that was quite amusing to read!lol I noticed it ages ago but I was amused too!lol the things they think of ey! x
Shan, it was Kim Watson from Canada foods. Sooo forgot about call waiting! BIG ISSUE! And the trash! How could I forget! I created a little rota thing and stuck it above the trash. still didn't work. : That thing stank! Ona x
Hey! S H I T is not a bad word! And Donald is much cooler than Mickey, have it replaced with Donald instead...
CALL WAITING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially when i was waiting for a call from my Bf in the UK! thats when you get slanging matches about who is receiving a call from the furthest place!!! hehe! In an 8 person aperatment we got lots of calls - it was like a hotline 24/7
i no this isn't really the same topic, but the major prob i have with a german friend is hygine as when ever she stays over mine she only has a bath every 2-3days. however she is the only one i no that does this as others all wash reg
yeah, totally agree, specially in hot weather! But sometimes even once a day isnt enough!!! Hope at least the pool at the commons will help a bit with weird body odours ;D
OH YUK If people start swimming around the pool sweaty and all, "washing" themselves in the water we're swimming in, I'm getting out...
I just have the image of a bunch of sweaty guys washing off in the Commons pool in my head... LMAO!!!