Romance on the Programs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aussie_gal, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    I was going to post a rant on here because of the mood Im in. However Im going to restrain and Im just going to say, if you are looking for romance, steer clear of the UK Pavillion- there are a few exceptions to the rule, but generally the men there would need a dictionary to find out what the words 'decency and romance' mean.

    sad, but true.
  2. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Aww Gem hunny I'm sorry!

    Hey, you know I'll always love you! And I'm back in about a week ... hopefully living alot closer to you now. xoxo I think another girls trip to Universal is in order ... and this time I promise I won't forget my pass. Lots of Love!! Visit you soon!!!

  3. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    Yey! Maras coming back- woohooo!! I havent been to universal since we went on that trip- i need to make more use of my annual pass!! And dont worry, its not that ive personally been hurt by any of these UK guys, its just their general attitude drives me crazy!!!! :mad:

    Anyways, lots of love- see you soon, yey!!

  4. toorcam

    toorcam New Member

    Hi all!!
    I also have some kind of problem... I don't have a girlfriend right now, but there was one girl in Middle school that I loved so much and I never told her anything about the love I felt of her because I was very shy, maybe I still am, but one day she leaved school and I never saw her again. I always felt terribly because I didn't told her anything. But one month ago, we saw each other again! We are getting really good again and I want to date her and have a relationship with. I recieved an offer to participate in Mexico attractions team leaving on March. In Orlando I know I am going to find a girl, but I don't know what to do, to start dating the girl here and finish a relationship on March, or should I wait to leave to Orlando. :-\
  5. easy_15

    easy_15 New Member

    thats the classic pre-disney love shame.....
    okkk think about this, in 4 months you'll be in orlando
    do you want to spend a 4 month relation with her?
    if so.. are you willing to give up disney for her if she asks?
    she may not know about how important the IP is for you so, i recommend you to tell her BEFORE you start even thinking about dating her that you'll be leaving in 4 months....
    that way she might be aware that if she wants to start a relationship with you it is going to be for 4 months only... and if she is ok with that, then.... go for it!
    also remember that you might get some other girls over there, so if you are not loyal enough as to stay away from cheating her, i recommend you not to, because you will hurt her.
  6. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    Yay, 3 girls to every guy!!

    Anyways, my advice to everyone is to really think hard about staying in a relationship when leaving home. I have had the misfortune of doing this twice while at University and it really sucks. Especially when you end up leaving them a few weeks or months later. I found it especially hard because when I was in a relationship, I felt more closed off from all the new people I was meeting. I wasn't out spending as much time with them as I could have been, and I felt guilty if I did a little flirting with anyone because of my gf back home. You don't want to be in a situation where you're missing out on all the busy festivities, or that new interesting person because you're hung up on someone back home. Now don't get me wrong, if you really work hard, and you know it's worth it, then you can make a long distance relationship work. I would be in a long distance relationship again if the person was super extra special. But never again will I be in a long distance relationship for anyone except that *perfect* someone.

    That's my two cents, but make up your own mind. Just please think really really hard about it. You may end up saving both of you a lot of pain and anguish.
  7. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    This here is my guilty-pleasure thread, like seriously. I love lurking :D And I'm loving all the really wise advice.
  8. toorcam

    toorcam New Member

    Thats true humberto and Matt, there will be plenty of girls arround! What I know already is that I wont leave someone here, becuase I know I will hurt her if I find someone there, and I don't like cheating in a relationship at all. Thanks for your advices!
  9. Ashley

    Ashley New Member

    I have only just started a relationship in the last few months with a guy and was straight with him about Disney and said that no man would stand in the way of my dream.

    He understood and we are just going to see how things go as September is along way off and alot of things can happen before then.

    I dont know if I would like a boyfriend back home when I work for Disney as I dont think long distance relationships work(I have 2 under my belt :) )
    Ashley x
  10. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Ashley good for you girl!! My boy knew from the beginning of our relationship that I wasn't going to let him stand in my way of this fabulous opportunity ... then 4 years later I stuck to that belief. Around the time of my interview our realtionship had definately hit a rough patch and I put it out on the table that if he wasn't up for trying to fix our relatioship long distance that I would rather know before I left the country ... ending a 4 year realtionship long distance did not sound fun.

    My advice:
    - Don't let anyone stand in the way of your dreams.
    - When you're ready to leave be VERY REAL about what you are prepared to handle ... make sure you're thinking with your head .. not your love blind heart.
    - If you're leaving someone behind and you want to know if they're worth the long distance think about how much it crosses your mind ... if you find it's been a question weighing on your mind their probably not the right person ... if they're the person who's worth the work it takes for long distance the thought of breaking up with them is probably dimissed from your mind really pucik as out of the question.
    - Just be real ... live true to yourself
  11. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    You Know I stayed at tree house so the guys i pulled weren't at that complex as most of them were str8!! lol. Thats why i cant wait too go to the commons and see what this whole majority gays to str8s is all about!!!!
  12. dryice7670

    dryice7670 New Member

    Hey there,

    I was on the Program from March 05 - May 06 and let me tell you it is very easy to hook up with people. Like a previous poster said, Picture the Commons as a big Highschool dance with no parents or teachers. You can get away with pretty much anything. They say that there are no overnight guests but bf's + gf's hook up all the time. I myself met a few girls down there I also had a girlfriend from the same country......same city actually as me. I know friends who have and are still dateing people they met in other countries. Even if you forget about the whole dating thing, there are over 2000 people from 13 different countries thrown into one place. You make friends, enemies, and even some partners. The only advice I have to give is. It is only a year and leaving if you are highly attached to someone is very hard to do. I was lucky in that the person I met was from the same place but keep in mind if you live 3000 miles away or more from your significant other and you really care about that person, saying goodbye at the end isn't going to be easy.

    Anyways that is all I have to say for now.
  13. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    My girlfriend went on the college program this June just gone and after about 3 months, early september i think she came up with the bombshell that she didn't think she loved me anymore. We'd been together 3 and a half years and thought we could make it work, but the truth is that long-distance relationships won't ever work because theres always that temptation. I completely appreciate the whole 'bubble' thing and perhaps a lack of reality over there because i've seen it for myself, i just think people need to be wary of it.

    She comes back in June and she'll have to leave her new boyfriend behind her. I still love her very much, but don't hold much hope for the future. Everyone said at first that it was because she was alone etc over there, and i just think people need to be wary of being lured into something more than a friendship. The guy shes with is a security guard in the park, so theres obviously a lot of comfort in knowing someones around for you, i'm just gutted i didn't go when i considered it, but then maybe these things are for the best!

    I'm having a fantastic time in my last year of uni here in the UK and visiting her has shown me what fun the program is, so much so that i'm currently in the process of applying for the IP for next winter! Just goes to show you that these things can have a positive spin, but my final words to people going out there and already out there, just be wary of what will happen when you come home, short of marrying them the visa ain't gonna get extended,lol , and you'll be back in reality before you know it.

    Enjoy the time out there as best you can, i don't think going out there with a relationship at home is a good idea and looking back i think me and my gf should've ended it before she went but neither was strong enough to do that and its just ended up with me getting hurt now.

    Remember the people back home, you'll have to face them again at some point so again,lol, be wary of what your actions might amount to, and if your worried, break it off before you go over, its for the best. If they're to be, they're to be, you can't toy with fate. I know when my gf comes back we'll probably end up going out and hooking up for old times sakes, not something i'm hugely estatic about because it'll only be for old times sakes no doubt, but if she comes back and theres genuine feelings for the other then that would be amazing.

    Its an amazing experience and i really wish i'd done the program now, but everyone needs to take care and think about the whole world you leave behind you :)

    Essay over, hope it helps some people :)
  14. rachet

    rachet New Member

    I'm hoping that since im only going for the summer program (so for about 3 months) that my relationship will be fine. we should be able to handle 3 months of it without everything changing...
  15. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    3 months shouldn't be too bad, especially if you get a visit halfway through, they say absent makes the heart grow fonder don't they? I think i've just had a worst case scenario tbh, although the guys shes with is 32 and with 2 kids,lol, shes only 21, so it does change people i feel :)
  16. rachet

    rachet New Member

    wow, thats not the best. at least you get to go out there and have fun soon!

    i wont be getting a visit half way through, but im hoping that it wont matter. then again, 3 months can be a long time!
  17. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Well it'll be September if i go, so quite some time! I guess i'm just bitter about the experience i guess, i think a lot of people out there forget that the real world awaits them when they come back, something i'm def gonna keep in mind, a lot of people seem to forget where there from if ya get me :)
  18. tamosh

    tamosh New Member

    this is my firs post........i love to talk about love..... ;)
    well i had a long distance relationship... he left to study in Australia and i accepted it and decided to wait.... but i couldnt sit at home all alone for a year... so i applied for Disney yeeeeeeeee!!!! :D
    and then he dumped me.... :mad: buahhhhhhh :'(
    he said i was abendoning him.... :-\
    so now i recomend just [flash=200,200]FUN FUN FUN... for me and all... and if love happenes to come along...even better.....
  19. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    He went to Australlia for a year but you were abandoning him???

    Sounds sketchy!
  20. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah, weird :)

    I've decided no matter what my situation next year i'm gonna go ahead with it, like i've said, previous experience doesn't really mean much, i was engaged and theres nothing more i could've done and she still ended it with me so i know it just wasn't meant to be.

    You just gotta go out there and have fun really!

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