*** Sitting,waiting,wishing...!!!***

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kerry J, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    I really wish they would just tell us - really do not know why it takes them such a long time,its pretty unfair to keep people waiting so long,especially when they say it will be 3 weeks or whatever and then still dont give an answer within the time frame they have given!!!!! hopefully we will hear next week. Have a good weekend folks,Kerry xx
  2. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    argh its friday so i guess that we wont hear anything now til next week meh
  3. Jar

    Jar New Member

    Being at work all weekend it kinda usefull, keeps me busy and makes the time go quicker! Cant constantly check my emails!! ;D
  4. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    Hello one and all,hope you all had a good weekend! Glad that the message boards are back up today - they seemed to be down all weekend and i was getting a bit stressed that it was just my computer at fault!!! Its all back to normal now !!! So i wonder if we will hear anything from disney this week....? Really hope so!!!!!! :) xxx
  5. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Well today's supposed to be my doomsday, but I've got a feeling that that won't be the case! But hopefully it'll be this week sometime so... Lots of fingers crossed typing people!
  6. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    fingers crossed and toes,eyes,arms,legs.....!!! typicaly my computer has chosen today to have a nervous breakdown - it keeps freezing and throwing me of the internet! Just great!!!!!!! :D
  7. Jar

    Jar New Member

    Its only been two weeks for me today, 1 week left! But strangely i feel really nervous today, maybe its becuase others are supposed to be finsing out and i'm hoping/thinking that everyone will hear roughly around the same time?! :-\

    Everyones gotta let us know what happens, alotugh i can understand a rejection wont be something any of us want to shout about.. :-\

    Fingers crossed though! :)
  8. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    Just got into uni... First thing I did was check the email and this forum! I'll keep checking every 5 minutes till 12 then I'll go swimming till 1 (why do old ladies swim so slow and in really awkward places in the pool!?!?!) then I have a class at 2 till 3 then I'm going to do some dissertation work away from the computer... then I'll check again later. (I think that's me planned out every day this week now) ;D
    I'm really not optimistic about hearing this week though.
  9. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    Im going mad with the wait. Ive got two essays due this week and they just ain't getting done! Im so glad these forums are back up and working now.
  10. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    Yeah i know,if i dont get in i will put a post up but it will be very short and sweet!!!!! I cant even think about how crap im going to feel if i dont get in ....... :-\ all we can do is keep those fingers crossed untill we hear - we really should hear this week,it will be just getting silly if they make us hold on untill next week! ;D
  11. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    I'd say it's silly we've had to wait this long!
    I bet they read these forums and say... "look how annoyed they're getting... lets make them wait another week!"
    Yeah I'm on to you Disney/Yummy Jobs!!!!

    P.S does it not seem like aaaaaages ago our interviews?!?!? It was just over 2 weeks ago... not that long. Fells like a good couple of months :-\
  12. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    yeah the interview feels like it was ages ago!!!!!! the last 2 weeks have taken so long to go past! Im just at the stage now where i want to hear one way or the other and then move on the what ever happens next! Dont like being in lombo like this! Going to try and do something constructive now - cant sit here and stare at my empty inbox all day!!!!!!!! Il check in later on today - see if theres any joy!!!!!! XX
  13. EmzEms

    EmzEms New Member

    If we dont hear this week, it will be 4 WEEKS since my interview on Friday! Thats a MONTH! *dies*
  14. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    [glow=red,2,300][/glow]4 weeks?! thats just crazy!!!! How long did they say you would have to wait when you had your interview????
  15. rachet

    rachet New Member

    argh why are they abandoning us so?! just put us out of our misery!
  16. Jar

    Jar New Member

    I agree the interview seems like so long ago, its only two weeks today! Ive got another week to wait supposidly, i hope people start hearing then we will know that they have the results and that we should start to hear - hopefully... :-\
  17. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    Dammit... just came out the swimming and had a voicemail from an unknown number... I was like... "could it be...."... but no! Just my lecturer cancelling my 2 oclock class... Oh well the wait goes on...

    How many damn posts do I need to put up before my newbie status gets changed!?!?!?! ;D
  18. EmzEms

    EmzEms New Member

    She said emails should be in 2 weeks! 3 weeks max! She lied!
  19. EmzEms

    EmzEms New Member

    Lol! you just made me check my phone and it said "1 missed call" and I got excited but its not :(
  20. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    Just be safe in the knowledge that one day (who knows when!?!?!?!?) the missed call will be the one and/or the new email will be the one! ;) ;) ;) And you and the rest of us will be happy (positivity!) ;D

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