Summer ICP 2010

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by merfsko, May 6, 2009.

  1. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Nahh not quite Bridgend, I'm from Pontypool ;D
    Yeahh character attendant sounds cool too, but I don't know if I'd be able to put up with the hassle I've seen guests give them :-\ I've had SUCH creepy bellhops when riding ToT, they really get into the part! There's this one really tall guy in particular that I saw a lot last year - I wish I could remember his name, I wanted to let Disney know how awesome he is heh :)
    Fantasmic is my favourite show too, so to be able to see it every night it's on would be great! I'm so annoyed they've cut the shows back to three/four a week :(
  2. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    I have a quick question for those who have already made their profile at yummyjobs (or even for those who haven't).

    On Education and Skills it asks for our Education Level and gives a bunch of options (Degree, Foundation Dergree, HND, Masters, Other). Is this refering to what we are working TOWARDS or what we have completed?

    Also, I graduate for U of T in 2013, so my choice for "Graduation Date" would be Other, right? (since it only goes up to 2010).

    Sorry if these seem like really stupid questions, I just want to make sure I don't mess anything up.

  3. smudger

    smudger New Member

    I put down other as my graduation date as its after 2010 and degree as its what im working towards.

    also glad to know I am not the only one who likes all the Disney parks trivia and bores their friends with it also if I could pick where I wanted to work would have to be haunted mansion just so I can ask people to move to the dead centre of the room.
  4. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Yeah, I absolutely love all the park trivia, I got my dad the Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World book for his birthday last month, and I had to wait aages for him to finish it before I could read it - he's a bigger Disney nerd than me I swear.
    The first time I went on HM this awesome Cast Member jumped out from behind a pillar and I screamed veryy loudly :-[ It certainly seems a cool place to work, but I don't think I could work on anywhere particularly frightening!

    Also, merfsko, just noticed you said you were on the DISBoards, it's such a great site isn't it, if slightly addictive ;D
  5. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    Very addictive, yes :D

    And Disney Park trivia is awesome!
  6. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    I'm constantly reading Trip Reports when I'm not there. I need to get on the program next year so I can at least look forward to going to Florida in the summer! :)
  7. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    I need to brush up on my disney trivia too if we have a interview as they like it when u know stuff!
    I cant wait until i can apply now ;D :eek: :D ;D
  8. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Are there any Harry Potter fans on here by the way?? I saw it this morning (first showing available of course :p) and wondered what others thought. Definitely better than the previous films, but had quite a few glaring errors I thought. Ohh well, can't please everyone :)
    It'd also be great to get on next summer's program as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is due to open next summer, which would be great to go and see ;D
  9. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    I'm about to head off to work, so I have to wait until the 10:45 showing... As long as it's not as bad as OOP, I'll be fine. I can't even rewatch OOP anymore, it bothered me so much.

    And I totally agree about the WW of HP. I've been waiting for it for ages, so that's another thing to look forward to!

    Another note: I sent in my application! Got an e-mail saying they'd be in touch in 4-6 weeks. Eek!
  10. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    My least favourite was GoF - I thought it was absolutely dreadful. HBP seems better probably because I had so little expectations of it :D
    I'mso jealous about you sending in your application!! I emailed to ask about whether I would be okay to apply on September 17th, after I'm back from Disney, and got a reply saying it was fine, but I wish I could apply sooner :-[
  11. smudger

    smudger New Member

    I haven't seen it yet but really want to I have heard its not too bad. Also I have to agree going to see WW of HP and so soon after it opens would be very good.
  12. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    i only found out about the ww of hp the other day... thats how behind i am on all the goings on in florida.
    it looks like its gonna be amazing! i can imagine on my days off (if i get the job) just spending all my time in the wdw parks and going to universal, sea world, the water parks etc...

    i think i read somewhere that you get unlimited access to parks when your not working. am i right? ;D
  13. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    You get unlimited access to the 4 theme parks, but I think you can only go to the water parks free is you work in them, but I'm not 100% sure on that ??? And we'll have Florida addresses too which means we should be able to get the Universal passes at Florida Residents' rate ;D
  14. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    First of all: Yay Harry Potter! I had mixed feelings about the movie, but I won't post any spoilers... We'll definately all needs to find the fellow Potter-ites once we get down there so we don't have to go to WWHP alone.

    Second: I realized when I sent in my resume (I had to send it because it apparently wouldn't upload) I did not include a cover letter nor any references. Were we supposed to? The site did not specify, but now I'm wondering if it was a given...

    Three-four weeks until I should be heaqring from yummy jobs! That makes me a bit nervous, but what's done is done, I can only wait and hope! Good Luck to everyone!
  15. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    Im not that mad a fan for harry potter but it does look very awsome!
    i know i havent seen the new film yet as i used to work in my local cinema but quit for my exams and when i went in on wednesday to see my old work friends i was very jelous because it was so busy, it just used to get the adrenaline pumping hehe :p
    thats why i would love to work in wdw cause its like busy allllll the time :p

    cant help you with the resume cause i cant even apply yet as i havent been accepted in uni yet.
    i seriously cant wait to apply. but when i get round to doing it i dont know what i would write. what did u say? I know im being cheekey but you have applied now and probly contacted you before the end of august haha ;D
  16. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    hello peeps!
    i am out here in sunny fl right now, and hoping to come back next year!

    couple of things - people have been termed in the past couple of days for underage drinking - i wouldnt risk it if i were you!

    if you love guest interaction, have you considered custodial? my friend (she's called Charli on here) does that, and gets to chat to loads of people!

    in your interview, you can request a specific location if you want to - no guarantees, but they are quite likely! oneo f my frineds works at tower..... she loves it!

    i work at the columbia harbor house in magic kingdom - i LOVE my job - but want to do soemthing else neext year i think

    hmmm - i think that's all for now!

    oh yeah - we get unlimited access to the 4 theme parks, and 1/2 off to the waterparks after 2pm. and we get residents rates at universal for the annual pass

    i'll speak soon!!
  17. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Ah wow, thanks for the report, glad you're having a good time!! Is Colombia Harbor House the one near Haunted Mansion? I'd love to work in the MK :D

    Thanks for the info on dicsounts too, I didn't know about the water parks: that's pretty cool :)

    Hope you come back in soon and let us know more!
  18. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    Hey! I'm Heather, new to the forum! From the UK, Middlesbrough to be precise. Studying in Manchester though. Been interested in this program since I visited WDW back in 2006 and was talking to one of the Cast Members about it. Finally applied for it today! Got the email saying they'd received my application and would be contacting people from UK in September so I guess that's when it'll all kick off :) so excited. Hope everyone's well! xxx
  19. Rebecca03

    Rebecca03 New Member

    Hi I am new on here and unfortunately I can't apply until I start Uni. in September. Contacted Yummy Jobs and they have said that is fine so fingers crossed.
  20. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    Welcome to the crew Heather and Rebecca! Glad to have some more people to join the anxious waiting game!

    What are y'all hoping to go down there for?

    Fingers crossed for everyone who applied, or is going too!

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