
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by topsassyuk, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Only hope I will be thinking the same as you two this time next year?!

    Jess x
  2. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    i'm sure u will

    fingers crossed

  3. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    It's snowing all the time in Germany and it's friggin cold :( I WANT SUMMER!!!!

  4. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Well the snow has just about gone and turned into horrible rain and gale force winds, its so friggin cold!!!!!

    Jess x
  5. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    its trying really hard 2 snow here, but its more like ice, the gorund is 2 wet for it 2 start settling again yet though grrr

  6. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    It hasnt stopped snowing all day here!! Its not settling though as the ground is too wet! It keeps turning to that horrible sleetiy snow that you just know is gonna freeze on the ground overnight and ensure i fall over at least once tomorrow ;) :D Should be fun :-\ Lol!
  7. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    thats what its like here too! nasty...almost glad ive been working all day!haha

  8. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    it has been snowing all day, but hrrible snow and not melting. and the ground was really wet. i just looked out the window and there is a layer of nice settled snow :eek: :D

  9. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    i always fall over, its a given! i'll be walkin casually along, then il do some kinda spectacular fall, and look like a total plonker!

  10. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    my mums friend was saying she was looking out of the window a few days ago and her neighbour was scraping the ice off his car, but sliiped over. she said she couldn't stop laughing cos he always trys to act cool and she hates him!!

  11. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Lol Stu!!!

    I love it when things like that happen (although its usually to me!!) and you cant help laughing!! Even more satisfying when you dont like the person!!!

    Still snowing here! Hasnt stopped for days now!! Still not settling either!
  12. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol bless ya chelle! same as here, its bloody cold but the suns out!

  13. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    snow had setlled over night but it has melted now, but it is mcflurrying again now
  14. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    OK we're finally getting some snow here! YEAH!!!
  15. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    I can't believe people are only just getting snow! It started for us on sunday and stayed til Wednesday now we have had just solid rain for the past two days. :( When is spring going to appear!!!!!

    Jess x
  16. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Its actually stopped snowing!! I cant believe it - i thought it would never stop!! Although I dont think that its gonna last for long - theres still a lot of 'snowy' looking clouds outside!!!
  17. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    no snow 4 us either now, worst we had was tues-thurs, but we've had flurries all week since last monday!

  18. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Gals and Guys,

    I know some of u know my dream of living some place with snow.
    as Mexico NEVER gets snow, well only in some remote place in the north.
    But hey I envy u guys!! (in a good way of course)
    but I am sure if u had so much snow , it wouldnt be fun.
    But I still will move somewhere, that is cold for sure.
    Thinking about Canada or Britain.

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  19. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Awww Rob you are crazy (i mean this in the nicest way possible!) to want snow. Last week when it snowed i was in Norwich and after me and my friends came out nightclub we waited for a bus/taxi for an hr at a bus stop till giving up and walking! We were sooo frozen we had to all huddle up to keep warm.

    Last year in New York State it snowed for 5 months solid - the only time i liked it was when i was inside with a hot drink watching it! i guess if you've never had it it would be such a novelty cant see us getting snow in florida then again where i go bad weather often follows!

  20. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    it is trying to snow here again. i think if it is gonna snow, then it should at least snow properly... there needs enough snow for a snowman and some snow angles (and some snowball fights).


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