Summer ICP 2010

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by merfsko, May 6, 2009.

  1. smudger

    smudger New Member

    Really looking forward to applying and working for Disney have wanted to do this for so long.

    I'm hopping to work in either merchandise or attractions (although I didn't see it listed on YJ or the ICP website)

    Cant wait till summer 2010 i have been looking at all the Disney fan websites and get more and more excited.
  2. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    You may be able to answer my question, then!
    I am just entering my first year of University now; so if/when I get accepted, I would be going to Disney after my first year and , like you, turning 19 while I am there.

    Anyways, my quiestion is reagrding the application process. On the website it says that we can not apply to the program unless we are 18+. I will not be 18 until July 31. Do I need to wait until July 31 to register with yummyjobs/apply or, because I'll be 18 soon enough, does that not really matter?

    Thanks to anyone who responds!
  3. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    you cant start applying until september anyways.
    so it will not be a problem. i am applying in september and i will be entering my first year in uni. some thing to look forward to in the summer isnt it. i have just been speaking to a friend that is in phillidelphia doing camp america and i am so jealous of him.
    also we could earn quite a bit if we do lots of hours. the only thing i am worried about is going out in the days/nights. not being able to go into some pubs if you are not 21 and trying to get around etc not having a car. i will forget to drive by the time i get back lmao :p
  4. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    Actually, Kristen (from yummyjobs) told me that Canadian applications start in July, which is why I was asking. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter. I might end up waiting, though, I don't want my application to be bounced.

    My friends were all making fun of me about being in the States when I turn 19 (if I get in) because our legal age is 19. Not that it matters to me, the smell of alchohol alone makes me sick.

    But thanks for your response! Like I said, I'll probably end up waiting until August to apply.
  5. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    awh i didnt realise that you were from canada. haha
    its 18 in the UK. thats a weird age 19 isnt it.
    i was reading one of the discussions though and they are really strict if they catch u drinking but they dont really check in the appartments if people are having a few drinks. i dont care bout that though im worried that im gonna miss out on nights out because some bars dont let under 21's in. i hate missing out on things haha :p
    i cant wait until i can start applying though. it would be awsome if i got in!!! ;D
  6. merfsko

    merfsko New Member


    Yummy Job's International College Program Summer 2010 page is up and running with a beautiful, clickable "Apply Now" button!

    Although I'm still worried about the whole age thing, so I haven't created my profile yet :p

    But this is how much closer we are to making our dreams one big reality!
  7. Si-Keo

    Si-Keo New Member

    jdavis I will be starting Uni in september to! Which one you going to and what you studying?
    I applied for the CRP last year but the interviews clashed with a holiday I was taking so I couldn't do it!

    Luckily I decided I was going to Uni (after having a break for 2 years!) and now I can apply for this!

    The big shiny apply now button is on the website but I'm sure people in the UK can't apply until september?

    Has anyone applied yet?
  8. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    yeh i contacted yummy jobs but i cant start applying until september and i dont even know if i got into uni yet as i havent had my a level results yet. im worried that im gonna be quite young only being 19 when I will be going to wdw (fingers crossed if i do get in)
    im hoping to go to cardiff uni in south wales studying business management, and my insurance choice is aston uni in birmingham in england ;D
    if dont get the results i need i will actually go to any uni that willl accept me so that i can apply to the wdw international programme lol :p
    what uni are you in? :D ;D
  9. smudger

    smudger New Member

    I am currently at University of Portsmouth and will be 20 by summer 2010 also I just applied seems to have gone through fine the my yummy jobs account page shows I have applied to ICP 2010 whether they look at it before September 1st I don't know I shall just wait and see.
  10. Rose

    Rose New Member

    You can apply now but it says they will contact you mid-September about your application! They must have decided to open applications earlier :)
  11. Si-Keo

    Si-Keo New Member

    England all the way!! Although I would LOVE to live in Cardiff! Just for the hope to see someone from Doctor Who or Torchwood running down the Bay! lol

    And I go to Sunderland Uni - just starting this year! (in September!) so i will be 20 by the time this program comes around!

    Jeez i feel old! lol
  12. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    lol they filmed doctor who by my parents flat in swansea a few years ago it was so cool.
    ooooo i shall have a look now. but if i apply and then dont get in uni i will be devistated :(
    imagine that...
    20 isnt old at all think of it, you still wont be able to drink in america lol :p
  13. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Hehe don't feel old, I'll be 21 next summer!! :)
  14. smudger

    smudger New Member

    well only being 20 I wont be able to drink and wont want to as I don't want to get fired and im sure a summer without beer will do my waistline some good lol ;D
  15. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Hi everyone! I've just found this site (I really don't know how it's taken me this long!) and thought I'd join in - I'm hoping to apply to the Summer 2010 program too ;D
    I'm currently waiting on A Level results and will hopefully be off to Cardiff (to do French and Spanish) in September. I really want to apply now but I have to wait for the stupid results, and then I'm off to Disney on holiday in the first two weeks of September anyway, so I probably won't apply until I come back...
  16. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    yeh me too should be a good detox! haha :p
    and hey danielle im hoping to go to cardiff in september too if i get the results i need to do business management :)
    it sucks dont it that we have to wait :-\
    are you staying in cardiff? if so what ones have u chosen ive chosen talybont as my first 3 choices ;D
  17. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Ah cool, good to have another Disney person going there ;D
    I've put Colum Hall down first because it's a little closer to the European building, and I'm lazy hehe, but I've put Talybont South as my second choice, and I think I'll end up there because I applied pretty late for accomodation. Looads of my friends are going to Cardiff too and most of them are hoping for Talybont too :)
  18. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    i think colum hall is my 4th choice. i applied really late too like only a few weeks ago :-\
    i hope i get into cardiff because im only like 40 mins away by train.
    colum hall is close to the julian hodge building where they do business so we will be quite close haha

    i really hope i get in, it would be the best summer EVER!!
    the funny thing is that i have only been to wdw once and just loved it! but my parents arnt the theme park types :( so i havent been since ::)
    cant wait til we can apply. whooopppppp!!! ;D
  19. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Yeahh same here, Cardiff's about 25 minutes away from here by train, so it'll be a lot easier for taking washing home to my parents ;)
    Ahh I'm lucky in that my parents are absolute theme park maniacs, and they've been to Disney more than me, and are heading off on Sunday once more - I'd be really jealous, but I'm going in September anyway :p
    This will only be my 4th visit, but I'm a little bit Disney-crazy, so I have all the guidebooks and Imagineer guides, and I'm the kind of person who knows all the random facts about the parks. I think pretty much all of my friends think I'm crazyy, but I'm hoping I can maybe persuade a few to apply for the program next year, because it really does seem like the best experience ever!!
    Do you know what role you want if you get in? I really want Character Performer (I'm 5'2 so I think I might be okay for the munks) but I wouldn't mind working on Splash Mountain or Toy Story Mania. I always used to want to work in Tower of Terror but I'd get really freaked out if I had to close up in the night! ;D
  20. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    awh so you must live in brigend isi? im in Port talbot.
    i was thinking attractions. Im like 6ft so the only character i could be could be tigger or those villans! haha :p
    you dont really have a choice of what attraction to go on though and then not allowed to change once you are there, thats probly because they have specific heath and safety regs for each ride and you have to be trained etc so they dont like switching you. or i would like to be a character attendant because u are able to move around the park and interact with loads of guests and able to talk to them not like when u are on an attraction where you havent got time.
    if i could pick which attraction to work on i would pick tower of terror (to be that guy that sends you in the elevator-the creepy one!) or pirates of the carribean. but i would love to work on the parades or shows like fantasmic or something ;D

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