So, how did everyone's interviews go?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by GXB977, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. LisaInWonderland

    LisaInWonderland New Member

    I do wonder how many people they are actually going to employ from the uk.... i see a few numbers on this post but are you certain? x
  2. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    YAY! Someone else is going for the May 24th date!!!!

    I have similar figures from a fairly reliable source who told me they are interviewing 420 people for 350-400 places though not sure if that seems to good to be true....
  3. LisaInWonderland

    LisaInWonderland New Member

    It would be lovely if they were taking a large number of people! just been reading through some blogs of people that did it last year and i just want to hear some news! lol whats your dream job there? x
  4. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    my dream job there is character performer- did it in summer 09 and absolutely loved it despite all the minor negative like children crying at you/kicking you hehe :D

    what's your dream job?
  5. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    Anyone heard today?
  6. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    No :( this is killing me trying to do an essay but I think I have instead read every single thread in this board :p Feel sick with nerves :p Dont think we'll hear until next week though they heard on the 2nd last year .....
  7. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    We got told before the end of Nov, but yeah my nerves are all over the place, and i have an assignement to finish, plus my amazing dog passed away last night :( so im all over the place
  8. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    :( I'm so sorry about your dog, but if you believe in karma then hopefully you will get a nice Disney email :) Hopefully this week!
  9. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    Yeah it will be a horrid then an amazing week or just one big disaster lol
  10. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    I've not had an email yet. Ugh. I'm just all over the place. Boo.
  11. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    i keep rechecking my emails...its becoming an addiction!!

    I just want to know now....
  12. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    Does anybody know if people ever get offered positions that weren't in their top 3? as I know the options I put top are ridiculously popular but I would still be ecstatic with any other role, as I forgot to mention in the F2F that I'm happy to do anything, really been playing on my mind, my brain is being mean and thinking of anything and everything that would stop me from getting this :( Need to think happy thoughts :) I really hope we don't have to wait another week! anybody got any good distraction tips, I saved an essay to do this week but that just isn't getting done so far :p
  13. BethEJo

    BethEJo New Member

    Well guys, it's nearly half way through the week.

    Just reading this thread makes me feel sick with nerves haha :-[

    But as they say, no news is good news right? Or that's what I'm telling myself...
  14. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    yeah no news is good, but just wanna know, but like you said its mid-week 2 moz, not long to go now
  15. josh.p.

    josh.p. New Member

    My top 3 choices were operations, merchandise and character attendant. I think they're really popular and it's probably lowered my chances a bit :'(

    So annoying waiting for this email, I'm really distracted!
  16. Rosebud09

    Rosebud09 New Member

    it's so scary!!

    were you all told you'd find out this week then? we just got told end of November some time! I can't handle the pressure haha...also I didn't get to put a top 3 i just ticked everything then got asked about housekeeping loads in my interview aha so I'm thinking if i've got anything I've got that... but I dont mind that would still be brilliant!!

    fingers crossed everyone...
  17. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    My top 3 were

    Operations, Merch, Recreation

    but ticked everything but quick food

  18. LisaInWonderland

    LisaInWonderland New Member

    I think i put attractions, character attendant then merch

    but i literally said 3 times id do anything lol

    i also made sure i stressed the fact id done ride attendant before at a local pier

  19. DisneyPirate

    DisneyPirate New Member

    So sorry to hear the sad news about your dog :'( :'( :'(
  20. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    Thanks, was such a shock, this email now would make me happy again xx

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