I keep thinking "Oh! I am so bringing this and this and this" I'm working NON STOP the week. I am hoping they will leave a message if anything.
Lol no Tyler your spending Tuesday watching the emperiors new grove! Im pretty sure Eric said we would get phone calls. oh well who knows
The last time I applied I got a phone call. Maybe it's different for the different programs. But for the Cultrual Representative Program I am 99.9% you get a phone call. Everytime the phone rings I have a small heart attack. Good luck!!!!
Today has managed to go by at a good speed for me. Yesterday made up for it though. Felt like a full week. I kept busy most of today. Cant wait till tomorrow though. I guess I will keep the phone with me and stay near the computer. Weekends are horrible, now LOL. Hopefully this is the last one of waiting for us.
new fav pastime= printing off character signatures and practising them til I can do them perfectly. this is getting out of hand... a) I should be doing homework b) I am wasting a shitload of paper and ink c) I should be in bed right now d) If I don't get a character role, I will have wasted several hours of my life but perfected a strange talent...
I hope its today! I need to get my regular sleep back instead or worrying about how my interview went till 1AM every night haha.
Never know when signing names might come in handy. Someone goes to rob you some time and they are like "I will let you go ONLY if you can sign Minnie Mouse's Name on this paper." LOL. Ok highly unlikely but you never know. Might just come in handy. I hope you get the job though. At least being in the CP you have a little less to worry about. Not as many people and they really need Canadian CP's. I hope it is today. I sort of forced myself to sleep a little more today. I was getting a little too low and it wont help get rid of the cold I had worked so hard to get rid of. (Just a runny nose now. Yay, that is so much easier to handle then a sore throat and lost voice.)
My sister has perfected cursive writing, upside down, with her feet, while hanging in a doorway. I think character signatures might come in a little more handy than that!
Yes it might come in handy anyway. All the character attendants knows the signatures (I think) so they can sign autographs backstage even if the character isn't present.
Anyone else hate telemarketers as much as me right now. 3 calls aready this morning. It is like they know. And they are all long distance too so I get all excited till it shows up as a 1 800 number and I am like... Leave it. LOL. It will be a long day. I dont want to get my hopes up but it is impossible. There is really nothing else to do next door besides think about it.
I can't handle this anymore!!!!! I'm going crazy!!!!! I'm obsessively checking this site waiting to see a thread titled "I GOT IT" but no one yet! ARRRRGH.
Me too. Though I figure it would be in here. I really want to know. Atleast know it is started. I feel like I am wasteing excitment when no one is hearing anything
I think I'm nervous now, but I know once people start posting that they've received phone calls that will be so much worse. I won't be productive, I'll start worrying if I'm going to receive a phone call at all, and every minute that I don't will be torture! Because the longer it is from that first person, the more people they've called, and the smaller the chances that they'll call me. I wish they were doing e-mails all at once. Or at least if they could send the rejections before they do the calls, because at least then you'd know. They won't do that, though, because they'll probably want to wait to see if there's anyone who will turn down the job before they turn down applicants, or even tell them they're on the waiting list.
you scared me just then-- i was just skimming the posts and I just saw I GOT IT and I pretty much freaked out until I read the rest of the post. I wanna know right now, this is insane. Obviously the decisions have been made, the interview have been done for a week and I'm sure the recruiters dont sit around twiddling their thumbs, so why is it taking sooooo long to hear!!
I am not sure why. But your right they probbly know. Somewhere it is alrteady known who of us makes it. It is driveing me crazy. If only we could sneak in and take a peek. I hope the fact that other interview was so close will delay us at all. That would be sad. I wonder if maybe after lunch we might start hearing more. I got my phone interview in the 1pm area so never know. Maybe Eric was just getting things orgnized this morning from the other interview and maybe some of us, if not all of us if he does it by way of e-mail, will start knowing this afternoon. Anyone know what is the avrage time for phone calls. Wonder if they call later incase people are at school or work? Meanwhile we are all excitedly waiting and cant wait for something to start soon.