Support Group for Canadians Waiting to Hear From Disney

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by SteffieDavis, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    * edit, yummy jobs requested i take down this email

    ... and thats those questions answered. I dont know what to do :(
  2. cristina28

    cristina28 New Member

    and why dont you like F&B??...

    i asked to my interviewer abaut it cause i didn't want it either ...
    cause i have been at WDW and i know food courts are stock of people all the time and they are pretty bussy..
    but he told me that its also abaut selling pop corn outside or drinks o ice cream thinks like that and thats not too bad...
  3. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    i have nothing against the role, and if it was my first program i would def take it-- i just dont know if i can accept when i have a better paying job here... i had such a great first program that the only way i want to go back is if i have an equally positive experience, and i'm just not sure it would be in that role...

    i am super upset right now, kinda taking this whole thing very personally, which i know i shouldn't, it's just hard when you've done a role before and been successful in it and encouraged right to your very last day of work to try for bigger and better things within that department-- to later be told there were stronger applicants is hard to hear. I have nothing against those people, obviously, and i wish them all the best and i'm sure they'll love entertainment, i (obviously) had a really positive experience, i'm just very hurt right now.

    I had been on the fence about being a character again and maybe that hurt me-- i was eager to try something new with more guest interaction, like merch, ops or recreation, but maybe that came through as not passionate enough about any one role...

    ugh, i guess i could analyze this forever, and drive myself crazy with it. I should be grateful i got an offer, but turning down an offer that isnt right for me is harder than not getting an offer at all :(
  4. cristina28

    cristina28 New Member

    so you where a character performer??!! thats awesome!! ..
    now i undertand why dont you like it ...

    but you see.. i gues that is not because there is stronger people for that roll...
    im sure you did all right... but
    when they came to mexico they sayd that they werent avalibable a lots of positions..
    just main entrance, quiq F&B, and merchandice...

    and i was kind of upset too cause i wanted something like ride operations
    or character atendance or something that has to be more with guest interaction...
    they came to mexico at the same day that they did at canada, so probably is because they dont have that job already...but dont be upset just god knows why things happend... and if you dont feel like going you should stay... but maybe is your time to try new experience and maybe you will like it at the end..!!
    do what your heart is telling you..!! and good luck with it..!! =)
  5. missalice

    missalice New Member

    grrrr no email yet <_<
    don't beat yourself up about it steffie! they may just not have any positions available or anything like that, it may not be personal! of course this hurts my chances for character too haha, but I'm eargerly awaiting an e-mail!
  6. i think that the email that steffie and i received were more the opportunities to fill an extra role that we hadn't checked off rather than us getting a job. it wasn’t a job offer by any means, more like extending what we could be considered for. i emailed back saying that i would love to fill any position, including quick service (let's be real.. it's disney world. whatever we all end up doing is going to be amazing). i'm still hesitant just because i never really saw myself performing a role like quick service.

    enough blabbering and back to the waiting! good luck to everyone :) anyone else receive one of these emails or just me and steff?
  7. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    oh ya, def not an offer-- lots of use of the word 'consider'-- but (and maybe i'm reading to much into this) would they really contact us if we didnt have a pretty good shot?
  8. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I did QS F&B last year - it was my last choice, and I only put it down because I figured I'd rather do that at Disney than not go, and always wonder if I would have got in if I had put it down!
    I had an amazing time there, a really good location and the people I worked with were amazing - so I wouldn't necessarily turn it down as it wasn't your first choice!

    Good luck though guys, I'm sure you've all done brilliantly!
  9. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    i just answered that i would do it :) i cant believe i was being so picky, i just want to go back. I still have some thinking to do, but this wasnt a formal offer, just a request that i consider it, and i am def willing to consider it if it means another summer in the happiest place on earth
  10. i feel the same way. i don't want them to get the wrong impression about me :( i guess i was just talking exclusively with people who had gotten what they put down as "first choices" so i just assumed that's what most people got.. i hope i didn't dig myself a (rabbit) hole!
  11. disneykanadian

    disneykanadian New Member

    I can't handle it anymore!!!!!! I want to know NOW! ... but I will be patient (since there's no other option lol). P.S. I didn't get that email about QS F& B... and I didn't check off many roles, maybe they only sent the email to those who seemed willing to do a variety of roles in general?
  12. i check this forum everytime i check my email (way too often) which explains the excessive posting - just in case anyone was wondering. actually i was thinking about the same thing. i told javier at my interview that i would be willing to do just about anything to work in orlando this summer, i didn't think that would automatically put me on the filler list. kind of regretting that statement - especially since i just had a financial bomb dropped on my university funding. it looks like unless this summer is really going to give me a leg up in working with the company down the road it may not be an option :(
  13. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    I said the same thing about willing to do anything to be there, as long as it had guest interaction...

    about finances, QS f&b is actually one of the highest paid roles, pretty much on par with character and lifeguard i think... still less than canada's average pay, but it isnt awful.
  14. carly-anne

    carly-anne Guest

    Just got the news, I'll be attractions!! That was fast!
  15. i got character! i am so so so so excited! i can't wait! :)
  16. carly-anne

    carly-anne Guest

    That was so fast hey?! I'm jumping up and down haha. Lets all get a facebook group going so we can chat before getting there.
  17. Caitlin!

    Caitlin! New Member

    Wooo I got merchandise! I can't handle how excited I am right now
  18. carly-anne

    carly-anne Guest

    I was getting a little worried after seeing those QSFB posts, attractions was my first pick. Wow, so pumped. Congrats!
  19. dsacco7

    dsacco7 Member

    main gate!!! super excited!!!!!
  20. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    qs f&b... after all that whining i'm actually pumped to be going down again :) woo hoo summer 2010!

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