Sign for September

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Aya, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Yep I will do that as well. What time did we agree again?

    1 Week - aaaaaah!!

  2. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I don't remember :-\ was it 8.30?
  3. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Really, I just need to look back on the convo. Duh!

  4. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    lol yes I shall confirm 8.30 ladies and gents :D and anybody that you feel should be in on the convo that isnt from these forums but still attending the interviews can be added too :D

  5. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Thats that settled then lol!!

    Speak to u all on Sunday then!!

    Omg and by then it will be like 3 days...

  6. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Hi everyone

    I've been quietly observing for a while now but as I've been allocated interviews it's time for me to join in I feel haha.

    I might be mad but I have two Disney interviews. One on the 26th and one on the 27th. I'm very determined to join the Walt Disney Company. I'm thinking I will see some of you there.

    I'm Ben by the way! Fingers crossed for you all!
  7. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Turns out mine are actually 27th and 28th, not the 26th... so I guess I won't be seeing you there :-( I suspect you guys are all applying for the Cultural Representative programme?

    Shame but goodluck to you all and perhaps we may encounter each other in Florida if we get accepted on similarly timed programmes!

    I have MSN and facebook if anyone wants to get to know me. For facebook I'm Ben Cowley and the only uni Southampton one to my knowledge... so that's how you can find me ;-)
  8. Aya

    Aya New Member

    Hey ben hope you do well in your interview(s)! far on this thread iv counted 14 of us goin on the 26th (i coudn't resist :D) i just had to do it!! i wounder how many more are gonna be there coz i imagine like loadz more..
  9. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Hopefully not too many! LOL. Then there's more chance of being offered a place!
  10. Aya

    Aya New Member

    Haha i was thinkin the same!! also does everyone know if they wana do f&b or merch yet? id dont mind either way but i heard that ud get a better chance of getting a place if u choose f&b over merch but i dont kno how true that is
  11. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    i heard that, but u can put both down eg. merch being 1st choice and f&b being 2nd

    that way if u dont get merch then ull get f&b

    think im going for f&b as my 1st

    ive found my outfit for the interview! its Blue and black!!!!!!!

    now thats sorted out.....i need to find my passport...hmmmmmmm
  12. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I definitely want to do F&B (although I must say I love the merch costume!)

    Ooooh and my interview outfit is black and pink :D avec Mickey ears lol.

    Thankfully I sorted all my passport and copies and stuff before I came back to uni, so when I get home I don't have to worry about it!
  13. cowza

    cowza New Member

    I suspect with anything applications vary from year to year, although my impression is that the cultural programme is consistently popular due to people seemingly being put on waiting lists.

    I applied for that first at the end of June and was gutted when I got an email back to say I would have to wait until the interviews in 2008. Before long though I spotted an advert for Disney Cruise Line so I applied to that and then I got an email from Yummy Jobs just today about a new programme for postgraduates... hence the two interviews. I would glady do either but I was most excited about the opportunity with the new programme. Just have to hope they like me at the interviews :)
  14. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    See what I find really weird is, I want to start in December 2008, and they've offered me an interview. But I know of people who want to go out at the same time and have been told to wait until January next year. I know it's because I've worked there before and they haven't, but I just don't know why they're interviewing us early!
  15. Aya

    Aya New Member

    Oooohhh i wana see a pic of the costumes i saw them briefly on that disney vid thing... 2days to find an outfit ahhhh!!!
    whos going with the mickey ears lol??
  16. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Lol wot r u all like, my outfit is jst black n white lol, with a blue jacket tho!

    ooh I'm so excited! Looking 4ward to Sunday as well!

  17. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    wooop found the time to update the cv.....grrrrrr
  18. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Is anyone editing their CV to make specific attributes stand out?

    For my Cruise Line interview I was told with my telephone interview to resend a CV talking more specifically about my experience with children. (That's because the job is for Youth Counsellor though).

    However with the Walt Disney World programme surely they are not looking for anything too specific? Just perhaps evidence you are customer committed, flexible and co-operative in a team?
  19. cowza

    cowza New Member

    For the cultural programme tho I'd add it is obviously going to look good to show you are a culturally aware person.
  20. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    OK guys still on for 2nite, and as DisneyGibbs suggested, I have changed my msn display name so u know who I am!! Just changed it to Clairey2302, the same as on here.

    3 days ...


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