Toronto Interviews - Oct 26th

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by jackattack, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    I'm planning on staying at the Hilton - it'll make for much less stress not worrying about how to get there in the morning lol.
  2. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    so whats everyones name mine is sabrina :p hehe i love everything disney with allmy heart and i really hope i get this job cuz it would be such a great opportunity for me
  3. Tray-c

    Tray-c New Member

    Yes, staying at the Hilton isn't a bad idea - driving around TO is not my favourite thing to do! haha...Does anyone know of a restaurant near by where we could meet at?

    Hi Sabrina, my name is Tracy. Where are you coming from? I'm from Barrie, so not too far from Toronto, but I'd like to go down the night before to avoid traffic in the morning!
  4. TJCI

    TJCI New Member

    Hi all,

    My name is Tyler from Calgary. I am sooooooo excited for the interviews on the 26th. I am not sure yet but I think that I am going to be staying at the Hilton as well. Is anyone interested in going for dinner somewhere the night before to meet everyone?
  5. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    lol sorry let start over im sabrina im coming from winnipeg manitoba and im 19 years old and would love to get together the night before or someting with everyone let me now i belive i will be staing at the hilton
  6. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    well there are resturants in the hilton and probably some in the mall that in walking distance of the hotel
  7. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Hey I'm Jackie from Aylmer, Ontario and am 21 years old

    I just booked my room at the Hilton! WOOT WOOT! I'm up for getting together the night before but I'm thinking I won't be in Toronto until 7:30 or 8, maybe even 8:30 b/c I'm more than likely going to be working Sunday until 5. I'll let you all know for sure when I get my work schedule. Anyways, if we dont get a chance to do dinner, coffee/breakfast in the morning would be awesome as well as lunch while we wait for our presentations.

    Our dream is getting very real now :D
  8. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    you know it i am crazy excited any scared at the same time cuz i want this job so badly you have no idea or maybe yall do and we all feel the same about this well hopefully omg its so close i can almost taste it woot:) :D
  9. Ooh, breakfast would be good too!
  10. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Sabrina, trust me, we get it :)

    I feel confident though; I have a gut feeling that I'm going to be in Disney World with all of you very soon!!!
  11. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member


    sorry jackie im overdoing it i know im just so happy and excited
  12. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hey guys!

    I'm Lisa, right now I'm from Vancouver I'm flying in! but originally I am from Hamilton, Ontario...and I'll be staying with my fam and training it in on the 26th! I am a Starbucks fiend, and I'll need some caffeine for the interview for if anyone wants to meet up before, just let me know!
  13. Hey guys.

    I'm Jen. It will probably be crazy to try and get coffee before the interview but I'm all for meeting up after!

  14. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Does anyone know that area? I"m wondering if there is a starbucks of something of the like nearby.

    And Sabrina, you're not overdoing it. I know how you feel. You're thinking its next to impossible for anyone to want this as badly as you do. But after spending a couple of months on this forum, I'm starting to believe there ARE other people just as Disney-crazy as I am lol.
  15. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    lol i feel the same i never new how many ppl love disney and it great to know were not the only ones lol any way yah we all need to hook up in toronto like the morning of or night before or something i will be stating at the hilton and i will be getting there the saturday before so i can site see woot
  16. Robyn8

    Robyn8 New Member

    Staying at the HILTON too! Booking a room tonight :)

    Anyways!! .. Meeting up for dinner the night before would be fab or for coffee hehe. !!
  17. Tray-c

    Tray-c New Member

    For everyone going to Toronto Sunday, what time do you plan on arriving?
  18. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    im arriving on saturday at like 2 at the pearson airport
  19. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    Does anyone want to meet up after the interviews for dins or something???

    They max end at 5 - just thought meeting somewhere after and talking and getting to know eachother would be fun! I'm not sure where i'll be the night before or what state of mind i'll be in lol but i'm def up for meeting after the interviews :) We could pick a fun restaurant downtown :)
  20. the closest starbucks?

    there would be two.

    Queen and Bay and Queen and John. If you're staying at the Hilton, you will be right in between both of them!

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