The Seasonal Work Program.

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by s4meb, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. acp

    acp New Member

    Yay! The group grows some more :)

  2. Trev

    Trev New Member

    Hey congratulations!

    Does anyone know where they fly us out from and to?

    I've been so over the moon at work today it's been great!
  3. mickeymarc

    mickeymarc Member

    thanks. no i havent a clue. i guess we'll find out soon enough when yummy get in touch!
  4. Ashley

    Ashley New Member

    Well done Marc ;D and everyone else
    Really proud of you
    See I told you they would hire you ;)
    Ashley xxx
  5. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Oooooooo i'm nervous. Only sent fax off this morning. worse week ever!!! Moved back from uni last week so no internet and didnt know yummy had sent us emails!!! Sent my presentation slip by fax on wed and then had mobile stolen so spent all day getting in touch with yummy and disney to change to new phone numbers!!! I hope this isnt a sign!!!
    Congrats to everyone given the thumbs up!! Please send happy thoughts and get me to disney too!!! During the phone interview was it general chat or did they ask lots of questions like in the phone interviews we recently had??

    Well done to every one again.
    Tan x x x
  6. s4meb

    s4meb New Member

    Hi tan
    it was pretty much the same as the other phone interview, same sorta questions. good luck and hope to see u out there too.
    Just over a month till disney baby yeah!!
  7. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Arrrgh!!! Interview this Monday at 3pm!!!
    Cant believe i have to go the whole weekend, but hope i get to join you guys!!!!!

    Tan x x x
  8. Laura *O*

    Laura *O* New Member

    Hey Guys iv also applied to do this program!

    Im on the waiting list for cultural rep program but got email askin if would like to apply for this while waiting! Like u tho tan i also jst sent application away yesterday as there was a mix up with emails so only got link to the presentation on wednesday! I havent heard back yet tho when my phne interview will be, hopefully soon as hate waiting!! :)

    Hope to see u's all out there soon n good luck wi interview on monday tan!

    x :)x
  9. CPB

    CPB New Member

    I had never heard of this program. Before i left WDWIP i had asked if Disney would ever be starting a H2B visa program. I was told they were considering it. What is the requirements to apply for the program and how do you apply for it? Any info would be great guys.

  10. mickeymarc

    mickeymarc Member

    hey guys im trying to get in touch with the US embassy for my visa on this 2 month programme but do not know what type of visa i need t oget. does anybody know?
  11. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I'm not 100% sure how I'm not from the UK my guess is it's the same program I'm currently on (same end date and positions and such) which is on a H2-B visa.
  12. Trev

    Trev New Member

    Do we need to do that ourselves or will Yummy let us know what we are meant to be doing?
  13. Tan

    Tan New Member

    As far as i was aware Yummy would get in contach once all the interviews were over. Spoke to Jason on Thursday and he thought the interviews would be over by this Tuesday. So maybe it might be worth hanging on incase you hear from them. Thanks for the good luck wishes!! You will proberly hear on Monday from disney laura!! They rang me at 7pm on Friday. I Completly forgot the time difference!!

    Tan x x x
  14. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Hey guys
    Just had interview and i thought it went pretty well, but the interviewer said at the end Jason from yummy jobs would let me know the outcome in a weeks time. I'm thinking this aint a good sign, as you guys were all told after your interviews!! Nevermind, but pretty gutted!

    Tan x x x x
  15. mickeymarc

    mickeymarc Member

    Disney have informed yummyjobs who has got a job etc and then yummy get in touch with you. michelle from yummy got in touch with me saturday, and she gave me all the details i needed but they send you a pack with all you need to do. then she told me in the mean time apply for an interview to get your visa. my visa interview is on the 1st september (fri) may see some of you there if you got similar appointments!
  16. acp

    acp New Member

    Michele also phoned me on Saturday morning with the same info. My US Embassy appointment is on the 29th of August.

  17. Tan

    Tan New Member

    well you have given me small hope!! But reading ya previous messages i thought you guys said the interviewer told you at the end of the interview if you had a job. I just hate the waiting!! Will keep you updated!!!

    Tan x x
  18. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    hey dudes!!!

    im also joining u all on the 10th september!!!!! SOOOOOO EXCITING!!!

    cant wait ;D ;D ;D
  19. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Hey Jilly!!!
    congrats. im still waiting to hear - so i havent got my hopes up, think if i'd got through i would have heard by now. Did you get told after your interview?
    Well done everyone who is through.

    Tan x x
  20. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    yeh she told me at the start of the call that she would tell me the outcome of the interview at the end...

    if u dont get it, dont let it get you down... i was rejected for the year long program in march this year and i was absolutely gutted....i cried for weeks....and now look at me!! it might not be as soon as u would like but if u really want this u will get it in the end so dont worry :-*

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