September 10th LONDON Gatwick

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by gavlamba, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    haha ive already booked it :p

    We do still have to arrive on the 10th at MCO

    Andy and I are staying in a hotel over night near Sanford (coz thats where we land on the 9th) then getting a taxi to MCO on the 10th...altogether that only comes to about 190 for me so still way cheaper than flyin straight to MCO on the 10th!

    the airline was

    Laura, add me to msn, we have some very excited disney chat going on there
  2. oh my god ive just seen the prices of those globespan flights :eek:
    how is that possible?!!
    do you have to stick you arms out the window and flap??
  3. acp

    acp New Member

    I hope not!  Might get a bit tired by the time we get there..  then again.. I suppose me and Jilly could take it in turns :D

  4. gavlamba

    gavlamba New Member

    hahaha i hope u both dnt hve to flp ur arms either can u imagine! hahahaha
  5. Laura *O*

    Laura *O* New Member

    Hey all my internet is majorly playin up so msn not working, my msn is tho if u want to add me!! once i can get it to work il add u jilly!!

    Havent booked my flight yet, thats my task for 2moro!! looking forward to meetin u all in jst over three weeks!! so excited!! ;D xx
  6. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    i cant believe its only just over 3 was 5 weeks wen i heard, and those 2 weeks have FLOWN in! gonna come round so quick!

    ive added u laura :)
  7. gavlamba

    gavlamba New Member

    i cant wait jill its gonna be awesome

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