The Roles

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kevus, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    I dont think they do to be honest. I said my favorite ride was tower of terror when asked, and i wasn't even put in operations!
  2. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Damn :p I'd've ended up in Main Street or the Magic Kingdom somewhere if they did, dammit...

    Omg how awesome would it be to work in the shop for POTC and get to wear a piratey costume, and play with pirate toys :p Aaah I can dream... I just want a fun costume dammit!
  3. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    well everyone seems to know about merc, f&B, ops. Just wondering about custodial.... anyone got any stories?
  4. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    I read the blog of one of last year's Custodial CMs a while back... can't remember where I got the link from but I'll see if I can find it again. Was very positive though :)

    Edit: found it!
  5. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    you'll be spending alot of time in ther break room :-X. Most of my custodial friends said they could do what they want really, they had alot of freedom and spent alot of time sitting in the break room.
  6. rachet

    rachet New Member

    to be honest i really wouldnt mind a hotel! park would blatantly be better though. the only lame place to be put with be TTC, i cant imagine it being remotely enjoyable in any way! do many summer people get put there? i hope not :)
  7. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    I can sooooo see that being exactly where they put me now! It must be the only place when you'd just be dealing with grouchy, rushed people all day! Yeah, I guess the hotels wouldn't be TOO bad, you just wouldn't get the whole 'magic' thing you would (hopefully) get from the parks. Oh well, just got to wait and see I guess! Only around 12 weeks til we know :p
  8. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    You hear good and bad stories about custodial to be honest..Worst custodial job you can get tho is probably pi..

    My friend got this role and said he was going to leave..Leading him to be moved to Disney quest..

    I used to have to walk past the custodial people in there "break room" all the time when i was walking to the production centre and they all looked like they were having fun..It just depends whether you like to be working non stop or whether you like to have a sit down after you've done everything i guess!! Although im sure its not that easy..
  9. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Mission Space has 2 custiodial people assigned specifically to them at all times (guess why lol), sometimes it is people on the programs.

    They basically just sit in the brakeroom, until called except for the odd times I saw them changing the trash around the attraction.
  10. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    To them taking notice of what yu mention emails and stuff, I don't think it would bear much effect as only yummy or the various worldwide equivalents really pay much attention as far as I'm aware. HOWEVER, in my interview, he asked about my top two choices, character performer and attractions. I explained my jolly good reason for wanting CP first, then for attrations I said I'd love to do soething with a good long spiel. He quickly asked if I could drive and once I'd let slip that I could he eagerly asked if i would be happy doing kilamanjaro safaris! I was like woaahhh YEH!

    Anyways, I got my first choice so yay but I wonder if I hadn't if that conversation would have led to being somewhere like the safaris.... defo worth a try to slip it in during interview! xx
  11. Mauro

    Mauro New Member

    jajaja nobody likes working on the safari ....thats why they send all the cp and icp there¡¡¡¡ at least thats what i have heard¡¡¡ I wouldnt have minded doing safari sounds cool to mee¡¡¡¡
  12. klingon911

    klingon911 New Member

    Its a shame you can apply for the Cultural Rep, to work in Disney for a year, and be only limited to your countries specific roles. Id love to do attractions for Tommorrowland in MK; Space Mountain, Indy Speedway, Stitches Great Escape etc, unfortunately they do not have attractions like that in the UK Pavilion :p
  13. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    I'd love to do some of the big attractions too!

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