Suit and Shoes

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Freckles, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Yay Carla, Virgin, meet you at the airport, we have to sit next to each other on the plane. You will actually freak when you see me, im going to get two suitcases and put big disney stickers on them, get ICP ones made, this of course is only if i get into the program.

    I want to send stuff home like that, i want to have a disney tops and that, i like their clothes, but not the cheesy stuff, the subtle disney logo and that. I am so sending stuff home.
  2. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I'm going to have so much stuff to bring back!! I hope we have time to properly shop...although that could be dangerous!!
  3. You should have 2 days off a week which is nice. If you are put in Chattham or Patterson then you are really close to the Premium Outlets. There are also 2 buses that will go to the Prime Outlets and then the Florida Mall. I know for sure that the bus to the Mall only runs once a week as the other days as it runs to Wallmart. I'm not sure about the bus to the Prime (and Premium) outlets as that bus only started to be run just as we were leaving at the summer.
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Is it easy enough to get about though without a car?
  5. Yeh its pretty easy. I never had a car at all. You will make friends with cars who will sometimes take you back from work and the such. The buses are ok, not amazing but what bus system is? You will learn how to use the bus services to your best advantages when you have been there a couple of weeks.
  6. vik

    vik New Member

    yeah the only time that it can be a pain is when fr some reason a bus doesn't show up and you're waiting at west clock (the cast entrance to magic kingdom) for like an hour and theres a million and one ppl waiting for the same bus that you know you're never gonna fit on and its 4am and...well you get the idea! hate to say it, but it DOES happen! nothing to worry about though!
  7. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Ouch! That must have been a pain. Do they then have to get another bus to come aswell as the one already coming?
  8. vik

    vik New Member

    not just have to fight to get to the front and hope that your bus driver will let you all cram on! its just something you get used to really, all part of the fun haha! seriously though, its not something to worry about and if you end up being late to work because of the buses, disney wont punish you for it, lik eone day there was a bunh of us waiting for the A bus (magic kingdom bus) and it never showed. me and my costuming ppl were starting at 10am and it was like half nine and still no bus so one of the bus managers ran out and got us a bus and drove us straight there, so sometimes they're nice!
  9. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    Yep sometimes they're nice. One time the Animal Kingdom bus left 7 mins early because the bus driver's watch was fast - there was enough of us to run a special bus on a direct route which actually arrived before the regular bus.

    I was working at MK and can agree with the post above. Sometimes huge crowds develop as we tend to be put on the late night shifts. MK CM's soon develop a darwinian attitude with the rush to the bus, everyman for themselves trying first to get a seat, then just to get on the bus. It was worth the push for a seat, so you didn't have to spend 1/2 hr standing squished between people after the end of a shift. Sometimes the bus drivers teased us with exactly where they're going to stop. MK and Epcot tend to have some crowding issues, other busses tend not to turn people away.

    You get used to it and laugh with others at the stupidity of the situation.
  10. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Sounds like it could make getting to and from work fun stress!
  11. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    i have a problem of falling that maybe an issue for me, trying to stay awake in the queue lol! someone will have to do a fireman's lift lolol.

    what is hollywood studio like?
  12. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    haha, that would be funny!
  13. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    lol i have no problem pushing to the front...but I don't like when other people do it...hmm...hypocritical much?!

    I tried to be polite on the bus the other day by offering an old man my seat, and he got annoyed at me and said he was no oap! teaches me for trying to be nice
  14. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    I didn't work at Hollywood Studios, but from what I heard the bus tended to let everyone on, but you may have to stand. The route for this bus was annoying though, busses were every 1/2 hr (MK & Epcot tend to be 20 mins), but on the way back to Vista Way would stop at Cast Services of Pop Century and Carribbean Beach Resort and Chatham, before arriving at Vista Way, making it a 45 min trip back, yet it only took 10 mins to get there as it go's from Vista to DHS. Very annoying bieng on the bus when you know you're only 10 mins away from home (but on the upside its quick to get to).
  15. The Hollywood studies didn't really get half as busy as the Magic Kingdom ones. I didn't work at the Studios but no one i know complained about them as we complained about the Magic Kingdom bus. But even then the Magic Kingdom only really got busy around midnight (or when ever the actual park closing is) as that is when not only do the cast members finish but also all the cast who are in the park to play get on the bus as well. They don't always turn people away from the buses though there are some (the actual coaches) that by law you aren't allowed to stand up on. Though saying that there are some nice bus drivers who will let you sit on the floor and really squish up on the seats.
  16. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    aww nice bus drivers.

    do the buses run all night? or is ther a stop point?
  17. vik

    vik New Member

    pretty much all night for the busiest ones like the mk bus, but i think theres no bus between like 3.30 and 5am or something like that
  18. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    ah ok so just get ont he bus before 3.30 lol.
  19. for MK the last bus at west clock is at 4.19 and then the first bus doesn't arrive at West clock again until 6.45 or something.
  20. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    so are the latest busses not as full? What would happen if you couldn't get on the last bus coz there was too many people?

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