the bird

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by JOSSYPOO, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. flavour

    flavour New Member

    ooops! sorry jossy! just read that you mentioned that already! :-[

    JOSSYPOO New Member

    haha no worries!!
  3. Louisa

    Louisa New Member

    well, i wanted to go to the prasention in oslo this last weekend over halloween but I couln't go. We made a new video last year.. an d the canadians rules in that one "Hi Joe" and a coppel of his friends sits in the pool singing Oh canada with coconutscups and beer.. i wish i could see it.. but i guss therre willbe an aother chance in march to go to the presantation.
  4. flavour

    flavour New Member

    so the video was made last year? cause me and my friend were already guessing when it might have been taken! we were looking for people we knew in there...but well, nobody! :(

    later! flavour xoxo

    JOSSYPOO New Member

    its official
    i am in
    i am going in march 2005
    i will be meeting this bird !!

    Levon you better come in december!

  6. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    Congrats JOSSY
    you must be so excited
    Im coming in september....
    see ya there!!!

    later! jessy xxx. ;D
  7. Danman

    Danman New Member

    Solely for the interests of competition. What was the fastest time u did a single bird?

    I believe mine was 8 seconds. Not bad for a UK newbie at the time tho im sure the canadians can put me to shame...?

    Dan Timer 2003 - 2004
  8. Muziqal

    Muziqal New Member


    JOSSYPOO New Member

    allll riiiggghhht
  10. cartwheel69

    cartwheel69 New Member

    Hello all Cartwheel here. Just looking at the posted about timming. I know Louie well. I was Bird holder 2000 to 2001 and I remember doing 29 birds in a night and the fastest in a compition was a triple bird in
    just a little over 3.5 seconds. This was against Norway in the drinking compition.
  11. missj

    missj New Member

    :'(  aw, the bird... any news on who the new birdman will be... or is? damn time flies...
    on the topic of our favourite vomit-encrusted lawn ornament, i'd like to reassure the ladies reading this site that in my short term as cg prez (really, i sucked) i did stand firmly behind having a birdgirl... or at least some quality canadian girls bird time -especially after robbie went to all the trouble of scrubbing it with bleach and a toothbrush!
    and, responding to mr. daniel timer's 8 seconds i'd like to remind him of a certain canadian girls versus no ma'am in which his *bum* (this is what happens after a year of not swearing onstage) was royally kicked (three times in a row, no less, just in case the 'timing' was off) by one fabulously talented canadian girl  ::) ;)
  12. Danman

    Danman New Member

    OK my time was put to shame. Missj would u happen to be Jenn!

    WOW its been tooooo loooonnnggg! As far as having my 'bum' kicked 3 times I felt like you should have at least come away with something that nite!!hehe

    Seriously it was an honour to compete with you. Just like it was to just be a part of No Maam vs CG. I do remember the 'rock the boat' competitionn outside the apartment that nite. Can Robbie puke anymore?

    Read an earlier post regarding the drinking competitions. Though I was never part of Canada vs Norway, I was part of Canada vs UK talk about intense!! 200 cans in 1 nite!! The beast rules!!

    Anyone got any Beast related stories?
    Dan 'Timer'

    PS Jenn I look forward to competeing against u soon.....
  13. missj

    missj New Member

    aw, dan, miss ya!
    um, yeah rock the boat was probably the nastiest thing i have ever partaken in! and we def. need to have a rematch, i'd love to kick your butt again (oh, it was so fulfilling). anyways, i walked away with a few things that night... a bad headache, a bad stomach ache... and i think a norwegian.. or a uk... or.... drawing a blank... italy?
    hmmm. the beast was very hard on me... but, anything for cg!
  14. trouble

    trouble New Member

    you guys were askin what louies time was... i think the last time i saw it actually timed he did it in like 1.8 seconds, like you said, he is so fast youc ant really time him.....pretty cool to watch though! ya gotta love louie!!

    Later! Laura ;)
  15. Charlene

    Charlene Guest

    Bird the da word!

    When I was in the Commons in 2001-2002... the Bird went missing!
    I'm glad to hear that it's either been recovered or replaced! It's an unoffical beer bong... of sorts.

    (Newbie's stop reading if you don't want to know... if you want it to be a surprize)

    At a throw-out, the leaving person must at a dare: either drink a can or bottle of beer that has been poured into the Bird, a nasty old smelly flamingo lawn ornament, OR suck the nipple or the Rye Guy (or Girl, I guess... we had a Rye Guy at the time). I didn't drink much and I certainly couldn't swing back an entire beer... so I had to go for the alternate dare.... I admit that I did suck the Rye Guy's nipple (and he was so tanked on Canada Rye that I swear I suckled alcohol from his tit!)

    Anyway... then there's a little dance and hooting... and the Bird is returned to the Birdman (or woman) for safe keeping.

    Charlene Canada F&B Alumni 2001-2002
  16. Nio

    Nio New Member

    The bird was and still is around. While I was there we went through 3-4 birdmans I think? Anyway, I'm pretty sure the keeper of the bird right now is a guy named Dave from Ontario. I'm not certain though.
  17. ErinKimberly

    ErinKimberly New Member

    yeah dave is birdman. and it's his nipple you have to lick now, not rye girl's.

    JOSSYPOO New Member

    hahah i have stolen and had the bird in the girls possesion a few times now .. robin didnt keep a very good eye on it as birdman HAHAH :) love you
    man he was angry

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