some random questions to get to know eachother better?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by glamkay, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Haha, no you havent ruined it, oh well. I can dream. That's a bit of a shock. You're not being horrible, hehe.
  2. Charli

    Charli New Member

    1. Name: Charlotte
    2. Age: 19 (20 on May 1st)
    3. Location: Term : Bangor, Wales, Holidays : Lincolnshire, England
    4. What university/college do you attend: Bangor University
    5. What is you major: Psychology
    6. Do you work? If so, what do you do? Nope, not at the moment
    7. Hobbies: Chatting, cinema, reading, watching films, listening to music, fencing, playing on various consoles
    8. What is you most embarrassing moment: Too many to name! lol
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: Right now I think having a side-fringe cut in is a high contender! It looks pretty cool, I just hope I never get bored of it and want to grow it out :p
    10. Nicknames: Charli, CharliEm, Charlita, Charliestafla (don't ask!)
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?: No, I don't think so actually!
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: Quite shy when you first meet me, but slightly crazy and confident once you do!
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality? I have no idea!! Maybe my tinkerbell bottle opener...? It's tinkerbell...Disney...and I act silly and crazy sober :p
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person?: Country, I used to be a city girl and I still have city tendencies, but I'm now a country girl through and through!
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? Smell?
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?or both?: I would love to go to India to see the Taj Mahal, Canada has always appealed to me, and I would love to go someplace where there was the Northern Lights.
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program? Making lots of new friends and learning loads about Disney, customer service, and generally "how the magic happens"!!
  3. Stepharoo

    Stepharoo Guest

    1. Name: Steph
    2. Age: 18 (19 on 22nd Nov)
    3. Location: Term time: Kent, Home: Essex (no essex jokes pleeeease lol)
    4. What university/college do you attend: University of Kent
    5. What is you major: English and American Literature
    6. Do you work? Only on uni work, no good jobs going lol.
    7. Hobbies: Chatting, cinema, reading, watching films, watching some tv programmes (mock the week, live at the apollo, gilmore girls, I love lucy, loads more), going shopping, collecting antique clothing, writing (write for uni paper), love going to the theatre to see musicals or straight plays etc.
    8. What is you most embarrassing moment: Too many to name! lol
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: Oh loads lol, specially in school during year 10/11... got so bored in science.
    10. Nicknames: Steph, Stephie, Stepharoo, Anastascia (too hard to explain lol)
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?: Ooooo I don't know, have to think about it, so many options lol.
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: Thats a hard one lol. I'm quite outgoing, but can be really shy when first meeting people, can be rather hyper (esp at uni when bored - chair jousting lol), can be serious when need to be, quite academic, nice, a good friend. I don't know lol, not very good at describing myself lol.
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality? The Fridge lol... love food.
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person?: Probably mainly a country girl, though I do like the cities.
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? Be really loud late at night probably... My flatmates are really loud at 2am which is a pain when you have a 9am class lol.
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?or both?: I really want to ,see the Northern Lights, ever since I have read the book by Phillip Pullman been dying to see them, and Italy.
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program? Making loads of new friends, seeing how disney works behind the scenes, being able to make some kids dream come true in disneyworld if i could.
  4. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    1. Name: Beth. Just Beth - not Bethan, Bethany, Elizabeth, Elspeth, nope just Beth.
    2. Age: 20 (21 in January)
    3. Location: London, UK but missing my home in Cornwall
    4. What university/college do you attend: Royal College of Music
    5. What is you major: Principal study Recorder, second study Classical (historical) Clarinet
    6. Do you work? Cast Member at the flagship Disney Store in the UK!
    7. Hobbies: Doodling, daydreaming, trying to learn random languages(!)
    8. What is your most embarrassing moment: Hm... not sure if I can mention the *most* embarrasing thing, this is a family site! It involved my ex, a bed and my parents confrontation in the morning...!
    Most embarrasing thing actually now I've thought about it is probably when I was in a school concert aged about 14 and lost my music minutes before I went on to do a solo. So I thought I'd go on and do it from memory. It didn't work. Cringe-tastic for everyone involved.
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done? I like following whims... I usually say yes to things... this leads to random, not particularly planned trips across the country/world!
    10. Nicknames: Smizz (from school) and Minnie (from certain Disneyfolks hehe)
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do? Get into WDW Imagineering, change all the official docs to say that *I* am the official top muso and quietly dispose of the former one.
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be? I'm just coming into my own thanks to this summer. Now much more confident, independent and focused. But I think I'm sometimes too 'kind' and that can be crippling.
    When I'm super super happy you can tell I get excitable! But when I'm content sometimes people think I'm sad or emotionless which is frustrating! When I'm sad I keep it all inside and sometimes it hurts.
    I can be very, very pedantic with my typing! ;)
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality?...! Erm... a kettle? When I'm busy I'm happy and work very well and excitedly but when I'm not busy I slack and get complacent and quiet.
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person? I do love London but when it all gets to much I crave countryside so bad. Beaches are great but I grew up on beaches and I guess I take them for granted now so I miss them when I'm here but get home and don't make the most of them! I like the beach that goes between Poly and Grand Fla :D
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? The next one better not steal my things...
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go? Or both? Been to; USA (FL, CA, AZ, NV, CO, WA, HI), Mexico, Barbados, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Australia (QLD), Fiji, South Africa, Egypt, Mauritius, Hong Kong Want to go to; JAPAN
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program? Get in touch with the Music dept and Imagineering! See some very cool people from this year again yaay, meet some more lovely people and have a great time! I want to get to New Orleans to see Molly too :D I want to see MK fireworks (Wishes or otherwise) from the Poly/Fla beach, do the x-country Segway tour, dine at CRT, stay in the castle suite (if only!)... so many things I'd love to do again or finally! Go back to Entertainment and really make some dreams come true.
  5. *PennyCrayon*

    *PennyCrayon* New Member

    1. Name: Kirsty
    2. Age: 18
    3. Location: Norwich - the home of the farmer
    4. What university/college do you attend?: University of East Anglia or UEA
    5. What is you major?: Law with American Law
    6. Do you work?: The mighty Boots ;)
    7. Hobbies: Going to the cinema, surfing, theatre - musicals are my vice, singing to general songs, singing to disney songs, having fun with my friends :)
    8. What is you most embarrassing moment?: Accepting an award for most dedicated person at my leavers prom - it was basically the award for geek of the year! :(
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: A bungee jump
    10. Nicknames: Kay, Zeb, Kirst, Tinkerbell
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?: Fly first class to Hollywood, 'accidentally' bump into Zac Efron and give him a huge hug, place a recorded tape of 'You will leave Vanessa and take Kirsty' in his room so when he went to sleep it would give him subliminal messages. - not that i'm a stalker or anything :-X Alternatively gain admission free to Disneyworld!
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: Hopefully a bubbly and happy character. I sing all the time and try to poke fun at myself.
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality?: A pot because I'm a mixture of everything! Lame i know.
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person?: City, city, city although I live in a village ???
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate doesn't do?: Hate me.
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?: Been to: Florida, Gran Canaria, Scotland, Ohio, England in general, Tenerife, etc, etc. Would love to go: Florida, again and again, New York, Las Vegas, Kentucky, California, Hollywood etc etc
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program?: Independence on a gigantic scale, try something incredibly different and of course make some life long friends!
  6. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    1. Name: Kevin

    2. Age: 21 (22 end of the month)

    3. Location: Derby/Birmingham

    4. What university/college do you attend:
    Birmingham City University

    5. What is you major: Law With American Legal Studies

    6. Do you work?

    7. Hobbies: Badminton

    8. What is your most embarrassing moment: Being asked how my honeymoon was going at breakfast, or being told my son was crying for me outside of peter pan

    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done? getting the harry potter last book reading it in one night and then heading off to work.... its pretty silly

    10. Nicknames: Kev, Bigman

    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do? commit various crimes that are very bad

    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?
    Confident and cocky, caring and imposing and tall

    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality? A straw... no reasoning just a straw

    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person? country, i do like the country better than the city

    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? have sex while im in the room

    16. What countries have been to or would like to go? Or both? Been to;
    USA, Mexico, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Dominican republic,

    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program?
    be an attendent
  7. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member


    Like what..?!
  8. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I'm sure there are people you would like to kill, that everyone wants to kill.

    I have to say Kevus i had quite a good laugh whilst reading your's, your cockiness certainly stands out.

    I cant believe someone thought you were on your honeymoon, haha
  9. you forgot Tourguide Barbie =P
  10. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    LOL I'm glad everyone can have a chuckle at me... Yeh I was having breakfast with a friend and the waitress went on about my honey moon thank you louise god knows that could have passed by unoticed
  11. ya know ya love me really =P
  12. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    these are good fun :)

    i know not really on topic but i cant be asked to start a new disney mind us carrying a coat around in our interview? as its gonna be freezing apparently next week. i know htey dont like luggage and backpacks...but surely they wont mind a coat?
  13. urock

    urock New Member

    when i had my interview they did not mind backpacks or cases they was quite a few at the interview i had in june. they just put them to one side while we were watch the video.
  14. opherrichards

    opherrichards New Member

    Hi, thought this would be the best place to start on the forum!
    Applied at the begining of October sometime then had my telephone interview on the 29th, was then told on the phone that I got though and recieved the confirming email the day after. Planning on going to the Cardiff interview which is on the 10th December (although that has yet to be confirmed).

    1. Name: Christopher
    2. Age: 18
    3. Location: Newport (uni), Near Oxford (home)
    4. What university/college do you attend: University of Wales, Newport
    5. What is you major: Secondary School Teaching
    6. Do you work? If so, what do you do? Work as a Lifeguard and Swimming teacher, and at my leisure centre we have concerts so do a bit of stewarding too.
    7. Hobbies: Can listen to any music, not fussed. Swimming and general going out.
    8. What is you most embarrassing moment: Nothing instantly springs to mind.
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: Not a lot. :(
    10. Nicknames: Chris, Opher
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?: See what people say behind my back and just general people watching. Nothing extravagent.
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: In a new enviroment at first I am slightly shy and quiet, but that soon changes and I come out of my shell. I tend to smile alot, although people sometimes wonder what I am smiling at them for.
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality? Tomato ketchup, goes with anything :)
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person?: Like all three, but not all at the same time. Love cities with loads of stuff going on and everyone doing their own thing. Beach to just relax and have a good time. Then country where there is always something to do and explore.
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? Take an instant dislike to me, and trys to get to know me and lets me get to know them.
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?or both?: UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Luxemborg (by accident), Poland, Holland, Spain, New York, Boston and Orlando are countries I ahve been to. Would like to adventure more around America and Asia and maybe a bit of Africa while I am at it :)
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program? After fantastic experiences myself at Disney, it is my goal to make the visit of each guest as memorable as mine was. I think it would also give me a huge confidence boost and improve my people skills tremendously.
  15. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Wow we have the same birthday :)
    Tho I'm a whole year older..... :p
  16. meitong_g

    meitong_g New Member

    1. Name: Meitong
    2. Age: 20 (6th September, 1988)
    3. Location: currently in Manchester
    4. What university/college do you attend: University of Manchester
    5. What is you major: International Management with American Business Studies
    6. Do you work? If so, what do you do? No, but I'd like to!
    7. Hobbies: Manchester United (Once a Red, always a red!)
    8. What is you most embarrassing moment: Once when I stepped out of the elevator, I realised it had not reached my floor. I just stepped out as nothing had happened. But when I got my floor, and was walking just pass the door of elevator, it opened, and everyone in the elevator saw me~
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: 2005 summer, I when to Britain with my school. At that period, the situation of London was tense. Since we only had one day trip to London, my roommate and I decided to go to London by ourselves without telling anyone. We had a great time there, although we were severely censured when we came back.
    10. Nicknames: I don't have one. My maths' teacher usually call me 'May', cause it has the same pronunciation with 'mei' in my name. I think it is a good name, isn't it?
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?: I haven't got an idea. I prefer to keep that pill.
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: I believe in fatality, totally. And I am a person in pursuit of perfection.
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and your personality? I don't know. This is the hardest question I have ever had~
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person?: I think it depends. If that place has something you love, then you will like there despite the environment.
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? Breaking in the bath room when I am using it.
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?or both?: I have been to Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and UK (cause I'm not a british).
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program? Making friends of course. Also, gain the experience, and I want to pass the sense of enjoyment, which I have had in Hong Kong Disney Theme Park and Tokyo Disney Ocean Park, to the people from different parts of the world.
  17. KC

    KC New Member

    1. Name: Kevin
    2. Age: 21 (22 next week)
    3. Location: Physically? Cork in Ireland, Mentally, the Magic Kingdom :D
    4. What university/college do you attend: National University of Ireland - University College Cork
    5. What is you major: Business Information Systems
    6. Do you work? If so, what do you do? No, no time what with final year! :(
    7. Hobbies: Disney, Scouting, Going to the gym, TV the usual!
    8. What is you most embarrassing moment: I don't particularly want to post it on the net cos it involved completely embarassing myself in front of a guest. Mortified!
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: Walked around a graveyard in Salem, Massachusetts (i.e. the one with the Salem Witch Trials!) at midnight... Or, working for Disney.
    10. Nicknames: Kev, Aladdin, Spellingman, KC, Mr. Disney
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?: Walk around the Magic Kingdom and take pictures from places guests don't normally get to take pictures from (like, the roof of Casey's Corner, for example!)
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: An optimist, deep down. And not evil.
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and your personality? The fridge! I'm full of interesting things, i'm quiet sometimes and... not... i'm magnetic (geddit?! :D ) and a little light turns on inside me when you open the door....



    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person?: Little of all three. Thankfully, where I live right now, I'm within 20 minutes of all three!
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? Hold ridiculously loud parties when I'm working opening shifts the morning after!
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?or both?: I've been to Wales, England, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Italy, the Czech Republic, Canada and the USA. I'd like to go to Peru, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand!
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program? Find a way to work for Disney full time-in Europe, preferably, make hundreds of amazing memories for me and guests, and perhaps gain a few friends along the way! Oh, and experience all the things I never got around to on my 2006 program!
  18. Janey

    Janey New Member

    1. Name: Jaana
    2. Age: 26 (I feel sooooo old at times ;D)
    3. Location: Finland
    4. What university/college do you attend: Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
    5. What is you major: Consumer Services Management
    6. Do you work? If so, what do you do? Yeah, part-time occasionally. I sell tickets to the matches of our ice hockey team.
    7. Hobbies: jogging, watching sports, hanging out with my friends, reading
    8. What is your most embarrassing moment: Oh my, this is a hard one as there's quite a bit to choose from. :D One that comes in mind is this time when I was waitressing in a wedding and was taking the dessert to the tables. It was something with cream (not whipped) and I accidentally tilted one of the plates so that a bit of the cream fell to the back of one lady's dress. I was so humiliated and kept apologizing for ages!
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: Gone to work in France without knowing anyone and to be honest without knowing the language too well. Paid off though. ;)
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?:
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: Outgoing, energetic, tolerant and determined. Also sometimes stubborn.
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality? Coffee maker. I'll cheer you up when you're tired. :D
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person?: A city person although I love to spend some time at beach and country as well.
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? Be inconsiderate.
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?or both?: In addition to various places in Finland I've been to Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Denmark, Germany, England, France and Italy. I'd love to go to Austria, Croatia, Scotland, Ireland Canada, USA, Mexico, various countries in the Southern America (Brazil, Argentina, Peru to mention a few), Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China..
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program? To improve my social skills as well as my customer service skills and to learn management from the Disney point of view.
  19. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    1. Name: Ashley Dawn Marie (yes those are all my names… I have a very common name so I usually go by all of them, or Ashley Dawn)
    2. Age: Twenty! But I’ll be twenty one by the time I hit Florida so I am muchos excited!
    3. Location: Ontario, Canada, but I’m actually from Saskatchewan (and I know Robbie, the Canadian guy in the interview video who awkwardly wore sunglasses… indoors… haha)
    4. What university/college do you attend: University of Guelph
    5. What is you major: English but I keep switching between that and Studio Art… haha, I JUST LOVE THEM BOTH
    6. Do you work? If so, what do you do? Heck nooo… but I might eventually get a part timer at the Library or the Vegetarian Coffee shop downtown because I am poor poor poor.
    7. Hobbies: Painting, drawing, reading, Disney park playing (heee!), dancing
    8. What is your most embarrassing moment: I don’t get embarrassed easily. I kind of have no shame.
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: The cultural rep program ;) Haha, or doing a polar bear dip on New Years… stupid stupid STUPID! haha
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?: Probably run around and haunt people!
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: An art student? Haha a generally well meaning human being with aspirations to make a difference and nothing else really matters than that, really.
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality? Magnet poetry on your fridge! It really makes things more fun… and it can be well meaning and romantic, and also completely ridiculous.
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person?: I really don’t like big cities because I love the sense of community and togetherness you get in smaller towns. I feel that big cities can lose their personality due to consumerism and big box businesses, while I can chill at the one mom and pop coffee shop back home, have a great piece of pie and great conversation with outgoing and friendly people that pop by. I’d hafta say ‘beach’ because I’m laid back and love to relax… and I love Florida! Haha!
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate don't do? I had room-mates in The Commons that would make meaty meals and just leave it on the counter. ONE, that is gross and unhygienic, and TWO I am a vegetarian so respect the fact I don’t like seeing dead things all over the counter. I can be messy too, but when there is animal slime and grease all over the place I will go kung fu… with my angry words.
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?or both?: I’ve vacationed in the states, Bahamas, and Greece, and have briefly been to Germany. And I worked in the states :D I’d love to visit Norway, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Romania, and Croatia, though. Not as a complete tourist either, but as a respectful temporary resident, heee.
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program? I’d really like to experience another role in Disney where I can, for once, not be defined by my country, and have more of a chance to interact with guests! I’d love to audition as well for entertainment, as it’s my favourite facet of the company!
  20. *Jen*

    *Jen* New Member

    1. Name: Jen
    2. Age: 20
    3. Location: Reading for University, but am from Newcastle
    4. What university/college do you attend?: The University of Reading
    5. What is you major?: Film and Theatre, specializing in film
    6. Do you work?: unfortunately so, in a little hotel in Reading, and in IKEA Gateshead when I'm up home!
    7. Hobbies: cheerleading, playing the flute, singing really loud in the car on my own! going to see musicals in the west end, and singing the songs on the train all the way home!
    8. What is you most embarrassing moment?: I was dressed as Magnus the IKEA moose, a really huge costume, and fell over some of that plastic stuff they put around boxes (the stuff thats always on the accident claim adverts) and fell on the floor.
    9. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?: climb mount kenya, don't know what made me think I was fit enough to do that, or wanted to spend 5 days of my life climbing up a steep muddy high wet cold mountain!
    10. Nicknames: Jen, Jennifoof, Foof (it's affectionate)
    11. If you could take a pill and be invisible for 12 hours, what would you do?: oooo i don't know!
    12. What type of person do you consider yourself to be?: too nice i think, i can not lie for the life of me! i'm also really happy, and enjoy singing, and get way too excited when i see musicals. i really do care for people so much as well, i do charity work in kenya every summer and i just spend the whole year waiting to go back (although it's in easter this year so i can do disney if i get through!)
    13. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and you personality?: haha probably the sieve. i always see the good in people and let the bad things slip right away! (unless they are actually really bad.)
    14. Are you a beach, country, or a city person? ohhh depends. i like a bit of everything for small periods of time!
    15. What is one thing you hope you roommate doesn't do?: haha i dont know, iv put up with loads of different types of roommates in the past, im quite accepting of anything now! but i hope they do enjoy a good sing song!
    16. What countries have been to or would like to go?: only been to kenya and south of france, and a battlefields trip... i would love to go to brazil for the rio carnival!
    17. What goal(s) would you like to accomplish while doing the program?: make loads of new friends, see lots of a new country, actually visit disneyworld because i've only been to paris!! spend lots of time in the animal kingdom because i LOVE safari and the lion king!! i would just love to have a job where i can be genuinely happy all the time! woo!

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