack, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    I'm up for going out after the interview or before what ever you guys prefer
  2. I'm up for either, or both, even! :) and welcome back, Shayna!
  3. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    As I've already mentioned, I'm game for hanging out the night before for those staying at the hilton with me... and for anyone else that wants to drop in. As for afterwards I can't guarantee anything... a lot depends on how tired I am as I will be driving to Windsor that night for a seminar the following morning. But if my interview is later on in the day and I'll be eating before heading out anyways than of course I would love to eat with some of you fine disney folk!
  4. Tray-c

    Tray-c New Member

    I just booked at the Hilton - so excited!!!

    I'm up for getting together the night before for dinner or something!
    What time do you want to meet at?

    Can't wait to meet everyone ;D
  5. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Hey all!

    I'm Matt from Toronto, originally from Edmonton, applying for the CRP! I would be up for hanging out before/after whatever! I'll probably end up staying at the hotel or at one close by, but not decided yet.

    At my interviews for the ICP a few years back, I was one of the first to be interviewed because they thought I might have a flight to catch back to Edmonton, but I was basically done by 11:30AM. So after your interview, you're free to roam the city and do as you please!

    Look forward to meeting y'all!
  6. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    I'm still not sure what time I'll be arriving in Toronto. My work schedule for that week should be out this week so as soon as I get it, I'll let you guys know. I can't believe how close it is now. EEK!
  7. Starting to get to the point of CRAZY EXCITED over here! I can't wait to see everybody, it's going to be so much fun!
  8. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Did you guys see that the applicants from the UK have already heard back??? It hasn't even been a week for them yet. Hopefully we won't have to wait long either :)
  9. I saw that! That's so exciting that it came so soon!
  10. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    ya for sure i asked some of the ppl who are at disney know and most of them said they waited about 2 week so if we here back any where between there and no longer that would be awesome im totallyexcited for toronto it's so close now
  11. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    That's awesome! yep, my last interview we heard back just short of two weeks after the interviews (but that was with Cast Away, so Yummy Jobs might be even more efficient than that!!) so excited to see/meet everyone!
  12. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Does anyone know what time the pool closes at the Hilton?? I'm thinking a swim the night before would be fun :D

    My goodness, less than 2 weeks would be superb! That way, when I'm at wdw for new years with my family I could go meet some of the people at the Canadian Pavilion and hopefully tell them I'll soon be joining them!
  13. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    o the pool idea sounds good i love to swim
  14. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    *yowzaa* Feels like forever and a half since I've been on here! Crazyness!

    Just wanted to wish all of you fabulous Canadians a very Happy Thanksgiving! :) Wherever you may be in this great land of ours, hope you're celebrating it up! Lots to celebrate after all! Like Toronto interviews in *almost* 2 weeks!

    As for swimming at the Hilton - here's hoping the pool is an indoor pool! As it is, my body is having issues to the current chilly weather! Supposed to feel like -1 in my parts later tonight plus a frost warning! Yup, me thinks that's winter knocking on our door :D
  15. Robyn8

    Robyn8 New Member

    Yuck winter..

    Hopefully we will all be in Florida soon ! Where it is nice and warm!! :)
  16. vanessao

    vanessao New Member

    hey everyone, so i know this isnt really relevant yet but i have been reading a lot of the discussions going on on this site and seen some about the visa process. the things i was reading though was about the uk visas and it said they had to make an appointment with the embassy? does anyone know of we have to do that to or what the process is actually like?

    if anyone has any idea please let me getting really excited about going and havent even had my face to face yet lol
  17. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    As far as the visa process goes for Canadians, I really can't be 100% sure. I know that as of a few years back, Canadians participating in the International College Program had a majority of the visa paperwork done for them through the fine folks at Cast-A-Way (there was not any kind of embassy interview). Now, given that Yummy Jobs is now in charge of recruiting fun and fabulous Canucks, I'm not sure if the process has changed. Also, since the CRP is for a year-long contract, whereas the ICP is only a few months, maybe there is a little more work involved. Can't really say!

    Regardless, I'm positive that Yummy Jobs will be there every step of the way in case there are any uncertainties about what needs to be done. Fret not! :) :)
  18. vanessao

    vanessao New Member

    haha put my mind at ease for now, basically until all the paperwork comes and i have to fill it out (i am in the mind frame that i have already got the job because i am that excited lol)
    2 MORE WEEKS!!!!
  19. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hey there!

    We definitely do not have to go for any sort of Visa appointment. The US and Canada have some kind of work visa agreement that is completely different from every other country. You basically have your meeting when you cross the border on your way to Florida (either by car or in the airport), at which point all of the paperwork has been verified by Disney. The border guards just verify the dates with you (which is in a package that Disney send you) and stamp your passport, as well as put a very important piece of paper in you passport. And that is about it!
  20. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    2 more weeks!!! :D

    The countdown is on.

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