a sexy party is you get there in very sexy clothes... which eventually will be anywhere... and the main thing is that the contests MUST be on the body.. like mmm.. like drinking the tequila shot,then licking the salt from someones belly and finally taking the lemon from the persons lips... or any other thing : human chocolate fondue, or skin wheap cream, and stuff like that.. anything you can think of you can do with the other perosns body, in a very sexy way, WITHOUT making out, having sex (any type of sex) or either kissing.. the main thing is to turn on to your partner without the any contact i mentioned before
hey kriss! u gotta have a back to the future party !!!!!lol...and invite moi!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
didnt ugly naked guy get really fat or somethin?? if so i no that being in florida we can defo find one! ;D
i reakon i should be rachal cos my hair is a bit like that - thats the only reason i can think of that lol ;D
hmmm well i wud wanna be bumm i dunno..maybe emma....yeah id be a baby for the day...........lol...i dunno noooooooooo iw ud be estelle.......yeah i love her accent lol.
From the Spice Girls I'm torn between Emma and Victoria. It'll prolly be Emma cuz Vics is too much to live up to... from Back to the Future I'd be the crazy doctor...