Summer ICP 2010

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by merfsko, May 6, 2009.

  1. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Welcome to you both ;D I got the same reply from YJ too Rebecca, what university are you going to in September?
  2. Rebecca03

    Rebecca03 New Member

    I am a qualified lifeguard so that would be my perfect job but I will do anything.
  3. Rebecca03

    Rebecca03 New Member

    I am off to Abertay University, Dundee to study Sport and Exercise.

    What Uni. are you off to?
  4. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Ahh cool, sounds like it'll be great! I'm doing French and Spanish at Cardiff :)
  5. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    Thanks for the welcome! Hoping to do Merch or Attractions but I will settle for anything haha! I just think it'll be an amazing experience & I've heard such good things about it so thought I'd give it a go. Also my obsession with Disney helps lol. No harm in trying, eh? xxx
  6. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    Eeeeeek! Just applied, I havent fully decided my plans for next summer, but I'm nervous anyhow. I was a charatcer performer summer 2008, so I have a pretty good idea of the process, but that doesnt make any of it any easier. I applied in january for this past/current summer but ended up having some life craziness get in the way and told them during my hone interview I wouldn't be able to go :( So hopefully that doesn't affect my application, and hopefully life doesn't get in the way again and hopefully i'll see you all at the vista way pool in 2010!
    Good Luck Everyone and Have a Magical Day!
    <3 Steffie
    p.s during the application process for summer 2008 I was addicted to this forum, so I'm gunna try to avoid that this time. If people have questions about the application process, my experience or being a character, personal message me, i'll for sure respond way quicker than I will to the discussion boards. :)
  7. StevenD

    StevenD New Member

    Hey everyone this is my first year applying and I was just wondering, do you have to mail an application form to Yummy Jobs as well as apply online? On this site under 'How to Apply' it mentioned something about that, but I haven't heard anyone mention it on this discussion. Sorry for my lack of knowledge on this process, I just want to make sure that I'm doing everything right. Thanks for any help!
  8. Si-Keo

    Si-Keo New Member

    Hey Steven

    As far as I am aware you DONT need to email anything to Yummy Jobs. You just head over to the website and click 'Apply Now'!

    Just make sure you have your CV uploaded and your application form filled in (when you register for the site) and then submit!!
    And thats all you need to do :) Well. . .thats all i have done lol
  9. Purrkitty

    Purrkitty New Member

    I wasn't accepted for Summer 2009, but I went to reapply last week and saw that it said I had already applied for Summer ICP 2010? Is that the way they usually do it, just automatically put you in as an applicant for the next year?
  10. hey Im jim, im applying for CRP 2010, but just wanted to say hi to you guys, as i wanna meet people from all over on this thing and not just my fellow UK applicants!! Although they're borderline amazing.
  11. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    Hey Jim!

    Nice to hear from you- one of the thing I'll be looking forward to *if/when* I get in will be meeting people from all around the world. :D

    And the meeting is all starting here.

    Added: Anyone else feel like the close we get to the important dates, the longer time seems to pass? :-\
  12. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    well i cant apply until im accepted into university so i got like 17 days which seems to be coming very fast and im getting very nervous ahhhhhhh
    but june 2010 does seem a very long way away....... :(
  13. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Yeahh, it's so annoying isn't it :( I can't really apply until September 17th anyway, because that's when I get back, so I'd probably miss the phone call/email if I applied and then went on holiday - even worse! At least I'll be in Disney anyway though ha ;D All my travel documents came today, yayy!
  14. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    sooooooo jealous!!!!
    how long you going for? ;D
  15. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    That's my fear! I applied a week or so ago, but I'm now off to the States for my sister's wedding for two weeks!

    I did an automated response for my e-mail, in case they contact me there, so I hope that's enough! Just in case....
  16. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    I'm going for two weeks, staying at the Pop Century, because this is the first trip I've had to fund myself so no deluxes for me ;D I'm super excited now though, but a little bit gutted I have to wait longer to apply. I emailed them about it and got a reply saying to wait until I come home because applications would still be open. I hope they're not lying!!
  17. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    i know by the time i can apply they will say sorry we have had too many applicants try again next year...
    i would be devistated haha :p
  18. img2090

    img2090 New Member

    hi! im from panama and i would love to apply for this program 2010...
    does anyone have any idea about how can i apply or contact to see wich programs are available for my country??
    thanks so much
    have a nice day!
  19. Meg

    Meg Guest

  20. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    Don't panic too much about missing your phone interview, they'll keep trying to get a hold of you. I missed the call last year and they sent an email asking when a better time to call would be as well as leaving a message on my answering machine and trying a gain a couple of days later-- they dont just cross your name off if you miss the call! :)

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