The Waiting Room

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by SteffieDavis, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. yeah that part does suck, they phone us to tell us so you on here everyone one by one starts posts "I GOT CALLED" and then you started freaking cuz you haven't been called yet lol

    My friend got called yesterday for the position starting on Feb 19th so hes leaving next week! Congrats to him but I wanna be called NOW!
  2. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Next week. Wow that is crazy. But super exciting for them. Some ways it would be cool, no long wait after you find out. But in some ways that would be too quick. Congrats to him.

    So is this a sign that they have started phone calls? Wonder if we will hear anything from anyone else when people get home from Work/School over here. :) Good luck to everyone. I am hoping people will post rather then remain quite about it, as it is exciting to hear as people get phone calls. (No matter how stressful it is of a wait. I know I feel better knowing when they started and when they are dieing down to know I did not get missed. With our hydro going out like 5 times yesterday I am actually worried about what will happen if that continues.)
  3. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    I'm going crazy just waiting for the email telling me when the interview is :p And hopefully it'll come soon, because the interview is only 6 weeks away now.. How crazy will it be waiting after it :eek: I think the wait will be a lot harder this time, because the last time I went I hardly even knew what WDW was :eek:
  4. ashley86

    ashley86 New Member

    They won't call you to tell you, you got it. They will send you an Email with the subject of WALT DISNEY WORLD. For everyone who was interviewed last week I would say at least not until next week. I know it's tough waiting but when you get that e-mail your day is immediately better.
  5. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    the waiting seems to suck in this proess! iHate it!
  6. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    really?? they said in the presentation that they would call. I got home today and my messages light was blinking and I pretty much had a heart attack-- but it was only my mom... An email would be better, my reaction on the phone if it is a no would be hard, and if it is a yes I might break the poor persons eardrum.
  7. IloveTink

    IloveTink New Member

    Its an email...goodness i hope it doesnt go to junk mail!
    now im going to check my email evry five minutes!
  8. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    Yeah I hope its an email that way everyone hears at relatively the same time nad it's a lot harder to miss an email then a phone call. And if unfortunatly its a no, you don't have to try and hide your dissapointment
  9. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I like the e-mail better cause then most of us will find out around the same time. Rather then it going on for some people over days. I don't think they ever call to tell you you did not get it, unless you don't have an e-mail address. I always heard (even in cases where they called the people who got in) the people who did not get in find out in an e-mail for sure. That is what scares me about the e-mail. Anyone ever not make it and got the e-mail. Is it titled differently? Cause I might be to afraid to open it. LOL. Might sit there staring at it for a while before I finally click on it, preparing for the worst.

    Anyway hope whatever it is, it comes soon. LOL. My sleep is getting an hour less every night as I start to feel better, and get more excited. :)
  10. ashley86

    ashley86 New Member

    All I know is the 4 people that I know and got accepted all got the same email on the same day at the same time. And even if you don't get it you still get an email.
  11. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    are these peopls from the uk?
  12. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Most of the people on here I seem to recognize are from Canada. We had our F2F interviews last weekend (roughly) and so this is mainly for waiting to get the e-mail to tell us if we made it or not.
  13. ashley86

    ashley86 New Member

    they are all from Canada
  14. minnie :)

    minnie :) New Member

    when did they hear? was this just recent?
  15. ashley86

    ashley86 New Member

    this was back in November
  16. I hate weekends. No calls for anyone. Here's hoping Monday is the day!
  17. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    Oh goodness, I'm starting to get anxious.
    I start to plan everything in my head and the have to scream at myself.
  18. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    LOL. Good I am not the only one planning way too much around something that is not certain yet. LOL

    I always thought it would be Monday or Tuesday. Hope it is Monday though. I really cant wait. I got a lot planned Wednesday so I hope it is not then. Or I will be stuck out and about hearing from Krystal if she got it or not and wondering what I cant expect. LOL
  19. brad

    brad New Member

    Im doing the exact same thing! I keep planning all this stuff in my mind and then Im like 'stop, your going to jinx it'. This wait is killer! I hope we find out monday so I can spend my day off tuesday telling everyone haha.
  20. ashley86

    ashley86 New Member

    Everyone take a DEEEEEEEEP Breath, I know the waiting is hard, but in the end the wait is DEFINITELY worth it

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