star wars fan fest@MGM

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tinkerbell, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. low

    low New Member

    ive missed u to dude bt am home now and my computer is shit soooooooooooooooooooooo but hows thinks young jedi all good i hope i hope u have not turned to the dark side in my abcents
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    the darkside is far more appealing to this young jedi ;).....yeah cool that ur back.....woohoo not long your plane tickets have arrived young jedi?

  3. low

    low New Member

    ye they did but stay away from the dark side my young jedi is that a pic of u tink if not who is it just wondering am conffused
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    LMAO YEH ITS ME!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)....kidding./ a FEMALE!! hehe.......its Ed out of the band Barenaked ladies....

    nat the jedi
  5. low

    low New Member

    u are not a jedi yet am off to have some tea take care babe
  6. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    ok ...heh well im working up to that status i... ;D ;D ;D
  7. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    you may not be a star wars jedi but u certanily qualify for disney judiship lol
  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    :D :D heh yeah ...!!!
  9. low

    low New Member

    now u see i love both but there is only one kind of jedi and disney did not come up with the idea first my young jedi hehehe hope ur good tink wooowwww not long now
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    heheh ok...i know not long see u soon youngling ;) ;)

  11. low

    low New Member

    hey tinks how florida am comin in tow days we so have to meet up fact to face cant wait give me a email am leaving on monday do it oin here or at xxxxxx
  12. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    ok still not got round to seeing them yet opps
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    omg yester day.....i saw chwewwwyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....ahh and darth vader....and anakin... :p :p

    yay :D......i hope to be working with them...this weekend....hahahahahahahah

  14. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    how lucky are you, glad to no ur having fun out there!! ;D ;D ;D
  15. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    i'm so jealous Nat, keep us posted with the updates :D
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    ok well/.////i bought a yoda dollyt hing today///u ask it questions and it tells u what to do./.... :D
  17. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    ask questions you do :D
  18. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    wow thats sooo cool
  19. low

    low New Member

    hey tinks will u send me an email and let me no where ur livin am at vista way give us a shout as we soooo need to meet up by the way am workin at the magic kingdom but went to mgm today oh oh sorry disney's mgm
  20. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    hahahaha yeah disney mgm...dont u forget it...awesome...i went thru the tunnels the other day...was very spooky.....but yeah im living at vista and ill gve ya a shout ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D im off this weekend.....well netxt frieday and of especiallly for star im working manager was kewl,.....and let me choose hehe

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