Summer Work Experience 2011

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by GXB977, Sep 9, 2010.


Applications 2011?

  1. Applications 2011?

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  2. Please help?

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  1. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    people applying from canada** got an email saying our program will run from may 1st - july 29th. May 1st is only a few days after I finish school! yikes!
  2. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    It's the day after I finish... and my school may go on strike which might back up the school year in wich case I could only hope for early finish/exams.
  3. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    oh poop! what school do you go to if you don't mind me asking..
  4. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    University of Wester Ontario
  5. Just had my interview with Kristen think it went really well! I had all my answers prepped for what questions i thought they might ask and i had over prepared really! It lasted about 13 minutes and i was suprised by how simple the questions were! Hopefully i will here back about a F2F!!!! Good Luck everyone!
  6. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    NO WAY ahahah I go to Guelph! :p screw you western!! ;p
  7. Tter

    Tter Guest

    4-5 weeks? It's too long to wait XD But since the start when I apply I always had new after 2 weeks instead of 4 so maybe i'll be lucky this time too :D
  8. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    Kerbear- I'm surprised you didn't go with the traditional Wuck Festern... jeez if you're going to attempt to insult us at least do it right ;)
  9. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    lmao yes of course... see those t-shirts everyday.. one of my personal favorites is "muck the fustangs" ahaha
  10. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    My personal favourite is - "At we know how to spell *uck You!*
  11. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    Any one go to Guelph Humber?!
  12. LisaInWonderland

    LisaInWonderland New Member

    Hey had my phon interview 2 weeks ago now... has anyone heard about wheter they got f2f???
  13. Tter

    Tter Guest

    I just realise that I will finish school May 29th XD Well, anyway at least I finish 2 days before!
  14. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    Hi there!

    Well im ashleigh, im from the UK, cornwall orginally but I am university at Oxford Brookes studying law.

    I applied just before the deadline purely by chance as they were having a presentation at my uni but i was away because of family reasons and so i emailed yummy jobs and they told me when to apply and i only had 4 days to do it in...mega stress!!

    I have my phone interview tomorrow and i would love if anyone could help me with the questions that they ask. i have been to WDW 11 times and when i last went i spoke to someone on this programme who really helped me with how she did it.

    Goodluck to everyone waiting for their phone interview or waiting to hear back for a F2F interview or goodluck to those gone to their F2F and are just waiting to hear back.

    Love ashleigh xx
  15. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    They basically ask if you have any tatoos or piercings, why do you want to work there, how would you handle the heat during the summer , and i cannot remember the rest lol but its pretty easy so dont worry!

    Has anyone heard about the F2F yet?
  16. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    Hi there,

    Thank you soo much for you help. Im gonna prepare some key points on paper for it. when did u have your phone interview then? i am soo nervous for it!

    love xx
  17. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    i had mine exactly 3 weeks and 5 days ago!
    I was nervous too! but the person who called me was really nice and friendly
    oh nthey also asked what you can bring to the job personally (like if your friendly ect) and how you think this will help your career choice!
  18. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    wow lol, well i applied just before the deadline, i was surprised to get a telephone interview. but i have worked in hospitality for 6 years now. lol well im not sure how it will help my career choice lol.

    where r u from?

    love ashleigh xx
  19. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    lol im in social working so i said this could help me work with people
    Im from toronto, your from UK right?
  20. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    yeah im from england. im just a die hard disney fan who would love to work in walt disney world! xx

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