Summer Work Experience 2011

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by GXB977, Sep 9, 2010.


Applications 2011?

  1. Applications 2011?

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  1. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    Hey Louiejordan!

    Good on you for applying- may turn out to be the best decision you ever made :)

    what roles do you want to do?

    good luck for your application as well!

    love and pixie dustxxx
  2. Louiejordan

    Louiejordan New Member

    Heyy! :D
    Thank you!
    Im really not sure, id love to do either character assisting (After reading your posts, i cant help but think how amazing that would be!) or merchandising (personally would LOVE magic kingdoms main street for that! That would be a dream!) but i know they are both probably the two most wanted roles so ill just have to see if they take me on. :)

    ~ Louie x
  3. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    Well you never know..... just drop some hints at interview.

    I've heard that it depends which starting date you go for as to how good your roles are. The earlier you go the less roles Disney have filled so the greater chance you have of getting something good because they fill roles based on where the demand is. Having said that, when I went last year I knew a couple of people who worked in main street emporium and I went on the latest start date. You just never know! To be honest though what people want seems to vary. A lot of people want attractions but a lot of people also rave about custodial. At the end of the day no job is an ordinary job at Disney :)

    Have you been to WDW before?

  4. Louiejordan

    Louiejordan New Member

    Okiess thanks, ill keep that in mind, i would love attractions also but i personally think id enjoy the other two more haha (i was always the kid who wanted to work at a till when i was young... hahaha). And yeah i went just a few years ago, but unfortunately a few days before we were meant to leave my brother got appendicitis and almost died :| so we stayed another two weeks (spose it was alright for getting extra time at the parks). But none the less it was an amazing holiday apart from the whole brother almost dying part lol :p

    ~ Louie xx
  5. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    Wow that does sound pretty eventful! Still, on the bright side, at least you know the healthcare is good if you get sick over there :)

  6. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    hey becca,
    well i'm hopefully i'll be doing musical theatre or dance, performance & teaching at university of central lancashire... i'm hoping on that one because i know disney accepts that university for the J1 program and that would be my ideal, because i would stay out at disney for up to a year rather than just a summer! so that uni is my first choice. is that rediculous that i'm choosing the uni just because i have a chance of going to disney there? haha :) even if that doesn't work out however, i can still continue to apply for the summer program, so either way!
    i don't think with the J1 you can do many interesting positions, only rides & full service F&B... my #1 choice would be character performer but i think they only audition people out there if their height is around 5ft or 6ft? and my #2 choice would be character attendent of course!
    my main reason for this was i auditioned for disneyland paris last year (there were about 8 or 900 people there :O ) and i still managed to get myself on the waiting list of about 30 people :D but unfortunately nothing turned up for my height as i'm guessing it's a popular height, 5'7".

    faith trust & pixie dust! yayyy xx
  7. zoeunleashed

    zoeunleashed New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I applied for the Disney Summer Work Experience in July. I am from the UK, Plymouth to be exact.

    I was going crazy waiting to hear about a phone interview, and at last I have!!

    I heard on Wednesday 29th September and I then booked my interview for Tuesday there and then. I am extremely excited and stupidly nervous especially seeing as over the past few days I have lost my voice! It is coming back now and should hopefully be back to normal by the time of my interview.

    I hope I haven't made other people worry if they have not heard back yet, I did apply fairly early and on the email I got after I applied they told me I would hear back in the end of September.

    I am worried about what I will be asked in my interview I am fairly confident I can answer the questions but I have little interview experience, so it is a little worrying.

    Hope you all hear back soon.
  8. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Hey guys! I received the following email on Thursday the 30th . . .

    Thank you for your recent online application for Disney's Summer Work
    Experience Program for 2011.
    We have begun reviewing applications for this program, submissions for
    which will close in just under one months' time, and are excitied about
    the amazing response we've received so far!
    You have indicated on your application that you have previously worked
    for the Disney Company and as a former/current Cast Member we are
    required to check your rehire status with the Company before we can
    fully review your application.
    Once we have this information and are able to review your application
    fully, you will receive a response shortly after. We hope to have this
    information back within the next couple of weeks. However, if you have
    not heard anything by October 25th 2010 please call the Yummy Jobs
    office in case our email to you has not been received.
    To confirm; your application is still being considered and we look
    forward to contacting you again over the coming weeks!
    Kindest regards,
    The Yummy Jobs Team
    Hannah London
    Yummy Jobs


    This is because I worked at the Disney Store two Christmases ago (Christmas Temp). I know my rehire status is fine, so I'm hoping to hear from the soon, although a niggling voice in the pit of my stomach is telling me that they may just use this to fob me off. I'm always so negative when it comes to an amazing opportunity lol!
    Has anyone received a similar email?
    What do you all think?
  9. zoeunleashed

    zoeunleashed New Member

    I got an email like that when I first applied, but I guess that becasue you worked for them before, they have to check you as it says, so I guess that will just take a bit longer.

    But as I said I have a phone interview and am now going crazy nervous about it, I'll tell you a bit about it when it's done if you like.

    I just got an email today about the pricing of everything for getting there then getting set up. It said that the phone interview is a pre screen interview so I'm guessing it will be more of an interview to get to know what kind of person you and see if you are right for Disney.

    Hope everyone hears back soon.
  10. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Oooh yes please! I would love to hear about your phone interview once it's done. When is it? I'm sure you'll be fine baby.
    Could you paste in the email about costs please? I know what it says on the website, but I would like to see if there are any extras they mention.
  11. zoeunleashed

    zoeunleashed New Member

    Well I just had my phone interview and I am so worried I messed it up!

    I feel like I spoke too fast, and felt like I was repeating myself.

    But hopefully my answers were good, I don't think I was succinct as I wanted to be and feel I rambled a bit, but hopefully my answers were fine.

    The questions took me a little by surprise, but I guess that is because we get different questions at the pre-screen in the UK.

    When I spoke to her she went through What I do now, and why I want to do the programme and how I feel about living with people from other countries maybe and sharing a room. She said the interview would take about 15 minutes and mine took about that maybe a bit under (which worries me).

    She said I would hear back by the end of October to early November, as there are still lots of people to interview.

    I'm so worried now, I feel I didn't put enough of me into the interview, but I guess I will just have to wait and see.

    The costs sheet is an extra document, you will be sent it.

    Hope everyone else's goes well.
  12. LisaInWonderland

    LisaInWonderland New Member

    Hey guys im Lisa from the Uk ive applied for the summer program and have my phone interview on wednesday! so nervous!!
  13. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    of course it's not ridiculous that your choosing a uni based on disney! if i could go back 3 years and re choose uni's knowing what i know now I would be in a VERY different place. Part of me might even be tempted to fail my 3rd year so i have more than one summer left of ICP ;)
    At 5 ft 7 you would be Pluto height and it's definitely not unrealistic for them to make ICPers of that height character- in my training group last time there were two people of the right height to hang out with pluto. Yeah it is true they favour 5 ft and 6 ft people because they can hang out with a greater range of characters (believe me it was the first time in my life my height became an advantage!) they do take people in between! Still you must be a good dancer to get down to final 30 for paris. From what i've heard auditions are quite tough! V impressed :)

    GXB977 it's so nice to know someone else is in the same boat! More waiting! not fun at all! Plus its making me paranoid that maybe I did something or didn't do enough or that I won't have a proper reference (because I moved work location most days so had a different manager everyday)- counting the days now! In about 5 days it will be 2 weeks since that e-mail so hopefully we should have heard by them!
    I really hope its not them fobbing us off- its probably just an extra precaution they are taking this year to tighten up on all the program alumni who want to return!
    I know if I get a phone interview I'm going to feel so nervous that I might screw it up- I've been thinking about it for almost 3 months trying to think how best to answer- probably going to end up over thinking hehe :)

    lots of love and pixie dust to everyone

  14. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    I know that checking rehire status is probably genuine . . . it's just so annoying lol. When you know other people are hearing back and we aren't it kills me! The thing is that I have been 'practising' for the interview for about three months (since before the applications came out actually) and yet I don't even know if I will get one!
    On the plus side everyone, I'm going out there to Florida on the 20th! So if anyone wants me to ask any existing ICP's 'on-the-job' any kind of questions, then just let me know!
    We are doing Wishes desert party, Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, Epcot Food and Wine and many more. Will be staying in Pop Century (which isn't my favourite Wilderness Lodge, but times are hard) which is my second favourite Disney hotel for five nights, then going over to my uncle's in Miami for three nights, then having the last 10 days in a Villa back in Orlando. Visiting the parks about a million times! Going to Universal and Islands too. I'm really psyched. I just hope that if I do get offered an interview I can organise it around my vacation or else, that would be such a cruel trick of God to not make me available for the interviews or something.
    The holiday is the ONLY thing keeping me going at this stage where I am waiting and waiting and waiting some more.
    Hope everyone is well, and for all you applicants waiting like me for rehire status, just have faith, trust and pixie dust . . .
  15. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    Hey guys im new here :) i just had my phone interview 4 days ago and i am freaking out! i think it went well but im worried i was to enthusiastic haha
    how long did you guys here back on the f2f?
  16. zoeunleashed

    zoeunleashed New Member

    Hi everyone,

    Disneymouse11 you have nothing to worry about, I had my phone interview over a week ago I think now, and I haven't heard anything back yet. I was told I wouldn't hear back until late October early November as they will still have lots of interviews to do. The application deadline isn't until 25th October, so people are probably still applying. So try not to worry about the interview now. I have worried loads about it but I can't change anything now so I'm just patiently waiting. I think you will just have to wait and see too, I'm sure it won't be too long now.

    Hope everyone else hears back soon
  17. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    You have made me feel 10x better thank you!!
  18. Hi everyone!
    I've just heard today and i can now arrange my phone interview so please! Seen that some of you guys have already had yours and i was wondering if you could say what kinda of questions they asked i know some people have said a big thing is the weather and working in it as well as living with people from all over the world but was there anything that took you by suprise!
    Thanks guys and good luck! Hopefully we will all be over there soon :D
  19. Tter

    Tter Guest


    I'm new here I and just have my phone interview with Kristen! I am so worry, because I'm French and I got to ask her to repeat one quesiton because she was speaking too fast! At the end, she told me that the face-to-face at Montreal are in Mars... I just hope I didn't mess up with my english, I was so nervous about it! So how long does it take before gatting any news about the interview?

    I hope that we'll all gonna work there this summer!
  20. disneymouse11

    disneymouse11 New Member

    she told me after the interview that i should hear in the next 4-5 weeks!! GoodLuck to everyone!!

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