Summer Work Experience 2011

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by GXB977, Sep 9, 2010.


Applications 2011?

  1. Applications 2011?

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  1. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    Same! ive been there almost twice a year for as long as i can remember!!
  2. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    ha ha you are a lot like me then, ive been 11 times lol but it is quite a distance from the uk lol!

    so do you know lots of disney trivia then?

    when are you looking to do the programme then?
  3. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    haha i know a lot about the movies and the parks them selfs!
    on the phone interview she said i would be there from may 1 to the end of july!
    if i get in that is!
    you know a ton of trivia? have you ever been to the disney in paris> i hear its amazing
  4. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    well if i get in i will be there for my birthday as my birthday is at the end of july lol!
    yeah i know a tonne of trivia lol, love it and i love finding more out!
    yeah i have been their twice but i prefer WDW and i didnt go to the pari studios park just the main one like 6 years ago on a school trip!

  5. marmalade262

    marmalade262 New Member

    If i get in I will be going on the 1st of May as well - you are the first person I have found who is going on the same day as me! Nice to finally find someone haha
  6. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    Haha same here!!
    where will you be coming from?
  7. marmalade262

    marmalade262 New Member

    I'm from Scotland, I really hope I get in, I'm sooo excited. Are you definitely going or are you waiting to hear back too?
  8. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    im still waiting to hear about the F2F! :-\
  9. marmalade262

    marmalade262 New Member

    oh well good luck - hopefully we both get in and i'll maybe see you over there :D
    let me know how it goes
  10. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    I hope so to! Good Luck to you as well! ;D
  11. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    Canadians accepted in the program will also go from may 1st - july 29th :):) I've got an f2f and I'm just waiting to hear when it is exactly- sometime in the new year
  12. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    i have a face to face interview next week 19th! xx

    hope to go out may 31st - aug 19th

  13. BethEJo

    BethEJo New Member


    I'm new here - my name's Bethan and I've applied for the ICP too.

    I have my F2F in Birmingham on Nov 18th - yikes that's next thursday!! :eek: If anyone else is there for their F2F too, then HELLOOOOOOO! :)

    Well don on getting your interviews guys ;D
  14. Tter

    Tter Guest

    Oh My god!!! I still have a week to wait before having any news XD I am atrating to stress... and I have no more examen to help me forget that I have still this many time to wait XD

    Hey anyone is form Quebec or I am the only french canadien here?
  15. Tter

    Tter Guest

    HEY! I got some news about the f2f! Here a e-mail Kristen just send me! (and I hope you'll get one too ;D)


    Can you believe it’s nearly December already- perfect time for another Yummy Jobs Update! While we are still working with Walt Disney World to confirm the exact dates of the final interviews, I can confirm that the three locations we will be attending for the Summer Program 2011 would be Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto. At this time we do not anticipate to interview in additional locations, however if this were to change we would be sure to let you know. The final interviews are anticipated to be held at the end of February or first week of March.

    We will aim to give at least 4 weeks notice before the interviews, to ensure you have plenty of time to plan for this exciting adventure. Also, in the next few weeks we will be organizing an email chain so you are able to meet fellow applicants from throughout Canada who will be interviewing for the Summer Program with you. And who knows you may find a travel buddy for the interviews!

    We look forward to keeping you updated about the Summer 2011!

    Have a Great Day!

    Does it mean that I got an f2f since I got this e-mail? Or she sent it to everybody?????
  16. kaity788

    kaity788 New Member

    Hey Tter,
    I am also from Canada (Kelowna to be exact) and got a similar email, however mine said that she would be contacting me in the next 2-3 weeks with more information about the next stage of the interview process (which I am assuming would be my phone interview since I haven't had one yet.) I can see how it's kind of confusing about wondering if you have a f2f or not though. Have you already had your phone interview??

    Also I am really hoping that the f2f interviews are not at the end of Feb cause I was planning on going to Florida from Feb 20-Mar 2nd for my reading break and visiting my aunt (she lives down there during the winter haha) Does anyone know what happens if you can't make it to the f2f?? I haven't booked my flight down yet or anything however I didn't wanna wait much longer to do it but looks like I might have to!
  17. Tter

    Tter Guest

    Hey Kaity788,
    I already got my phone interview, so that why I am a little bit confused.... but I guess it's good news, I don't beleive they woudl sent it to me if they really don't want me XD

    If Krisent say taht you'll geet news in 2-3 weeks, that the phone interview, so check your e-mail ;) I got an similair one when I got my phone interview.... You'll get to choose the time of your phone interview by the yummy job web site ;D But I really don't know for the f2f.. that worry me, because with my University, it happen that our week off is not in the same time that everyone else.... But I guess I can skip a class for this (hopping it will not be the day that I have two class in the same day :-\ ) But send your question at Kristen, I'm sure she's will answer you fast!!! (Gosh my computer underline everything in red because my computer is in french lol.... So sorry if they are many mistakes!)

    YEH! Finally I am Accepted! For one reason, the e-mail didn't made it to me, so Kristen send me another one... that Why it was si long and why I was confused, I didn't have the e-mail! YEAH! :D

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