Just echoing a thanks to Ellen. Ive noticed already some divide etc between certain groups- but you pretty much get that everywhere you go where theres large groups of people. I reckon as long as your enjoying yourself and not affecting anyone else then thats the point. They spend the first few days of training here scaring you with termination stories- but basically try not to steal, break the law etc it seems to be pretty simple. I know some dismissals are unfair and that sucks- but im sure most of them are technically correct, even if they arent that linient. I cant wait to actually start work now! Which i think i do tuesday- but weve been given 3 conflicting timetables by the HRC, so Ive no idea where Im supposed to be even now lol. Im sure Ill figure it out... Hugs Gem x0x
The worst guy was someone from Price Management who does part of your first meeting at the commons....he pretty much instills the fear of god into everyone and makes it sound like just breathing will get you terminated!! no-one need worry....just be smart and don't do anything that you know could get you into trouble....always remember that there's always the risk of getting caught so even if you do break a few rules (and many of them are broken), just don't get cocky about it and start thinking that you'll always get away with it!! that's usally when you get caught!! Ellen x
I am the CLEAN and QUIET room mate.....HOWEVER......I am a SINGER so I NEED to have some practice time sometimes........... NO there will NOT be dogs that come a runnin EITHER!! ;D
NO WORRIES...... NOT trying to throw you off babe!! All I have prayed for during this experience is GOOD room mates that are CLEAN, and RESPECTFUL!!!! I don't CARE if I become GREAT friends with them.....I can MAKE friends.....I don't want a PARTIER and that is about ALL I ask for!! R-E-S-P-E-C-T Sing Aretha!! "What you want.....baby I got....all I'm askin... is for a little RESPECT when you come home......" ;D ;D
OH GIRLFRIEND.......your SO sweet!! I just want to have FUN and respect my room mates as I WANT them to do to me!! I have a tough situation right now at my OWN house, one GREAT room mate and one NOT so great!! She is the HOME OWNER and does NOT want to RESPECT the others in the house!! Bringing me down!! HOWEVER.......VERY excited about LEAVING!!
Okay... Amanda and I are having Tea Parties and Mike and SLG, you are MORE than welcome to attend. Jacket and tie dress is desired. (AND Gemma, and Megara and everyone else who's Awesome, ofcourse!)
Seriously i read your posts and laugh......if you snitch on people and rat people out your immature, and clearly need mommy and daddy by your side to hold your hand. And by the way id have to say 90% of the commons do drugs, just deal with it. It especially sucks if you rat on your own pavillion, everyone will dislike you. We have that right now in the canadian pavillion, just ask the twins how it feels to not have friends in canada cuz they snitched.
Quite honestly I'd prefer to have very few friends because I'd reported someone that have to go home because I didn't. I have always been a bit of an outcast here anyway so it will make little to no difference to me if I have no one to talk to for 12 months.
Hey Ottawa chikky...... 36 YEARS OLD HERE!!! Still thinkin I NEED mommy and daddy beside me?? Good GOD I live with someone who does drugs EVERYDAY!! GROW UP!! I think I am OLD ENOUGH to know WHAT I want and DON'T............ Sorry but you can say WHATEVER you want.......I am NOT ABOUT to get my ARSE kicked OUT for something SOMEONE ELSE was doing!! JUST AN FYI!! You want to do drugs.....have at her..........ME......I got OTHER THINGS to do!! Other ways of having a good time......... ;D You can CALL ME or SAY whatever.........I am big enough to have STRONG SHOULDERS...... Learnt THAT from my MOMMY and DADDY!! ;D ;D (if I have offended ANYONE, PLEASE accept my apologizes.......I was INSULTED by that comment)!!
Sounds to me like OttawaChikky is getting worried that one of us is going to report her drug use if you ask me. Throw insults and hope that you scare people so if they see you doing it they won't report you. If you don't do drugs OttawaChikky then my apologies for casting doubt, but it sounds like it from your responce.
not wanting to lose ur job for sumthing u didnt do makes u immature? sum1 please explain to me how that works? ???
i reckons ur a bit immature for bullying people and ostercising them from yuor pavillion if u wanna do drugs great but if i get sent home coz some selfish person cant handle their drugs problem im gonna be a bit annoyed.. i reckon ur a bully and need to grow up and get a life. Maybe 90% of them do i know im not gonna be in that group though ill have plenty of time to get high in my own country when i get back. And judging by this post i already have enough friends for me not to give a damn about what the likes of you say or think. ok hunny!
Sorry....Tips about what ? Good morning everybody!!! Please, I'd like to understand...some people go away just because they toke tips and so...that is say that take up tips is forbiden??? But...you're are talking about merchandising is it? I'm talking like that...because..about Food and Beverage...in particular about the economic side of work...the only reason to get the job ARE TIPS!!!! ??? ??? ??? And I think to speak not only for the Italian restaurant....sense??? Thank you very much to all of you!!!
Any new words to say to us OttawaChikky? Any response to our comments about your original post? I'm only new here but still working out already who the real immature ones are (named above ) So, 90% of people do drugs? Statistically, that means that 9 out of 10 people using this forum who are going out there will also do drugs out there? From the responses to your words I think you have your math a bit wrong! Also, is the whole thing about being popular? Is the experience that we travel thousands of miles for just about being liked? I think not! Most of us (notice I don't use percentages because I dont have enough evidence ) seem to be out there to enjoy the life that's different from home, to make some friends who are similar to us, to work, live play etc...not to be popular! The ones who try to be popular are never true anyway, it is often just an act. If your a genuinely nice person, people will like you anyway, and if you rat on a Junkie (come on, lets use terms to describe who they REALLY are) then they should understand also. OttawaChikky, if you got terminated because your friend in your apartment was caught with drugs, and it wasn't your fault...you would probably wish you ratted, to cover your own childish backside. Ok, perhaps you have lots of friends, way more than anyone else, and you are sooooooooo popular...well done for that, but as soon as one of those friends becomes the reason for you going home early, you would probably think a bit differently. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, nobody is going to deny you that one little bit, and we are also entitled to ours. But i can guess why you have the opinions you do, because your group of friends is the same as you, perhaps you should be the ones VISITING kid cot....You would look great in the masks! Yes we will rat, yes we will tell on those doing drugs. If people hate us for it then WHO CARES? Atleast we are the ones still out there, whilst they are the ones waiting at check in at the airport. Something tells me you have a little big of growing up to do! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D