Theyre lovely photos, whats wrong with them? I want to get photos like that done, but i dont know how to go about it, hehe!
(and to get a free sesh, ask someone you know going to put your name down. They always ask for a load of referals - maybe Carla can help you there!)
yeah thats how i got it though appraently the promo has ended. im going in january so if its started up again i will put people;s names down. so even though im going for the goddess treatment its ok to take my boyfriend?
yeah manchester near the piccadily station apparently. can i i have to register on the site for my appoitnment...or jsut leave it?
I have always wanted to have proper photos taken, I'm a bit of a poser so I'd love it!! Maybe someday... Someone update me, has noone heard back from interviews? I've been soo busy! Am exhausted now though, and feeling pretty much like crap, but must...keep...going. Still need to go shopping for an interview outfit, goodness. Sorry I'm rambling to myself, it's 4am and I'm reading about the indian caste system, joy of joys. Help me!
nothing so far..ive created a song. just keep checking, just keep checking..g, just keep checking all day long! im sure you can all guess where i got it fom lol!
i keep checking to see whats happening so you lot had better put up what you get as soon as you get it lol!
Yay, yay, yaaaaay!!! Okay, I have NO idea whatsoever where I should post this but I've just received an email from International Services saying that they're very interested in my application and would like me to call them asap. They're having interviews in March in Paris, Bonn and Milan! OMG!!!! Not only am I getting to the interview, I get to go abroad as well! Smashiiiiiing, I love, love, love Disney!! Ooh, and I'll defo call them tomorrow as I'm a bit light headed today due to this and my wisdom tooth being pulled off.
Janey-Congrats that is so exciting . Plus, getting to do some traveling is always fun! Hope you feel better soon from getting your wisdom teeth out!
i dont know why i am posting this. But im goin to get my F2f in paris next March (im from barcelona). im so excited about this! and i cant stop thinking of it!
I have my F2F interview in Deventer, The Netherlands in 2 days!!! I really can't wait but I'm getting more and more nervous.