Suit and Shoes

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Freckles, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    my mate jacquio said people slept at teh bus stop! is this an often appearance?
  2. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    MK is probably the only one that might have a full night run, but thats only on EMH nights when it finishes at like 3 or 4
  3. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    so people actually have to sleep at the bus stop?! I think i'd pay for a taxi lol
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Is it possible to walk?
  5. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    I'd say no. Though I'm sure some people have tried it.

    The main body of Disney, though not miles and miles away from the main area of Vista, Chatham and the Commons, is quite a distance away and is situated off major highways and stuff. I'm pretty sure you would be lifted for jaywalking.

    You can probably walk from Downtown Disney. I walked from Cross Roads which is the place where the nearest post office is located. Took me ages though...well, not really. But it was the middle of the day and along a really busy road.

    You learn to love the bus drivers :D

    Working at the Yatch and Beach lat time, I had to get a small minibus (D) which went round some of the resorts before taking us back to Cast Services at Pop/Carribean and then getting on the E bus which was coming from Hollywood and was always packed. We always manged to fit on.

    Though sometimes the bus just wouldnt turn up because it was completely full with people from Hollywood. I remember sitting one evening just watching "heat lightening" lighting up the skies.

    Tip - Make friends with someone who has a car :) Especially if you end up working at one of the resorts then you might get the chance of a lift home instead of waiting for the bus.
  6. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

  7. Mr. Mortell

    Mr. Mortell New Member

    I think I'll be fine cramming on to the bus - I'm used to public transport in London! haha. Spending half an hour cramped in the doorway of the tube.
  8. Yeh, quite a few people sleep at West Clock. I often slept on the bus back (just make sure you get someone to wake you up when you are at your stop which I forgot to do once and woke up at Vista which would have been fine if it hadn't been 4am). A lot of the time you are allowed to cram on but sometimes the driver won't let you because of Florida law. That is mainly in the coaches though rather than the transit stye buses.
  9. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Haha, i cant sleep on any form of transport. I have stood on a train, a very shaky train for almost half an hour quite a few times so it wouldnt bother me whether i was standing or not because as long as i got home i would be fine.

    Thanks Mhairi, i dont think i would even try it, i would easily get lost though. do you think you could check yourself into one of the hotels for the night?
    I hope i see you in Aberdeen, it would be great to meet someone from this, i was about to say going on the program but that is a sort of given seen as though that will be everyone, haha.
  10. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

  11. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    It should be pretty obvious if you're going to miss the last bus based on your schedule - add about 20 mins to your end time to get to the bus. On extra magic hours nights where the park is open till 2,3 or later the busses should run 24 hrs, you can always check and request a bus if you're schedule is later than the last bus so this really shouldn't be an issue - let you're managers know if you think it will be.

    If the worst came to the worst then the busses to resorts stop up to 2hrs after park closing (I think - it might just be 1 hr) so if you were late enough to miss the cast busses then the resort busses would have already stopped. You can walk to the (expensive deluxe) contemporary resort from the main entrance of MK, it would be too awkward and far away to walk from westclock (the MK cast parking lot where the program busses go to).

    Downtown Disney busses only go to and from resorts, not parks, so you'd have to make your way to the contemporary, and with Pleasure Island clubs now shuttered I presume the busses stop sooner, probably well before the last CM bus back to the appartements

    But as stated above this situation really shouldn't arise, and it may work out cheaper and less hassle to take a taxi if it did.
  12. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Well, that's a lot of information to take in. Well i am assuming you wouldnt be alone anyway so you would have company and be able to find a solution together. Ive never taken a taxi in america.
    Thanks for all the information though, aj2721, you can say a lot, everytime i ask a question you successfully answer it and more, thank you!
  13. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    when i was at camp taxis were way cheaper that here, robs coz everything if further away in america. Hopefully it won't be a problem though. Maybe just a bit of an adventure!
  14. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    Yep taxis are pretty cheap compared to the UK, especially if you're in a large taxi in a group - it worked out as only $2 each to go all the way to Universal once. There are lots of them too, they'll come within 5-10 mins to the appartements when you call during the day, though obviously at 4am there may be issues!
  15. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Hehe, that is actually quite quick, i remember i waited for a taxi for two hours one night after the first two did not turn up, i was raging! But that is really cheap for a taxi, it costs me £5 to get from the train station to my house in a taxi and it is only 5 mins away.
  16. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    It's amazing how our taxi prices vary. Here in Sheffield it's about £4 to go two miles back from Sheffield on a night out, yet in Doncaster to go 4 it costs bloody £12. You don't have to queue in SHeffield either. Huddersfield was ridiculously cheap for taxis aswell. Never used one in Florida as we had a car when we went on holiday in the summer.
  17. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    huddersfield taxi ranks have deals for students. so its cheaper to get back to storthes and aspley than if you get "white cabs" (which cost a tenner though some people have paid £15). the one i used to get last year was a £5 to go to Storthes which was 5 miles ish away fromthe university, quite handy when you have a massive suitcase, though you could be waiting 45 minutes for a taxi.

    peterborough isnt too bad. from town to Glinton where i live it is around £10 - £14 which is a seven mile journey. though one taxi told my sister and her friends at 2 o clock in the morning to get out at the school as he refused to take them to our house (they had done nothing wrong apart from one saying she was going to be sick). our house is two corners away. a two minute walk!!!
  18. vik

    vik New Member

    at home it costs me £30 to get from town to my house which is about 3 miles. evidently im not really a fan of taxi's!
  19. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    wow that's expensive!! for me to get home (3 miles) it can vary from £4-12. It's really annoying because you have to budget that into your night.
  20. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    In Durham it usally costs me just under £5 to get from the train station to my house 5 mins away - but given I live up a hill and the station's on the top of another hill its worth it if I've got lots of luggage - silly Durham for building the station up a hill.

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