What I am finding depressing this now is the lack of money I have to live on never mind to save up for summer. I am hoping that I can get my parents to pay for some of the pre florida stuff and then concentrating on savin up for whilst I am there. Also my dad went to get some £ changed into $ to find that the exchange rate isn't quite as beneficial as it used to be. The $ is still cheaper just not as cheap as it used to be. I think I will be changing some money ASAP before it decreases anymore.
Us UK peoples are definately on a winner with the exchange rate at the min, although louisa does have a good point about it not being much to bring back to the UK - the answer to that - one absolutely massive spending spree at the Florida Mall before you fly home - spend every penny lol ;D As for saving over here, ebay is always good, then there is preloved.co.uk (similar to ebay except without the fees!) and a good one for students, get rid of your old textbooks by selling them back to students at sturecruitonline.com (no auction fees/no percentage of sale taken by the site) I'm also trying to get a second job on top of my 9-5.. .. i think everyone should be millionaires then we would never have these kinds of problems! xx
LOL That was going to be my answer! No way am I bringing any money back - thats too disappointing! Never heard of preloved.co.uk - thanks for the tip lol! Im selling loads of stuff on Ebay jst now which is fab, its surprising that people want all my junk lol! Only 2 more pays from work before I go...aaaahhh!! XxX
I can't spend everything while I'm there! I'm going to work in f&b, and working as a server in the busiest restaurant in Epcot brings in a good amount of tips ;D But I like to be sure that I have some money saved up in case I don't have a job the minute I return home...
Yeh thats my plan too! I'll still be careful when I'm out there (I'm quite tight fisted anyway!!) but I'll try my best to not be overly careful because I don't want to be missing out on any fun! It'll definatly be a looong time before I get a job when I come back, so having money set back for that would be a comfort!!
Yeah, that's a good point! Unfortunately I didn't travel much the last time I was there, so I have to do something about that! I only got to see New York and Miami then and there's so much more to see and experience than that ;D
Vicki-Thanks for those website tips, I think I'll try to sell my textbooks - they're quite expensive! I've been putting aside loose change and when I get a good amount (eg. £25+) I go and change it to dollars, but only if the exchange rate is good. Hopefully, this way I can follow the exchange rate and only buy dollars when it's good. My Dad's also got a US$ bank account as he works for a bank so he's letting me use it. It basically means you can buy $ and put your own money in there and collect interest on it. I also get a debit card which I could take out to Florida and use it as my main account. I just hope that all of this doesn't jinx my chances of getting on the program. It's a bit early to plan all this I know as I'm not yet going but as I'm so poor I have to plan ahead!!
Well these days in Canada we are running a little better then the states but not much different, basically par but still in my favor.
Yaaaay! I got a job! If anyone ever goes to Bloomsbury Lanes let me know!! It's a super cool place so go ok bowling, karaoke, diner, all 50s themed, live gigs. they hosted the radio 1 xmas party and bowling for soup's she's so lovely vid was filmed there! maybe i should be their advertising person...! xx EDIT: oh boy am I stupid! Scouting for Girls not frivkin bowling for soup. Bowling on the brain...lol!
It's in London! Russel square under the Tavistock hotel www.bloomsburylanes.com www.bloomsburylive.com will I be seeing you there some time! xx
Ah the Tavistock hotel bowling alley - lived round the corner from there from when it opened, but alas not living in London anymore :'( Did go once but don't really remember....!!!
hey i was looking on line and i found the web address for the premium outlet mall (Florida) www.premiumoutlets.com if you after saving some Penny's you can get a discount book for the outlet mall, just thought that it may come in handy Sean
You can also get the VIP discount book by showing your Disney ID at the information desk at the outlets.
You guys have some good saving tips, Right now I'm just working hard and getting extra shifts if I can. I managed to save up some money from working at a resort in the Muskokas 5 months in the summer, so hopefully that plus what I Can manage to resist spending will be enough. This of course if I even get accepted. But hey at least I'll have saved up a nice chunk of change anyways right
This is also my theory - if I don't get accepted I can use the money I've saved for something else! Thanks for the tip about the vouchers Sean. We always tend to get voucher booklets from the Golden Corral, they have them inside the restaurant at the exit and they have vouchers for money of at the Golden Corral. So we usually send one person in the wrong way to grab the vouchers and then go in the right way to pay!!
I never knew about all those vouchers! But there's also a company D book or whatever it's called with a list over a lot of places you get discount when you're working for Disney!
OK so i quit the job at Bloomsbury Lanes ... I knwo that's terrible after such a short time! But the 4am saturdays were just screewing with me. And the HEADACHES! Not good.. I love the place.. but maybe not to work there so much.. not those times anyway :s But I got a new job! Just found out today! I'm super excited becasue it sounds great- its at Ormonde Jayne - a tres exclusif petite boutique on the royal arcade off old bond st! It's a perfumery and I can't wait to start! And the owner is lovely, and like me - short and ginger Definately looking forward to hitting the shopping malls - did someone say sales were end of june/start of july? Yay! Strange time for sales.. can't complain though it's perfect timing!
during the summer you get independence day says and labour day sales! So 4th july and 1st monday of september for your diary!