There really is no wait!!! It just flies in!! We will all be in Disney b4 we know it!! I got accepted in December too and the time has just dissapeared.                                     Â
hey that´s cool,do you like it? I kinda thought I might da that after my year in Florida since business administration isn´t so interesting so far but who knows,maybe I´ll find a job in the states after that year.
Sara - it has babe, I cant believe that 6 months ago we were waiting for the postcard to see if we had been taken to the next stage!!! So much has happened in what seems like such a short space of timex  Kris - i have graduated in Community Arts - i work as a learning support assistant. I'm hoping to do complete my studies in  music teaching when I come back from Florida... Â
i know carol we were panicin over that card and now look at us! kris - yeah its a great course, ours has a lot of work, it'll b hard taking a year out but its almost part of my course so its all good xxx
Hey Kris, Cause i have graduated it is up to me when I want to carry on my studies so ive taken this year out to work and pay of debt and next year (starting June) in Disney. It will be worth it - all the life experience.xx
Hey I will be joining the team with you guys on Sept 20th!!! I will be in Canada F&B and I just completed a degree in Political Science and Economics. Can't wait! -Derek-
Hey! I'm from Germany and I'm going to leave on 20th September, too! Does anybody fly at the same time from Stuttgart???
Hi Sandra I answerd already on a nother post but I case you didn´t read it (cause I always get mixed up) I don´t know yet, I hope I can fly from stuttgart but Noellie said it might be Frankfurt,are you the one that had coffee with Steffi Philipp and me in Munich? Kristina
Hey Kris! I was in a café with three other guys, but I forgot all the names, I'm sorry! But perhaps you could describe yourself!? (Me:blond hair, tall, I wore a pink top) CU
Hey Kris, Not sure what my plans are going to be yet...i just got a new job working for (online travel website) for a contract time leading up to my departure for disney.So i might be going back to working there....But i Plan on taking 2-3 weeks to get home from florida as im going to visit family and friends that live in the states. Theres also talk that i might be moving to Australia with my friend Ryan and Mike for a bit..but thats just talk no word on if its a go or not yet! Or maybe go visit my friend Franzi in Switzerland for a bit. Do you have any plans yet? Sheena
I am hoping that I will know what it is I want to do after I work at Disney for a year - If I haddn't got into this program I was thinking about teaching for a year or going back to get an education degree but I really didn't see myself as a teacher forever so I will see after a year of working for Disney - I am really in no hurry to settle into a permanent career.
Hi Sandra, I wore a pink top as well and have blond hair but not to long.I wore black pants und a black blaser.I´m from Friedrichshafen,Bodensee. Were are you from? Hi Sheena, well that sounds like a good plan,friends of mine went to Australia for a while and had a good time there. After this year I want to find a job in the states,my Brother lives in Colorado so I could stay with him. Hey Derek, you do have a year to go, so you have time! Kristina