The waiting game.......

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. El1987

    El1987 New Member

    Hahaha.. Love it.

    Like I was telling Gary and Amy. I've been distracting myself with a rubiks cube, but unfortunately, it has only resulted in me feeling more anxious and frustrated.

    I'm not checking my emails for a good couple days, and after wednesday, I'm considering avoiding the forums for two weeks, cos I'll actually go crazy, specially if people have heard back, and I haven't.. eeeek..
  2. Sam_s87

    Sam_s87 New Member

    Ive checked my emails about 4 times already today!!! Trying to do a SWOT analysis for work but it is not taking my mind of the waiting. i am thinking more about the fact that i may not have to do this for much longer!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!

  3. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    Strengths: DISNEY
    Weaknesses: DISNEY
    Opportunities: DISNEY

    I imagine thats how your works going! I keep thinking of wierd random things that could effect our chances... oh dear. If we do end up waiting three weeks, I'll be in the nearest asylum. Can you imagine what it will be like to be opportunity listed?!
  4. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    It's my birthday at the end of the 3 weeks - and I'm a big kid when it comes to things like that - so I think it truly is going to be the longest wait ever - would be such a great Birthday present to find out If I'm through. Lol. Not looking forward to the prospect of having to apply again in Jan.

    but the great thing is - "we're all in this together" *performs related dance routine* ahem.... I mean, we're all going through the same stress and waiting - and we've got people to talk to and stress together with. :) I don't know what I'd do without you guys! :D
  5. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    Ahoy Ya'll. Barney checking in (also known as Kate)

    It was so lovely to finally meet so many of you, especially after my near-obsessive posting on here every time I applied (apart from this time) for that last 2 and a bit (eek) years.

    Good luck to all of you, couldn't hope to loose out to a nicer bunch if it comes to that (oh god please no!)

    I do think it all went well, but I can't help thinking that there are people that deserve it more than me. Good luck
  6. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Haha! Sorry Kate! I did think it was Kate tbh, butt I'm sure you said you had me on FB and I looked and couldn't find you so thought I must have been wrong! Lol! Awww your too nice! But yea, the loosing out part is not good at alll!! Hope there is enough room for all of us! (Over the entire year) that would be so good :)
  7. DiegoZapien

    DiegoZapien New Member

    Hey guys... mexican side of the story reporting!!!

    Spotted: 30 eager participants plus 8 possible GRs waiting at cold grounds of a mexican university for the oportunity to expose why they want to take the oportunity if their lives.

    We had our interview last saturday; we were a small group, expected more people to be honest... we were at the end, only applying for the CPR around 30 with a couple of No-Shows. Personally I think a small group like this is kinda scary, but I do have a feeling that I did a good job during my interview, now just have to wait for 2 weeks... but what are 2 weeks compared to the 2 months of waiting between the Telephone Interview and the F2F.

    Looking forward to meet you guys... the Disney experience and meeting people from all over the globe is something I really want.

    You guys can contact me if you want... my msn is in my profile.

    Have a Magical Day everyone!!!
  8. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    I've generally been obsessing over every little thing & I did have a thought about the numbers... If I ramble I apolgise now.

    When we got to speak to Hannah, she made it sound like there will be a few YES & dates places, many places for the Opportunity List - which is a yes just we need to sort out the dates & very few No's - who I assume are for people who turned up & we're more into Bugsy Bunny or just generally bland & un-cast memeber like. It made it seem like we we're pretty much good for a place we just had to live up to ourselves & be enthustastic with some experience to back it up...?

    Has anybody spoke/heard of people who got to F2F & got a no? Which would be completly heartbreaking! Also Hannah did say those who were Opportunity Listed in January, the majority had got their places! & I think the few remaining just reapplied with us guys.

    Anyway I'm off to go read a book/blog/find a wall to stare at, anything that will stop me from overthinking this whole thing!
  9. kazmanatee

    kazmanatee New Member


    Sorry I'm gatecrashing your thread!! Did they give you a date for when you would find out?! And kanga - I don't know of anyone who hasn't been taken off the waitlist yet I don't think.... there were alot of offer's made in the past few weeks, and if you are waitlisted do not worry!! I totally gave up hope then out of no where - offfferrrr ;D

    GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!!!!! xx
  10. DiegoZapien

    DiegoZapien New Member

    They told us that we'd have word from the recruiters in a couple of weeks.
  11. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    When I was looking back over previous posts looking for F2F info, I can remember people saying that it was a no for them but I can't remember the reasons. Some who were rejected emailed Yummyjobs asking for interview feedback which they said was really helpful.
    From what I can tell they send the emails out in batches together. So all the 'yes' people will get an email at the same time, then all the wait list people, then all the dreaded 'no' emails.
    I can even remember reading a post about somebody being turned down because they had too much experience! Apparently they were told that because this is an entry level job position, they think people with too much experience will be bored and want to leave, or will be more difficult to train as they're "set in their ways" so to speak.
    Oh my life it's only been 3 days... I want to know nooooow!
  12. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    I've definitely heard of people getting nos at the F2F stage- reading back over past threads one year there were quite a lot of nos, which was pretty scary but then last time round there seemed to be a lot more yes's than nos. So I think it probably changes from year to year but if Hannah implied there weren't going to be many rejections then that's gotta be a good thing! I think I'd be quite happy to get onto the opportunity list to be honest- it would mean more waiting but if there's still a chance of getting out there it would be worth it!
  13. meelie

    meelie New Member

    Hi everyone! :D

    It was great to meet people on Friday. I've been reading these forums on and off but haven't really posted but I'm getting so stressed out that I felt I needed to! I've spent all day today reading people's blogs and stuff who are out there/ have been out there and am now dreading a 'no' email - I want to go out soooo much!!
    I'm glad to see that even if you get wait listed you are still likely to get out there eventually...I wouldn't mind that outcome, I just don't want an outright no!!
    Do you all think we'll know before the 3 weeks are up? I hope so...can't stand the anticipation!!!

    Amelia x
  14. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    Uh did Yummy mention to anyone how we'd find out? Email, phone call, carrier pigeon, smoke signal???
    All we were told is it could take 3 weeks. Which makes sense looking at old posts there seemed to be some chaos on people finding out at various times, wheres as January they seemed to come out in batches.
  15. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    I think I can remember Jason saying it would be by email when Jill asked him if it was a 3 week wait at the end of the presentation.
    The last load of F2F results were emailed out so I'm guessing they'll be doing the same this time.
    I just read over a post from earlier this year about their results and it seemed that everybody who got rejected and waitlisted were sent out first. Then all the offers got sent out after.
    I think I'm going to be checking the boards before I check my mail on the day, just because that way I may be able to guess if it's good news or not! As soon as somebody says they've had some news I'll rush straight to my inbox!
  16. KatLou26

    KatLou26 New Member

    hey guys,
    just to clarify what happened in Jan for you (although I reckon it may be different this time). We were told we would hear a week later...and we all did (yes, no, opp). However, at this time they only offered positions until the end of September.

    Then, in April there were a batch of us got emails for Oct- Dec dates. But not everyone. Then in July until Aug the majority of the rest of the waitlistees found out. I think it depends on date; on my date most of the people had to wait until July to find out (although this could also be due to people pulling out). People also got off the waitlist almost immediately to go out earlier (so May etc)...some people just got 6 weeks notice too!

    This might not happen for you as they're giving three weeks to work dates out, but just letting you know so that if you get opp listed you'll know how it works!!

    Good luck x x
  17. Charlyjo

    Charlyjo New Member

    lol that did make me giggle :) x x
  18. Charlyjo

    Charlyjo New Member

    i dont no if i feel better or not. by the sounds of what people are saying the lowest percent of people get a 'no'. am I right? x x
  19. DiegoZapien

    DiegoZapien New Member

    Guys... just a question... how many people were at the interview in your country? :3
  20. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    There was 2 days of interviews, 60 people allocated each day however on the 1st day, 1 cancelled & 3 were no shows. I dont know for 2nd day.

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