September 12th anyone???

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Blue Eyed Lass, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. Emmy-Lou

    Emmy-Lou Guest

    hehe thank u :) Ive spoken to my boyfriend and he said hel still come with me, just go shopping while im in there! bless him!
    Do u guys have the website for that fonepool thing??
    Thanks guys! xxx
  2. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    6weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so exciting! ;D Cant believe it!

    Emma-Lou hope you got my PM and it made sense!! ;D

  3. doowop

    doowop New Member

    I know 42 days this is nuts we can actually say we are going next month!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    we are going to Disney next month, hehe :D
  5. doowop

    doowop New Member

    YAY!! I LOVE IT!!
  6. Colin

    Colin Member

    I said the exact same thing to somoene at work today :D

  7. Blue Eyed Lass

    Blue Eyed Lass New Member

    Hey peeps, got my visa appointment for the 29th August!! Bit scared I'm going to cut a finger or summit and they'll tell me I can't get my fingers scanned...think i'll wear gloves for the week before! LOL! Thanks Mike for txting me the info ;D Ahhhh soooo sooooon!
  8. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Hey hope ur hols went well!! no probs hunny!!! x
  9. Megara

    Megara New Member

    SQUEEEEEEEEEE! Next month, I can't believe it!!! ;D
  10. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    im booking my flights down to london on friday yayyyy, still not got it off work yet but hey who cares!! xxxx
  11. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Di just to check.. have told yummy ur flight details... if u book ur own they need to know as soon as!! just thought id let u know!!
  12. Colin

    Colin Member

    I assume she means for the visa interview....

    As I assume she won't need to ask for time off for her flights to Florida as she'll have left her job by then???

    Would I be right Kerrbear? :)

    *pokes mike* :p

  13. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    yeah i mean my flights for my visa interview, i leave my job on the 1st of sept :mad: im sad coz i really love my job but hey, im away to get a better one WOO!
  14. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Well colin it was addressed to Di so butt out!! im well aware that kerry booked her flight to london for her visa!

    *pokes colin*
  15. Colin

    Colin Member

    OOHHHHHH!!! Course you were, cos obviously you need to tell Yummy when you've booked a flight for your Visa interview :p

    *Pokes mike back harder*
  16. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Thats what you implied!!

    *pokes colin with a cattle prod*
  17. Colin

    Colin Member

    how did i imply that then Mikey? :eek:

    *pokes Mike with..... errm.. a needle!!!*
  18. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Di just confirm your flight details with yummy so they can let disney know!!
  19. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    Boys can you please play nicely! :p
  20. Colin

    Colin Member

    ooooh shhhh nat :)

    Me and Mikey just messing!!!

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