the death test...............who dares!................

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tinkerbell, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. Anika

    Anika New Member

    my secret? maybe a lot of ;D right, tinkerbell? :-*
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol too rite Anika!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)...tofu's the secret! ;)
  3. Anika

    Anika New Member

    lol ;D :-*
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    :-* :-* hey Anika...i hope ull be on website dads comin on now :'( :'(.lol......speak soon.

    nat xxx
  5. Anika

    Anika New Member

    Just came home from my cooking course ;D...thought I might stay up for at least another half an hour because I wouldn´t be able to sleep right away...I´m way too full... ::)
  6. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Hey Anika..
    just mist u!!!!!dam....that sounds fun.I wouldnt mind doin a cooking course myself!!,HOPe u havea good sleep!speak soon :D ;D
    nat xx
  7. Anika

    Anika New Member

    I really have to do a cooking course, otherwise I´ll have problems in FL... ;)
    We can cook together and try the stuff out on some volunteers...and then see who´s gonna survive that! ;D ::) ;)
  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol...cant waitto try ur food then anika.... :D ;) ;).lol.. yes after a nice day at wall-mart well come back and cook.i wo ;) ;) ;)uld love to cook wid u,lol......oh dear the poor volunteers,, :D ;) ;) ;)
  9. Anika

    Anika New Member

    Well, I don´t plan to tell them that I´m actually not an excellent cook (yet)... ;D
    We´ll just invite them over to dinner and have a little fun of our own... :D lol... ;)
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol...sounds fun...yay! i want a disney appron ;) ;).lol and sum disney oven gloves lol.....
    lol..hey lets feed teh meateaters tofu (dont tell em) lol...they wont notice ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)........ ::) ;) ;D.mmm im gettuing hungry now and its only 10.30am :D :D :D lol... ;)
  11. Anika

    Anika New Member

    yes, we´ll feed them tofu...sounds funny... ;D ::) ;)

    it´s 11:30 over here already, lunch´s not so far away... ;D
  12. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol.... :D :D :D...hmm i may have to hava snack ::) ;) cant wait no more!.hehhe ;D ;D ;D

    .ive bought a cinderella watch especially for disney lol..i wantto buy a who framed roger rabbit one,it was very expensive last time i ill save especially ;) ;) ;) ;)
  13. Anika

    Anika New Member

    lol ;D how cute... :D

    Working at WDW is definitely going to be a temptation for me...oh, how much money I´ll spend... :-\
  14. E_Rich

    E_Rich New Member

    Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on:

    Sunday, March 21st 2060
    At the tender age of 76 years old.
    On that date, you will most likely die from:

    "Cleaning your Rifle" (7%)
    Drowning (6%)
    Horrible Accident (6%)
    Alcoholism (5%)

  15. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    what is it with rifles!lol........does everyone own one!!,,,,heheh........yeah Anika.temptations everywher,i wil have to restrain myself from the shops!! ;) ;)

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