The Waiting Room

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by SteffieDavis, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. angeljenn3

    angeljenn3 New Member

    I wonder if they'll do the ICP before the CRP... then it might be longer before we hear! Plus, I heard talk that Eric had a lot of other interviews for Cruise Ships (the Disney Cruise interviews were the same day as the CRP's in Toronto) so he has a lot of decisions, and phone calls to make. It's possible that it could take longer before we hear from him.
  2. When I interviewed last time they didn't call or email you at ALL if you didn't get it (so mean right?!)
    They had told us "If you don't hear by December 7th call us" and it either meant you were on the wait list or you didn't get hired.

    I got my call at 11am last time so there goes that theory :p
    I do know 100% that they will call between 9am and 5pm eastern time monday to friday only. So at least at 2pm (my time) I can stop worrying.
  3. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I hope they let us know. But we never heard when to call them so wonder if they will let us know anyway. They should I think. It is torcher if you did not get the job to not hear anything back. Ya wonder what will happen. If these other interviews will throw our wait a little longer. Hope not too long. I hope I can get it before I leave for Vegas so I can either celebrate good news or use the trip as a pick me up from bad news. Will be more exciting when the first person finds out. Wonder who it will be. Or atleast the first person on these boards. :)
  4. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    That is so mean if they don't even tell us if we didn't get in... I thought they would tell us for sure so I didn't bother to ask in the interview.... not hearing at all is pretty scary...
  5. IloveTink

    IloveTink New Member

    lol and i thought i was bad waiting!
    no calls yet and i bet they would have started by now if they happened today
  6. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Ya I think after 2pm if no one has heard anything I am going to pack up and head home and resume Video games and hope it is tomorrow cause I work Wedensday. LOL. It is starting to get late for no one to be hearing something today. Never know I guess.
  7. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    I so hope it is today... the waiting is so suspensful!!!
  8. ashley86

    ashley86 New Member

    When they sent me my accepted email they didn't send them until 4pm
  9. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    This is so brutal, I'm in school mon fri 10 -6:30 except tuesdays when it's 10 to 10 so I hope its an email. I skipped class for my phone interview, but Ill have no idea when they're calling now.
  10. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Oh I hope it is an e-mail at 4pm today. That would be great. But I am not going to get my hopes up. I am jumping into playing some video games for a bit. Maybe if I don't think about it, it will come. LOL. Either way maybe time will go a little faster. I will probably do a check at 5pm to make sure.
  11. HiddenMickeyLover

    HiddenMickeyLover New Member

    I must admit I'm checking the boards much less frequently now b/c I feel like if I start seeing that people have gotten calls and I haven't....I'll be a mess.
    I just want to call Eric and offer him $50 or something to just tell me NOW....but I guess that's not too magical.
    My tummy hurts from waiting. I hope I don't get an ulcer.
    *fingers crossed for everyone*
  12. IloveTink

    IloveTink New Member

    i know im in fear i get on here and everyone has posted they got in! lol
  13. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Well another day over. Lets hope for tomorrow to be our magical day. :)
  14. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    i havent heard back from yummy is this a problem or wilkl they just ring me?
  15. angeljenn3

    angeljenn3 New Member

    I'm sorry, I don't know. Most of the people here are just waiting to find out if they were hired from the Canadian face-to-face interviews.

    Maybe you could call them, or send them an e-mail just to make sure they have your information. =)
  16. ci_parker

    ci_parker New Member

    Hey everyone,
    I met some of you guys at the Toronto Interview...its Courtney! I hjavn't heard anything yet either. They did say anytime up two 3 weeks before we hear! So lets all cross our fingers, hopefully only happy people and no broken hearts!!!
    Disney here we ALL come hopefully!!!
  17. A7adragon

    A7adragon New Member

    I know everyone it would be a horrible thing to see you heard nothing and other people are getting in :-\ I hope everyone gets emailed!!!!!! That way it can be all at once! Anyway Courtney! I think I was hanging out with you before your interview? I came back wearing jeans... that you?
  18. IloveTink

    IloveTink New Member

    ok its tuesday and the waiting begins. ive been dreaming of the phone ringing.
    ok people fingers crossed
  19. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    I'm alright!
    Keep yourself busy and when it gets down to the last couple of days that are involved in the three week period (if you have not heard anything) start to get anxious.

    I guess I am lucky because I'm working NON stop this week so I'm able to keep myself distracted.
  20. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Your lucky for that. It is beginning to look as though there wont be phone calls today. Or maybe they are calling the people not on here first. LOL. Could be. The day is only beginning still, I guess. I am like so tempted to call, but I know they are busy and I know they said it could be three weeks. (If it is any longer I wont be home, so better be within the three weeks.) I really hope it is Today though. Or atleast this week. I think it is driveing us crazy cause last interview they found out around a week after their interviews. Guess we got interviewed at a busy time. :(

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