Tornado/Hurricane Watch in Orlando

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by jean, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. monkian

    monkian New Member

    hey Jei that means you and i were at disney at the same time ....although i didn't leave till after all the Hurricane excitment!

    mind you i've probably been there enough times to have been there with quite a few folks! hee hee
  2. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    GAH! So cooool!!! And ya know what...on that trip, I think I might've eaten JAM! It's meant to be!
  3. glasgow paws

    glasgow paws New Member

    i had the pleasure of working during Hurricane Floyd. Everyone in the commons who were not on the ground floor were moved downstairs to the ground floor flats. There was a huge Hurricane party in the commons, everybody went to it. They closed the park, day off yeehah, we waited, and waited, it rained slightly, got kinda blowy, and that, pretty much was that.

    Scary stuff :eek:
  4. Ashley

    Ashley New Member

    I am also terrified of flying. Last time I went to WDW I took valium and I actually fought it so I ended up feeling worse. Turbulence is the worst. I was actually on a flight there at christmas going to visit my ex (he was my boyfriend at the time) I flew from Edinburgh to Bristol and the whole 50 minutes we were in the air I cried and shook :'(. I had nobody sitting next to me because they thought there was something seriously wrong with me.
    If I get through to Disney I will face my fear even if it does mean crying and shaking for a whole 9 hours. Will look awful to the poor people coming to pick me up at the other end :p

    Also tornadoes scare me but there is something amazing about them and I dont think it would bother me too much if I saw one.
  5. FeeBleu

    FeeBleu New Member

    Weird... Im afraid of heights but not of a plane.... ???
    Anyways I love taking the plane ;D So cool ;D I took the first time the airplane when I was 6 weeks old and never stopped since.... I took the plane at least 25 times in my life and still enjoying it ::)
    *cant wait to take the plane again*

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