The Waiting Room

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by SteffieDavis, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. JCB911

    JCB911 New Member

    Me too! I thought that the success rate for the ICP was close to 100% :( .....guess not :(

    Good luck!
  2. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    i always thought the success rate for the ICP was alot higher than the CRP. is that right?
  3. HiddenMickeyLover

    HiddenMickeyLover New Member

    Hey Tessa!
    Fingers crossed that we'll be prez's once again!
    Everytime the phone rings my heart starts going just a few beats faster. The best thing is not to think about it. Then when it happens (if it happens) it'll be a big surpise!

  4. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    AHh the waiting is killing me!!!! i thought my interview went well. . . i was the very last person interviewed on sat, by roger. sue was interviewing as well still. im really hoping my experience and attitude are enough to get me through. i did a bit of rambling as well. . . i was so nervous.
  5. brad

    brad New Member

    I have some questions....

    Do the recruiters see your resume before they interview you? Or when you give it to them thats the first time they see it?

    How many Canadians are usually down there at a time? How many were tehy looking to hire?

    Ah so many questions, I just want them to phone now haha.
  6. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I am getting more and more nervous about it. I am actually worried I did not get in. There is so much more I could have said. LOL.

    At least I have been sick with a really bad sore throat today that I did not sit and think too much. But every time it comes up I have such mixed feelings of how I did.

    And Ty thoese are some good questions. I would be interested in the answers too if anyone knows. :)
  7. brad

    brad New Member

    Oh man did you catch my cold?
  8. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    I'm sure they do! I think I remember from my last interview that the recruiters were alone in the room a few minutes between the interviews so they might look then. But I know it matters, because I've had a lot of f&b jobs before so I had that as my last choices and wanted to try attractions instead. But I got f&b anyway...
  9. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I think I did Ty. LOL. I catch sore throats so easily. It is about the only way I get sick. Last time I had the flu or a regular cold was probably about 5 or more years ago. I hate sore throats. But I am good at getting rid of them fast. Today I feel quite well. And since it is warm I might get out and go for a walk, hopefully the wet rainy air will help. :) Atleast it is this early. I hope to be feeling a lot better by the time we start getting phone calls and such.

    I don't remember Sue having much papers with her when she interviewed me though. But you never know. She did have a clip board so she could write on. She wrote a lot. LOL. Wish I knew what it was. :) Wonder if they already know some of us that they want to go down. It will be exciting once e-mails/phone calls start going out. I cant wait to find out who all got in. And I so hope I did.
  10. Yeah Roger had a paper he was writing stuff on, I peeked a little look at it but all I could see was that he wrote that I had done the program before at the bottom.

    When did everyone say they could leave by? Is anyone hoping for the position next week?
    I said middle of June.
  11. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I said I could leave anytime after March 1st cause I have a trip to Vegas in two weeks that I cant miss. Anytime after that I am free. Being self employed it is easy to get out of work at the drop of a hat.

    would be neat to hear when everyone else said they would like to go. And is there really a position to leave next week? Or do you mean find out next week? I think it would be hard for them to get us a visa if it was. But would be really cool. They would have to let people know soon if that was the case. :)
  12. angeljenn3

    angeljenn3 New Member

    I would assume that they were writing down our answers so that when they are discussing candidates they can remember who we are and what we said. That will help them make a decision. They've interviewed a lot of people, I'm assuming it's easy to mix people up.

    I said that I can go down June 15th or later. My convocation is June 10th and I'm hoping to take a graduate school class in May (I have university until the end of April). Hopefully the fact that I want to start so late won't hurt my chances of getting accepted! I said that I was available through October and December but I'm really hoping to be out before the beginning of August. I'd really like to be in the Candlelight Cast Choir, and I'm hoping to go back to school after Disney so I'd have to wait another year if I don't return by September.
  13. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    From what i can tell, the interviewers have a couple of different sections they ask about, like, living, working, career, etc.

    all they write is something like meet, exceed or poor.

    something like that.
  14. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    the interviews have seemed ok from people i have asked in the past, i think the phone interview is worst as you cant see their reactions!
  15. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    no, I think the f2f was just as tough, cause the reaction is a nod and a smile-- no matter what you say-- so basically, there is no reaction there either...
  16. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    My first phone interview I sucked so bad. Second time around I whipped right through it so easily. The F2F this time was hard I think. Just cause it was once again new to me. I knew I was a great candidate for the job. I just also knew there were a lot of other good candidates for this awesome job. I say if I ever had to go through it again I could do it with more easy... (Only if I get in I think. Cause if I don't get in I might be nervous cause I wouldn't have gotten in the last time.)
  17. IloveTink

    IloveTink New Member

    im ready to get out of the waiting room! lol
    i hope everyone is keeping busy
  18. Valkyrie_Vee

    Valkyrie_Vee New Member

    uhoh.. that's so mystifying.. :eek: so we dun have a clue either answer we give them is right or wrong..

    am on waiting too for further step which could take months they said..
  19. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    I guess I got lucky.
    When I was in my interview Sue was laughing almost the whole entire time. Simply because I was being silly with her.

    My interview went as perfect as it could have gone. If I don't get the job I'm so not meant to have it.

    I'm also a Newfie so when I came in immediately she said "Oh!! A Newfie! Tell me a joke!"
    We're all SO funny apparently.
  20. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I had her laughing quite a bit too. But still not sure. I guess it could be worse though. She seemed interested in my Dog Sledding, I just wish I had thought of telling her about street painting as well, since that has a lot to do with being in public and interacting with tourists and, since I do Disney Street paintings, I attract the kids. But I guess it is a little late for should haves. LOL. Just have to sit tight and dream I guess.

    Could be any day now I guess. I hope they e-mail it, in a way so that everyone knows roughly the same time. That way no one is freaking out as people are finding out one by one. It makes it a tad easyer if you did not get in too, so your not sitting and waiting all excited as people are getting phone calls, only to find out you did not get in. That would be really sad, as if not getting in isnt sad enough.

    My sleep is getting shorter and shorter. Cant wait for everyone to find out. :)

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