September 12th anyone???

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Blue Eyed Lass, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. doowop

    doowop New Member

    we have to have daily updates now!!! hahaha!! i cant believe we go so soon.

    Miss nat being on the boards :( but shes back today :)
  2. JamesE

    JamesE New Member

    Hello From Sunny Florida!!

    How are we all doing?

    Well im all settled in and loving it so far, i have now got two days off before i start and looking forward to it. Managed to get away with the trow in as there was only 4 of us and something went wrong which im not sure what it was. So been postponed to either end of the week of when the 29th lot come out.

    Hope you all are getting ready as its now not long and we need the extra hand in merch for all you marchie people!

    Will give updates as and when

    Have fun

    James x
  3. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Theres only nat and di on merch isnt there?
  4. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    glad you have settled in James!! cant believe we go soon!! Ticker is now in days!!

    Question for everyone, going to get my visa picture done tomorrow, should i get b/w or colour and can we smile?????

  5. JamesE

    JamesE New Member

    dosent matter hun the photo is black and white in your visa anyway

  6. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    Hi! Hope you are all ok??

    Had a great time in Italy! 8) Now i need to get organised for my visa appointment! I havent done anything yet and its on friday! :eek: So i need to fill in forms, pay at barclays bank and get a picture done. Anything else?

    James, cant believe you are there! Are you in merch too? I always thought you were F&B?

    Mike i missed you too!! :-* I'll call you later for a chat xx
  7. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    Thank you James, my picture is awful!! not attractive at all!!

    Glad you home safe and sound Nat ;D ;D

    I was going to change some money today as the dollar is good at the mo, but I suddenly had a thought can we cash US dollar Travel Cheques in to the bank accounts we open up??

    How is everyone going to take money with them????

  8. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    i planned on just taking cash but i spose thats a bit risky huh

    Nat...i paid the visa fee at my own bank without a charge, just incase u dont have a Barclays near u!

    I have now booked a coach to take me to london for my visa appointment....just to put my mind at rest coz im really worrying about my flight being cancelled or delayed, so i feel loads better now :)
  9. doowop

    doowop New Member

    mines gonna be cash... got it all today!!! :D
  10. Emmy-Lou

    Emmy-Lou Guest

    If this isnt too much of a rude question, how much money is everyone taking with them, roughly?? And you just taking it all in cash? Cheers guys! xxx
  11. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    really not sure what to do! ??? cash or travelling cheques jus need to make sure can cash the cheques!??

  12. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Jo, you can pay travelers cheques into the bank accounts we open. I think I'm going to take a mixture of cash and cheques, no idea how much though.
  13. doowop

    doowop New Member

    takin about £1k with me!
  14. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    cool thanks meg! will get a mixture!

  15. JamesE

    JamesE New Member

    Ello Ello,

    Well i am in FB but i have been put in merch for a few weeks coz they are short. Chippy is closing for a month as of begin of sept so i expect some of you FB will go to merch to spread you all around. When you come out i hope to be going back to FB.

    id say bring about £1k coz while you will need a few dollers at the begining unless you are planning to go away the you wont need it.

    You have a choice with the bank accounts, there is Vista or Suntrust. Now nearly all of out here r with Suntrust coz its much better, you dont get charged $3 a month like you do with Vista. Plus if you go with vista and keep your account open when you get back you will still get charged the $3. Also vista you have to apply for debit card where as suntust you get it there and then. Its all up to you tho and you will all get the info when you get here.

    PLUS DO NOT FORGET A SMALL PAD LOCK FOR YOUR LOCKER IN YOUR ROOM!!!! if you are bringing cash and the amounts you say you are then you will need it!!

    Hope this helps!

    See you all soon

  16. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    Thanks James xx

    So you have joined the world of Merch, hehe! Do you get to do the podium and beer cart while in Merch?? Hope you are enjoying it!

    Yeah pad locks are at the top of my list! sort of thing i would forget!

  17. Emmy-Lou

    Emmy-Lou Guest

    padlocks are deffo the sort of thing id forget! Im taking about £500, is that enuf do u think??? ahhh i get so worried about stuff! Like, what r u all doing about bed stuff??? sorry for always asking questions guys! xxx
  18. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    im taking as much as i can earn between now and leaving, but i wont have much more than £500 i wouldnt expect.would like to take more but with only having 5 weeks notice that im going, i dont have much option!
  19. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Im only taking that much so i can get clothes etc and trips out

    Padlock.. thanks for the tip wouldnt have got one.. got my own bedding to take with me. as, understandably its not supplied.

    Emmy Lou - u will be fine honest they advise on here $300 so £500 is like $800 ish :S u should be fine

    27 days guys!!
  20. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    27days madness!!

    I am taking at couple of sheets with me! Oh i want to starting packing now! hehe


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