The Interview

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Aya, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. Harrysurrey

    Harrysurrey New Member

    I am so excited about this, the videos were awesome thanks for posting them guys! So whats this waitlist you are talking about? I thought it was either yes or no! I did not know about any waiting list!!
  2. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    theres yes,no and maybe....maybe is the waiting list

    its like that for the phone interview too....some people are on the waiting list to go to the f2f interviews!!
  3. VeganPup

    VeganPup New Member

    okayi get it .... :D
  4. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    anyone know when the interviews are?

    need to sort out an Alton towers trip in sept and i dont want it clashing with the interview!!!
  5. Aya

    Aya New Member

    No i'v only heard rumours about them being at the end of September nothing solid though sorry! that's so wierd i'm planning on going to Alton towers in sept too hopefully when all the kids have gone back to school.. no ques!!
  6. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    aye same reason im going to alton towers in sept too!!

    best time in the year to go!!
  7. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    hi there i noticed on he you were showing vids that make you really want to go and i though i should show u this one because it really makes you want to go even more it did with me !

    oh by the way im doing the cultural rep uk starting from sept 11th cant wait !!!!!!!!!!

    feel free to add me on msn and i will tell you all you need to know
  8. Laulau

    Laulau New Member

    hi everyone i'm tho to sept f2f too .... i go on my holiday to Disney in sept so had a panic to yummy and they said that i would be fine... i go 4th to the 20th they said it would be the end of sept.... i hope we hear soon as i cant wait and will need to by my flight ticket to london baby xxxx
  9. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    aw i watched that vid early this morning...been checking out everyones disney vids on mine!there not very good but hey! lol here they are:

    ....i keep dreaming in my head....thinking 'i wanna be there again!!!!!!!'

    btw adam ive added ya on msn :)
  10. Harrysurrey

    Harrysurrey New Member

    I tell u. The closer it is getting to the interviews the more nervous i am getting! What if they ask something really obscure about England! I would be like "Urm, i really dont know that"! I know quite alot about the UK, but only really basic things! I guess im going to have to start reading up to make sure i am fully prepared! Is anyone else worried they dont know enough about the UK?

  11. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    Don't worry before my f2f i had spent weeks reading everything on the UK i could get my hands on, making lists of stuff to do with the Uk etc. And when it came to my interview they only asked me one question on the UK so as long as you know the basic stuff you will be fine- theyre not going to ask you for a detailed history of the royal family or anything. :) But then again its always better to be over prepared with something like that than underprepared.
  12. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    i think maybe watch the local news for a little while before you go. If you can slip in something interesting thts happened in your home town or city recently it'll make you sounds more..involved I guess in your area. My UK knowledge is shocking...I'm deffo going to have to read up on some basic knowledge before I go!

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