Summer ICP 2010

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by merfsko, May 6, 2009.

  1. Skibaby

    Skibaby New Member

    Hey guys!

    I've been thinking about the WDW ICP program for quite a while now this of my uni mates did it this year and absolutely loved if! I've always been a huge Disney fan and so I'm going to apply for the 2010 program.

    I'm from Liverpool, at LJMU - just finished my 1st year, and they hold a presentation, that was in early October last year, which you have to go to apply for the program. You have your 1st interview there I believe.

    I'd love to either work on merchandise or be a lifeguard. This September I'm hoping to do a lifeguard course which will hopefully help my application.
  2. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Hi guys, I am Catherine and I did the ICP last summer - it was the most amazing experience of my life ;D Due to uni I didn't reapply for 2009 but I have for 2010...I got a bit addicted to this forum last time so I'm going to try and not do that again (I have a dissertation to work on this year!) but if any of you have questions or want to know anything then feel free to private message me 8) I worked in Merchandise at the Emporium in the Magic Kingdom which was immense!
  3. Skibaby

    Skibaby New Member

    Hi Catherine,

    Do you know if you have to have experience of working in a shop in order to be able to work in merchandise?

    Vicki :)
  4. elliot23

    elliot23 New Member

    hey skibaby,
    i'm also from liverpool!an i'm also thinkin of doing lifeguarding :)
    i've done alot of courses for lifeguarding already as part of my alevel p.e,an i've swam competitvely for about 10 years,but i'm still not fully qualified,so wer r u thinkin of doin ur course?cos the only one's i've seen are in bootle leisure centre and they're £300+ :-\
  5. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Hey everyone, welcome :D Catherine, that sounds like an awesome place to work! I always spend hours in that shop, it has so much cool merchandise, especially the clothes :)
  6. Skibaby

    Skibaby New Member

    Hey Elliot!

    I've been looking on the Active Training Network website for lifeguard courses. I'm thinking of doing the RLSS 18th-20th and 25th-27th September course in Ormskirk which is £195. It's always been something that I've wanted to do :)!

    Which site have you been looking on? You'll probably know more about lifeguard courses that I do with already doing it, so I'm not sure if this is not as good a course with it being £100 cheaper than the ones you've been looking at!

    Who do you swim for? I stopped swimming about 4 years ago...I've swum since I was about 5, and swum for Bootle and North Liverpool since I was 9 until I was about 11. Then just swum weakly with them. Which part of Liverpool are you from? I live in Formby...which you can't really call in Liverpool really's more like Merseyside lol :D!

    Vicki :)
  7. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    Ah I'm so excited to hear back from yummyjobs! Bring on next month :D x
  8. Loz

    Loz New Member

    did Disney tell you that you have to do a course? I have some friends who went and they never said anything about doing training beforehand. As Far as I know, they just test you when you get there. (Might save you some money)
  9. Skibaby

    Skibaby New Member

    Ah right ok! Thanks Loz! I've not heard from Disney, just been on here and had a look at the lifequard posts. Wasn't sure whether having already done a course might stand you in better stead of getting onto the program, and also might help you when you're doing the actual training as it may be recapping on some stuff that you've already covered!
  10. Giuli

    Giuli New Member


    I am from Canada but I am going on exchange to Uni. of Strathclyde during second semester. Their semester ends on June 4th in 2010, but I was going through the forum and see that a lot of people had the June 2nd start date this past summer....does anyone know if exams often run until the last day?

  11. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member


    Um I'm not too sure, but from my experience at Uni this past year, I finished well before the last 'official' day of University. But I found out a rough guide of when I'd finish for summer within the first week of being at University so you won't have to wait long to see what date you'll be finishing around.

    Hope this helps!!
  12. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    Is it just me who keeps hoping they'll look at applications early? Haha I'm far too excited. x
  13. jdavies

    jdavies New Member


    i havent even applied yet. i really hope i get into uni now so i can go *fingers crossed* ;D
  14. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    aw sorry i meant for those of us who have sent in our applications hehe!!
    good luck for your results, i'm sure you'll get into uni :) then after that you can apply like me! x
  15. Ophelia

    Ophelia New Member

    Hiya! :D

    I've never posted in here but I just applied for the summer program. I'm soooo excited. ;D
  16. Brittany.McGuire

    Brittany.McGuire New Member

    Hey Guys,

    I'm Brittany from Ontario, Canada, and I'm new to this site:)

    I applied in July for the WDW ICP for summer 2010, and just had my phone interview 2 days ago.

    Kristen was really nice, and fingers crossed the interview went well:)

    If you have any questions about anything just gimmie a shout and I'll be glad to help if I can:)

    Good luck everyone!
  17. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    aw wow i hope your interview went well!! i'm sure you did just fine :) x
  18. Brittany.McGuire

    Brittany.McGuire New Member



    I was so nervous at first, but then once I started talking I couldn't stop:)

    Has anyone else gotten a phone interview?

    I really wanna know how it went:)
  19. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Oh the phone interview is really nothing to fret - just like a conversation! It's your personality they really want to see shine through :)

    Good luck all - the ICP is one of the best opportunities out there! Loved it - best summer EV-ER!
  20. michelle.e.

    michelle.e. New Member

    Hey Everyone,
    I'm a first time writer.. im really glad i found this website! Definitely helped me get through the phone interview! I just hate playing the waiting game.. just telll me if i get a face to face interview already!! :D

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