Sign for September

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Aya, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

  2. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    coll!good stuff! thanks :-*
  3. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    Oh man I have two mint songs! the first is called "Dizz knee land" and it's by Dada i think. It's really funny because they talk about random stuff and then say I'm going to Disney land. lol for instance... "I just robbed a Grocery store, now I'm going to Disney land." lol

    And the second is called "Oh that magic kingdom in the sky" not sure who it's by. Another funny one again with lyrics like... "We will all drink from the fountain and go riding on Space Mountain" lol oh and my personal favourite... "All gods children will be free in, pirates of the Caribbean" Love it!

  4. MissLAK

    MissLAK New Member

    im coming down on the train and stayng at the novotel 2! x
  5. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I have that song! Isn't it just the best?
  6. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    Oh Yuesh! lol i have like 2 CDs i made when I was little of all the park music and they are all on it along with fantasmic and wishes and that lol.

  7. domsaunders58

    domsaunders58 New Member

    Im staying at novotel the night before the interview
    my msn is
    are people meeting up the night before?
  8. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

  9. Bringing the Magic

    Bringing the Magic New Member

    hey everyone :)
    Really wish i was coming down the night before now!
    but i've got my train tickets and everything :(
    hopefully get to chat to some of you on the 23rd though!
    My MSN is
    have fun everyone!
  10. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    good luck guys i wish i was joining u
    i had such an amazing day on my interview!
    im sure ul all doo great and hope to see u all in 2008
    remember just smile..
  11. Aya

    Aya New Member

    i hope it is a good day!! im soo nervous havent even got an outfit yet!!!!!
  12. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    I know, it will be good tho.

    I went n got my clothes last week, whole new outfit, it was great lol.

  13. I will be there I was sooooo happy when i saw the email its going to be so exciting and I cant wait, apparently sum royal guy is at the interview a Lord or something so rumor has it
  14. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    hey not gonna be there anymore... ive changed to apply for the smmer program instead as im now at uni....

  15. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Aww thats a shame, well good luck for that then!!

    OMG 8 days...

  16. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    thanks! good luck to all of you!

  17. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    omg this time next week!!!!!!
  18. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    LOL don't start that! I'm nervous already!

    I take it we're all still on for our msn conversation on Sunday evening? I think it would be helpful if we change our display names to our real ones, and put up a picture lol. That way when we get to the interview, we know who everyone is!
  19. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    I agree, great idea ;D ;) :D

  20. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    yep im up for that...ill play lol :D

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